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Democrat Nina Turner: ‘everyday Americans are being left behind because it’s Russia, Russia, Russia’

May 28, 2017

  Ohio Democratic State Senator Nina Turner appeared on State of the Union today and, according to this story, when she was asked about the report that Jared Kushner attempted to set up back channel communications with Russia she said “no one in Ohio is asking about Russia” because they have other concerns about their lives which are more important to them.

  She went on to say:

“No one in Ohio is asking about Russia. I mean, we have to deal with to deal with this. It’s all on the minds of the American people. But people in Ohio. they want to know about jobs, their children. I was just in California where California folks, especially the national nurses, pushing for healthy California, single payer, Medicare for all kinds of things. I talked to a Boomer, a Baby Boomer who is an African-American Baby Boomer who lives here in D.C., Russia is not in his top five. He believes that both parties are failing.”

   Of course it could be that the reason she is not being asked about the Russia scandal by her constituents is because she is a State Senator and she as such she has nothing to do with the investigation, which leads one to wonder why CNN had her on to talk about the scandal in the first place…

  She went on to say that while the investigation is important the Congress has become preoccupied with it and the American people are being left behind. Here is more:

We are preoccupied with this. It’s not that it’s not important, but everyday Americans are being left behind because it’s Russia, Russia, Russia. Do we need 535 members of the Congress to deal with Russia? Can some deal with some domestic issues?”

  I happen to agree with her: we need to get to the bottom of the scandal, especially if Jared Kushner did indeed try to set up a back channel for communications with Russia, however now that a special prosecutor has been named it is time for the Congress to back down from this, let the investigation take its course, and get back to working for the American people. This Congress has done nothing for the American people to date.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

10 Comments leave one →
  1. May 28, 2017 9:37 pm

    As to why the media used her my guess was she is black. Which she is and a vocal BS supporter. The media needs and uses stereotypes to convey their propaganda.

    What is interesting is Robert Muller, and Jared Kushner have something in common. They are associated with the law firm Wilmer Hale. Muller as attorney and Kushner as client

    Liked by 2 people

    • May 29, 2017 6:19 am

      That is an interesting connection, I am surprised we haven’t heard more about this.


    • May 29, 2017 11:26 am

      Good point. Shows the ‘social conditioning’ of races ~ via the so-called neutral. Liars come in all shades and colors.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Brittius permalink
    May 29, 2017 4:00 am

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  3. May 29, 2017 1:29 pm

    I agree with her, the loony ‘left’ should be left behind. She didn’t ‘say’ that, but I’m sure subconsciously that’s what she means!
    Did the Benghazi hearings ever conclude …? I bet she wasn’t on C.N.N. about that. Only what’s convenient and what profits her (…oh, but what about the children … as the abortion rate for Blacks (too insignificant to matter) is up there! ‘483 abortions for every 1,000 live births’ ~ genocide.)
    Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back “I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades. …Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.”
    That ‘do onto other as you’d have them do onto you’ is coming back on them and Turner will have to learn to ‘turn the other cheek’ 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • May 29, 2017 6:43 pm

      There certainly is a major double standard in the way the media is covering this and how they covered the IRS, Benghazi, gunrunner, etc.. We have come to expect it but that does not mean we have to accept it! I think she was also hinting that it was time for the alt-left to calm down.

      Liked by 1 person

    • May 29, 2017 6:44 pm

      Apparently Turner is still in the OT mode and not the NT mode. 😉

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