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The House votes to replace Obamacare

May 4, 2017

   paul-ryanPaul Ryan managed to stave off another embarrassing loss when the House voted to replace Obamacare. Giddy Republicans joined the President to celebrate but I have to ask, what was actually accomplished today? This is one of dozens repeal bill to pass the House over the years and we all know how those bills turned out. The optimists will say yeah but now we have a Republican Senate and a Republican President so this time it will be different. 

  I predict, and I am not going out on a limb here, that this is going to suffer the same fate as all the other repeal bills. The Republicans only have 52 Senators and they are not all on board with this bill, they will be won over, along with 8 Democrats, which means changes will have to be made.

  Rand Paul is one who will need to be converted and he has said it is “deplorable” that this is “the first time that Republicans have affirmatively put their stamp of approval on a program where federal money, taxpayer money, is paid to insurance companies.” It does not sound like he will settle for anything less than full repeal. (Which by the way is what was promised.)

  Even if by some miracle the Republicans unite on this they will still be 8 votes short and does anyone really believe any changes can be made which will get Democrats to turn on Barack Obama’s legacy? I don’t…

  This is just the latest in a long line of show votes on this issue designed to show the base they tried but they could not get it done and of course they will use it as a campaign issue, telling the voters we need to send even more Republicans to Washington. I am tired of this charade!

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

7 Comments leave one →
  1. May 4, 2017 11:39 pm

    From the ever helpful Minority Leader Sen Chuck “the reality is TrumpCare cannot pass the Senate.”

    “The amendment to allow states to drop pre-existing condition requirements, for instance, very possibly violates the Byrd rule.

    I think America is addicted to crony capitalism and health care can’t be fixed.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. May 5, 2017 12:26 am

    One thing that has caught my attention is that the Republicans are doing a victory lap before the Senate even considers it. Lots of legislation has gone to that place and not survived the process.

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  3. Brittius permalink
    May 5, 2017 4:05 am

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