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Obama’s Treasury Secretary Forgot to Pay Taxes

January 13, 2009

 Here we go again, another Obama cabinet nominee wrapped up in a controversy. I will go through the list one more time.

  1.  Hillary Clinton’s appointment to Secretary of State is unconstitutional.
  2. Rahm Emanuel had 21 conversations with Blagojevich about Obama’s senate seat that was up for sale.
  3. Bill Richardson resigned his cabinet nomination in disgrace becaus he is involved in his own pay to play scheme.

 The list seems to grow every day and here is the latest controversy surrounding a Barack Obama cabinet nominee. President-elect Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, has not one, but two little problems. He forgot to pay taxes, and he hired an illegal immigrant. While I am sure Obama doesn’t have any problem with Geithner hiring an illegal alien, after all he is for amnesty for illegals, he surely must have a problem with Geithner not paying taxes. After all the one thing that we know about Obama is that he loves taxes.

 In what has to be an embarrassing turn of events for the president-elect Timothy Geithner’s confirmation hearing was put on hold.

Timothy Geithner didn’t pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund, and he employed an immigrant housekeeper who briefly lacked proper work papers.

Those issues, and a series of other tax matters, caused the postponement Tuesday of Mr. Geithner’s confirmation hearing as Treasury secretary.

 One has to wonder between Bill Richardson and Timothy Geithner if Barack Obama is properly vetting his appointments. Is he even looking into these people that he entrusting the future of our country to or is cronyism the deciding factor in his appointments?

 Barack Obama has shown a stunning lack of judgement in several of his cabinet appointments, including a man with no experience heading the CIA and also a television doctor as Surgeon General, and this is coming from a man who ran on his judgement.

 This is just the beginning.

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11 Comments leave one →
  1. Chuck Pelson permalink
    January 13, 2009 10:31 pm

    “Hillary Clinton’s appointment to Secretary of State is unconstitutional.”

    Just stop.
    You look slow-witted. The linked fluff is even worse, implying that Nixon was President during the Taft administration when the fix was first used.

    “The list seems to grow every day”

    It has to be terribly vexing to Obama worshippers that the list is like, what, 60 people long (counting one per day from when he started cabinet appointments).

    Mark my word Rahm Emanuel was trying to buy that Senate seat for himself. The tape comes out tomorrow.


    • January 14, 2009 5:48 am

      If Rahm Emanuel was trying to buy the seat for himself, does that make it any less of a crime?


  2. Wellsy permalink
    January 13, 2009 11:26 pm

    At the very least, Obama’s Cabinet picks in no way represent the “change” he promised his followers. The CIA pick is a joke and the Surgeon General pick is the punchline. Geithner as NY Fed chief watched as the bank collapse then played an integral role in the bailouts that followed. He’ll be a carbon copy of Hank Paulson. He’s not the man we need holding America’s purse strings – which is why he’ll probably get confirmed.


  3. January 14, 2009 1:06 pm

    And just to think that I actually thought I would be searching for things to write about–with every new nominee, you get another story, The “FUN” hasn’t even started yet!


  4. Deb permalink
    January 14, 2009 4:50 pm

    Yeah, “forgot”. Maybe I’ll “forget” how to get to work. So, big deal, a tax cheat taking care of money. DId you expect scruples from Obama? Now his “global warming(“scuze me, climate change) czar ” is a socialist. Here we go. And the heaing for Geitner isn’t until the day after inauguration? THis whole world sure done gone crazy!


  5. January 14, 2009 8:59 pm

    You can the following to your list which I posted on my blog today.

    * The man President-elect Barack Obama has tapped to head the agency that overseas the collection of taxes, made $42,702 worth of “honest mistakes” in past taxes owed.
    * Obama’s choice for Transportation Secretary sponsored millions in earmarks and directed taxpayer money to donors.
    * Obama’s stimulus plan currently includes a $170 billion bailout for spendthrift state and local governments.
    * Physicist Steven Chu, President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to run the Department of Energy, softened previously critical comments about coal and nuclear power, and distanced himself from earlier statements that U.S. gas taxes should be higher.
    * Quincy Jones is leading a campaign to urge Obama to create a cabinet level Arts Czar.

    And so it continues in “As Obama’s World Turns.”


  6. January 14, 2009 8:59 pm

    First line should read, “You can add the following” Sorry about that. My bad.


  7. January 14, 2009 9:36 pm

    That is some good stuff there. It amazes me that none of this is reported.


  8. January 15, 2009 3:38 am

    This is very interesting. Thanks for summarizing!


  9. January 22, 2009 12:13 pm

    Mr. Pink Eyes,
    None of this is reported because the far left liberal media decides it not to be “newsworthy”. I guess if the crimes aren’t being commited by Bush or a republican, it isn’t newsworthy.

    If Bush picked a tax cheat as Treasury Secretary, or Emanuel as Cheif of Staff, or Richardson to the cabinet, the media would’ve hounded everyone who can breath until the nominations were rescinded.

    Most of America got what they wanted, now lets see if they want what they got.


  10. January 22, 2009 12:22 pm

    You are exactly right Chris, the media is totally in the bag for Obama. I love your last line, we shall see if they want what they got.


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