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Where Does Barack Obama Stand on the Second Amendment Part 3

January 15, 2009

no-guns-729109 While surfing the internet this morning I came across this article on Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog that I found interesting. And disturbing. Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat, is proposing new federal firearms licencing laws.

Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner’s address in America.

 This bill would make owning a handgun or semi-automatic weapon illegal unless a special federal license is issued. In order to qualify for the federal licence the following will be required:

an application must be made that includes a photo, address, all previous aliases, thumb print, completion of a written firearm safety test, release of mental health records to the attorney general and a fee not to exceed $25.

 Using the right to privacy argument a woman can kill an unborn baby, yet in order to practice an actual right guaranteed in the constitution I would have to give up that same right to privacy. Including doctor/patient privilege.

 So where does the president-elect stand on the bill that was introduced by a Rep. from his own state? We don’t know for sure, but here is a clue:

H.R. 45 is a resurfacing of 2007’s H.R. 2666, which contained much of the same language and was co-sponsored by 15 other representatives and Barack Obama’s current chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel.

 Rahm Emanuel co-sponsored basically the same bill in 2007. One has to believe that Barack Obama shares the same opinions as his chief of staff on most if not all issues. Therefor it is not a stretch to imagine that if this bill ever made it to his desk President Obama would sign it.

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3 Comments leave one →
  1. January 15, 2009 10:15 pm

    How can the government on one hand go to the extreme in patient confidentiality and then on the other hand ask for our mental records when we apply for a gun?

    How is that logic?


  2. Deb permalink
    January 16, 2009 5:39 pm

    Mental health records? ADDRESSES????? WTF? This is a very bad meaning to the phrase “gun control”. Talk about nanny state. HOLY COW!!!!! I don’t have any brothers, and I don’t want one either, big or not.


  3. January 16, 2009 9:58 pm

    But you do have a gun toting brother-in-law. At least for now.


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