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Timothy Geithner Was Reimbursed For the Taxes He Refused to Pay

January 15, 2009

Every day we learn a little bit more about Timothy Geithner’s tax fraud. Yesterday president-elect Obama tried to claim that it was an honest mistake, but that is a lie. Geithner signed a paper every year that reminded him he had to pay taxes. And he still forgot? RRRIIIGGT! This was no mistake, it was deliberate tax fraud.

 But today it gets better still as we learn in this story about some other paperwork that Geithner also signed-reimbursement papers.

 It seems the company that Geithner worked for was reimbursing Geithner for the taxes he wasn’t paying. Funny how he remembered to file for reimbursement yet forgot to pay the taxes, huh?

 This man was trying to pull a fast one on the organisation that he will now be in charge of, the IRS. This was no honest mistake, this was tax fraud. There is no way in hell that Geithner signed the papers acknowledging that he was responsible for paying his own taxes and then also signed papers to be reimbursed for those same taxes and then forgot that he had to pay those taxes. This was deliberate tax fraud.

 President-elect Obama is in spin control mode and he has all too willing accomplices in the senate who are trying to downplay this scandal for fear of Obama starting out his presidency with such an embarrassment. Barack Obama’s continued support for such a criminal shows us the true character of the soon to be president.

 Timothy Geithner is a tax fraud and a cheat and has no business being rewarded after committing a crime in which the average American would have lost their house, business, livelihood , and/or freedom.

 Barack Obama is showing us by defending this criminal that there is still a divide between the haves and the have nots in this country, the only change that we can believe in is that who the haves are has changed.

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6 Comments leave one →
  1. January 15, 2009 10:12 pm

    It is interesting that “crime” pays – literally – in the Obama presidency!


  2. Deb permalink
    January 16, 2009 5:33 pm

    spin control! I bet Obama’s press secretary will feel like the royal food taster to an unpopular, despotic king.Maybe Bernie Madoff can get him/her a deal on a bulletproof vest!!!


  3. January 16, 2009 10:03 pm

    Dominique, is there anyone that Obama has ties to that isn’t crooked?

    Deb, LOL. I think his press secretary is going to have his/her hands full. How will they ever know which position Obama has on any given day?


  4. January 16, 2009 10:53 pm

    Not that I know of (except maybe his daughters) and I just added a new one to our growing list, although he isn’t crooked he is just really bizarre.

    I posted on it tonight. Here is the url



  1. Eric Holder Says Pardons for FALN Terrorists Were Reasonable « America’s Watchtower
  2. Editorial Satire | Timothy Geithner Tax Cheat American Hero | Political Humor by Radioactive Liberty

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