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Obama Claims That Tax Cheat Timothy Geithner Made an Honest Mistake

January 14, 2009

 President-elect Obama’s choice for Treasury secretary has a couple of small problems- he had an illegal alien working for him, and he also forgot to pay $42,000 in taxes.

 While I understand that hiring an illegal alien is perfectly acceptable to Obama and all of the other politicians who are willing to sell our country down the river by granting amnesty to illegal aliens, I do find it strange that the man who claimed that the rich don’t pay their fair share has no problem with Geithner not paying his fair share.

 And wasn’t it vice-president-elect Biden who claimed that paying taxes was patriotic? Doesn’t he have a problem with the unpatriotic Geithner not living up to his patriotic duty? Probably not, it was an honest mistake.

 The tax evasion of  Timothy Geithner doesn’t seem to be a deal breaker to the senate. It sounds like the Democrats in the senate are going to follow the talking points that Obama handed them and it seems that Republicans are afraid to be branded obstructionists so they will whore themselves out to Obama’s nominee and overlook the fact that this man owed taxes up until he was nominated for Treasury secretary. This is truly disappointing. The culture of corruption lives and the Republicans don’t have the balls to say anything about it. If the situation were reversed would the Democrats afford the same luxury to the Republicans? We know the answer to that, don’t we?

 As Treasury secretary Geithner will have authority over the IRS and we are supposed to believe that Geithner not paying taxes is no big deal?

 For a moment let’s just pretend that the initial infraction was an honest mistake and that Geithner didn’t realize that being self employed meant that he had to pay his own taxes. It’s a stretch, but let’s try.

 In 2006 the IRS notifies Geithner of his honest mistake and he pays the IRS HALF of the money he owes them.

He paid some of the taxes in 2006, after an IRS audit discovered the discrepancy for taxes paid in 2003 and 2004

 But he didn’t pay the rest of the money that he owed the IRS until he was about to become Obama’s Treasury secretary and then he decided it would be politically correct for him to do so. That is no mistake any longer. Once informed of the money that he owed the IRS he refused to pay all of it. That sounds like tax evasion to me, not an honest mistake any longer.

 But was it ever an honest mistake in the first place. He claims he didn’t realize that while working for the  International Monetary Fund as an outside contractor that he had to pay his own taxes, but is that the case?

But the Finance Committee, in 30 pages of documents released on Tuesday, noted that the IMF issues several clear guidelines each year for its employees detailing their responsibility to pay all their self-employment taxes, and that Geithner had signed annual statements saying that he would do so.

 He signed papers promising to pay his own taxes and he didn’t pay. This was not an honest mistake, this was tax fraud and now he is going to have authority over the IRS. What a country. This is a middle finger directed at me and you, this is a middle finger directed at the American taxpayer. This man should have ended up in jail and now he is being rewarded.

 I suppose he will fit right in, after all the man who writes the tax laws, Charlie Rangel, is also a tax cheat.

 This is the change that we can believe in?

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9 Comments leave one →
  1. January 14, 2009 9:02 pm

    Isn’t the actor from Blade …uh…Wesley Snipes (sic), in jail for doing the exact same thing?


  2. January 14, 2009 9:25 pm

    Your gonna love this Mr. Pink Eyes. From Michelle Malkin –

    “A former IMF employee e-mailed me yesterday when news of Obama Treasury Secretary nominee Tim Geithner’s tax troubles came to light.

    He wrote:

    [H]aving worked at the World Bank/IMF I can tell you that as an American working there, they REIMBURSE you for the self-employment taxes! The idea is that American’s get paid “on par” with all the foreigners i.e. NO taxes are withheld. The compromise is that American’s pay the “self-employment” tax but you get a CHECK from the Bank/IMF to pay them with. When I worked there in the mid-70s the reimbursement was one-half of the total self-employment tax. So I think the standard rate was about 6% and normal self-employment was twice that. The reimbursement was about 9% and you filed a special form with the IRS as a US citizen working for an international organization. The bank gave you the check for the 9% at the end of the year. You did not owe anything above the 9%. I can’t remember all that well but I believe you also got a 1099 for the reimbursement. If you know anybody that works there or the UN or the OAS they can tell you how it works now.

    Well, guess what? My reader’s story checks out. And now it has come to light that Geithner did in fact get reimbursements for taxes he didn’t pay.”

    Not only didn’t Geithner NOT pay the taxes, he was reimbursed for the taxes he should have paid! Holy Cow is this guy stupid!


  3. January 14, 2009 9:38 pm

    Thanks for that Michelle Malkin story, now I am going to have to write another post about this fraud.


  4. Deb permalink
    January 15, 2009 8:00 am

    Mistake, yes, honest? ahem…. THere sure is a lot of teflon being spread around the Obama admin.. *sigh* I’m sure he (and the media) will just say that it is attacks from the right, or the McCain camp, or people like Ann Coulter and Rush. And did you see the look of consternation on Geithner’s face? Holy cow! This guy is stupid. Literally.


  5. whiteamericanpatriot permalink
    January 15, 2009 9:02 am

    So the man who is going to be in charge of the IRS and, as I understand it, the US Treasury, doesn’t understand the tax code well enough to file his taxes? That’s right up there with the appointee as head of the CIA.
    Is he really that stupid or just trying to get out of trouble?


  6. January 15, 2009 9:15 am

    I went and did further reading and this was deliberate. He was required to sign documentation every year that stated he was being reimbursed annually for the taxes he had to pay and then turned around and didn’t pay the taxes or paid only part of them.

    The fact he paid some taxes indicates to me that he understood he had to pay the taxes. This is another example of the elitist in our country trying to live by their rules and not the rules that govern our great country.


  7. January 15, 2009 12:54 pm

    Yet Harry Reid reffered to this as a “Hiccup” and He was not concerned about it. Wonder what would happen if I informed the IRS that I had the Hiccups, but do not worry–I’ll get around to paying!


  8. January 15, 2009 4:33 pm

    Honesty is an arbitrary thing among most politicians. I mean, didn’t the guy who selected Geithner claim he would not run for president in 2008 and finish his term as senator?



  1. Timothy Geithner Was Reimbursed For the Taxes He Refused to Pay « America’s Watchtower

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