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Repost: War Protesters Burn US Soldier In Effigy

March 23, 2007

Note: This is a repost from earlier in the week. Not many people seemed to have seen it, so here it is again.

I am tired of hearing Democrats and war protesters say they support our troops, they just don’t support the mission. And they say support the troops by getting them out of Iraq. These people do not support the troops. At a war protest in Portland, protesters burned a US soldier in effigy, as well as an upside-down American flag.

And just in case you still say we can’t question their patriotism, the held up a banner that said FUCK THE TROOPS. This banner also had a yellow ribbon with a slash through it.

This is so despicable I can’t even put my feelings into words right now. It’s one thing to be against war, nobody want’s to be at war, but it is another to show the utter contempt and disdain for our soldiers fighting for the protester’s freedom. If it wasn’t for the soldiers these people wouldn’t be free to collect their government check while protesting, they would have to get a job like the rest of us.

These people have no respect for the fact they live in the greatest country in the world. They believe we cause all the world’s problems.

Of course there is no media coverage!

 SO,I DO QUESTION THEIR PATRIOTISM, as well as their intelligence.

I am so furious right now I can’t write any more about this.

Here are the pictures.20070318portland03.jpg


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