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Federal government orders Louisiana to stop sand berm dredging

June 23, 2010

  Louisiana has been dredging and creating berms designed to both protect the coastline and help stop the oil from the BP oil spill from washing ashore. Today the federal government has ordered Louisiana to stop the dredging because of concerns raised by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department about where the dredging is taking place.

  Apparently they feel as if the dredging is taking place in sensitive areas and feel the dredging could hurt the environment of those areas. They also apparently are missing the fact that thousands of gallons of oil are washing up on shore and killing fish and wildlife in the Gulf. It would seem to me that the thousands of gallons of oil washing up on the shore pose a higher risk of environmental damage than does taking sand from a sensitive area.

  Louisiana is not very happy about this and Billy Nungesser– president of the Plaquemines Parish has sent a letter to Barack Obama begging him to let the dredging continue. He had some harsh words to say about the federal government which seems to be doing all that it can to hinder the efforts of the Gulf states to minimize the damage done by the leaking oil well:

Once again, our government resource agencies, which are intended to protect us, are now leaving us vulnerable to the destruction of our coastline and marshes by the impending oil,” Nungesser wrote to Obama. “Furthermore, with the threat of hurricanes or tropical storms, we are being put at an increased risk for devastation to our area from the intrusion of oil

  For some unknown reason the Fish and Wildlife Department don’t see this crisis as being important enough to allow Louisiana to take the necessary steps in order to protect their coastline.

  Between this and the fact that Barack Obama refuses to override the Jones act to allow foreign countries to help clean up this spill because he is more interested in protecting the unions, one has to wonder if letting the oil spill become as disastrous as possible is part of Barack Obama’s plan to pass cap and trade legislation. It is becoming more and more obvious that this regime has its priorities misplaced. On top of ignoring this crisis for so long the federal government is prohibiting Louisiana from taking the necessary steps in order to minimize the size of the crisis.

  This regime is not working for the best interests of Louisiana and it is not working in the best interests of the country; this regime is working in the best interests of the regime alone, and I find it deplorable that they are making it harder for Louisiana to cope with an already devastating disaster.

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12 Comments leave one →
  1. June 23, 2010 9:21 pm

    I think this is a perfect example of how the religion of environmentalism has moved to sit on God’s throne! Everything comes second to the environmental religion. Everything.


    • June 23, 2010 10:07 pm

      It is sad to see the way Barack Obama is using this for political reasons instead of trying to do something to help the situation down there.


  2. June 23, 2010 10:20 pm

    This is, by far, the greatest set of acts of intentional negligence that I have ever seen.


    • June 23, 2010 10:25 pm

      I would agree with you 100%. It is now becoming apparent that this is being done on purpose and Barack Obama needs to be held accountable.


      • June 23, 2010 10:54 pm

        So, having determined this is not incompetence but purposeful, can we not charge him and his administration with dereliction of duty, crime against humanity, treason, anything? How can this administration continue doing this and NO ONE (on the republican side or anywhere else) does anything?

        You know. I think I’m going to write Coburn and Inhofe and ask them to do something.

        This is just…insane!


  3. June 23, 2010 10:56 pm

    You know, the more I think about that, maybe THAT is what WE can do. A letter writing campaign to our representatives asking them to bring charges for this completely purposeful and destructive act. The judge ruled against this administration, so maybe our elected officials will get the ball going if we keep asking them to.


    • June 24, 2010 9:48 pm

      It certainly seems more and more likely that this is purposeful, it is the only explanation for his willfull inaction that I can come up with. The problem is that no elected official is going to go on record as believing that Obama wants this oil spill to be damaging without any proof.


  4. LD Jackson permalink
    June 24, 2010 5:30 am

    I don’t understand their thinking on this at all. Personally, I think the federal government needs to get out of the way and let the locals take care of the problem. That seems to have been the problem all along.


    • June 24, 2010 10:43 pm

      I know how crazy it sounds, but this regime is acting as if they want the spill to be as bad as possible so they can push cap and trade. I can come to no other conclusion as to why the government is putting up obsticles to the recovery effort.


      • Deb permalink
        June 26, 2010 8:04 pm

        I believe this, too– and I’ve heard that while Obama gives good speeches, Jindal is a man of action. Hmmmm… who is better suited to handle this situation? Talking in front of a camera with a telepropmpter can be rehearsed. Having integrity cannot.


  5. June 26, 2010 12:49 pm

    Would a catastrophic oil spill help this administration usher in the North American Union (NAU) or some such world government? I wonder…



  1. The federal government will not issue permits for Bobby Jindal’s latest plan to stop the oil « America's Watchtower

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