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Open thread for Sunday, November 18th: Everyday is Like Sunday edition

November 18, 2012

  Here is the open thread for Sunday, November 18th; please feel free to leave links to interesting articles as well as to discuss whatever issues may arise during the day. Nothing is off-topic here.

  Now that the election is over, and partially due to a slowing response to the open threads, I have decided to cut down the open threads to one per week. I will be posting the open threads on Sunday for the time being, but who knows, they may pick back up again and if they do I will be more than happy to go back to two per week.

  For today’s musical selection I chose Morrissey’s song entitled ‘Everyday is Like Sunday’ because, well, it is Sunday. Morrissey was the frontman for the ’80’s band ‘The Smiths’ until they broke up in 1987, shortly after I discovered them.

  This was I believe the second single Morrissey released as a solo artist if I am not mistaken, ‘Suedehead’ being the first, and it was probably his biggest solo hit.

  In this song Morrissey laments what he sees as the loss of the British seaside due to the influx of tourism and the commercialization of the area compared to the way he remembers it growing up. Today we are lamenting the loss of the America we knew growing up as the statists continue to gain control over the country and influence with the people with the intent of fundamentally changing the United States of America.

15 Comments leave one →
  1. Georgia Peach permalink
    November 18, 2012 12:12 pm

    Jackson may leave EPA

    Jackson may leave EPA


    • November 18, 2012 9:06 pm

      That would be good news but we know Obama will replace her with somebody just as radical as she is if not more so.


  2. lou222 permalink
    November 18, 2012 2:48 pm

    Is it just me or is anyone else a little more bummed (subdued) for the holidays? I am just NOT in the spirit and wondered if that was a general consensus???? I kind of have that “don’t care this year” thing going on!


    • cmblake6 permalink
      November 18, 2012 6:09 pm

      Yeah, it does seem a bit bummed, doesn’t it?


    • November 18, 2012 9:07 pm

      I am kind of in the same boat, although I don’t usually catch the spirit this early anyway.


    • Georgia Peach permalink
      November 18, 2012 10:55 pm

      Most definitely, I have been bummed since the election and had to step back for a while to allow my brain to absorb what happened. Now that I am over the shock I am trying once more to find out what is going on. I have always been out of sorts during the holidays but this year is bad. At least it is the one time of the year that I get to see most of my family together in one place.


  3. bunkerville permalink
    November 19, 2012 10:14 am

    Yea, I am bummed. I had to take early retirement because of this……… I want o be nice today.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 19, 2012 10:33 am

      B, this election is taking its toll on all of us, it seems. I just read in my ILLINOIS paper that our Gov. Quinn, is accepting the Obamacare with open arms….I hope the Republican Governors fight it. I might have to move to another state…I very much dislike this administration and the people that voted it back in. Bummed must be the general consensus, then.


      • bunkerville permalink
        November 19, 2012 10:35 am

        I have this sinking feeling that many of us don’t think we are going get through this.


      • lou222 permalink
        November 19, 2012 11:56 am

        I have a feeling that most of us here are 40-50-60ish and that gives you a whole different outlook than younger people. We knew what was coming with this mess of a healthcare bill, but when you are young, you don’t see the mortality issue as much. It will affect them at some point, but it will be implemented by then, I am afraid. Then you have the “takers” and they don’t care as long as they get what they were promised.


  4. November 19, 2012 8:27 pm

    After reading the last few comments I have decided I have to be honest with my readers here, so here goes.
    After the election I decided it was time to rally the troops who were thinking about giving up, but now I have realized that I am also losing the urge to fight. Even as I write posts I find myself asking myself why I am bothering at this point because it seems hopeless. I used to write thinking I could make a small difference but now I find myself questioning the point of it all, the fight is disappearing and is being replaced with a sense of inevitability of things to come that I just can’t shake. Part of me now feels as if we should just give Obama everything he wants because perhaps the total collapse of the economy is what it is going to take for people to wake up but I know in my heart that is the wrong approach.
    Don’t worry, I will never give up the fight because I believe in the cause, I just question now if it is all worth it anymore. I keep asking myself if I am fighting a losing battle and wondering if the fight is already lost and I am just the last one to realize it.
    I apologize for being such a downer and pledge to keep fighting to the bitter end, whenever that might be. I am just to stubborn to approach it any other way.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 20, 2012 11:11 am

      It appears we are all stubborn, but we have to be honest, as well. I think we will come out of it, but damn, it was a kick in the butt to have this happen, I had such high hopes for American. I guess that others had different plans and they were more devious than our side was. We WILL keep at it, I don’t doubt that, but we have to get that second wind going. I have my grandbaby here for a few days, so LIFE IS GOOD and worth living. I see his little face and I know I will do anything in my power to try and make his future life as good as mine has been. So, this is what I live for at this point, for those future generations that do NOT deserve what is being dealt to them. They are innocents that do not know how wicked people can be, but WE do.


      • November 20, 2012 8:22 pm

        Yeah, we’ll pull through this but some days are going to be tougher than others. When I get real down I remember that I am doing this so my boys can enjoy the America I remember and that always keeps me motivated. have fun with the little one, pretty soon you will have two!


  5. lou222 permalink
    November 20, 2012 5:37 pm

    Found this little article over at :
    The White House announced the federal government will spend $6 billion over four years for a “sustainable energy future” plan with Asian countries that involves loaning tax dollars to other countries to increase their purchasing power for U.S. technology, services and equipment.
    My question is….WHO are we going to BORROW the money from to GIVE it to them? What about OUR “sustainable energy future”? Guess heis playing “big shot” over in those foreign countries, wish he would just stay there.


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