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The FBI lost notes on a 2015 meeting with Hillary Clinton

May 5, 2019

  You might remember the computer and phone problems that seemed to plague the Federal government several years ago. The IRS had computer issues during the heat of the targeting scandal, and Hillary Clinton and her minions had her computer accidentally wiped clean and her phones smashed with hammers at one point during the email scandal and investigation.

  Well it seems as if these were not the only ones to have issues with technology during the Obama administration because we are learning according to this story the FBI lost notes on a meeting with Hillary Clinton back in 2015 over the email scandal because a CD was cracked.

The FBI ‘lost notes’ from an August 2015 meeting with the Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to new FBI docs released Friday.

According to the newly released FBI docs related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, Special Agents (SAs) have been gathering and copying materials in response to FOIA and stumbled across some ‘missing notes.’

A February 2019 email from a Special Agent reveals that a CD containing material and notes from an August 2015 meeting with the ICIG was damaged, therefore the information is considered “missing.”

“On or about February 6, 2019, SAs [redacted] opened [redacted] CYBER-1A27, which contained a CD with a crack on it (a damaged CD). SA attempted to copy the damaged CD at the WFO [Washington Field Office] Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) self-service area, but was not able to do so.” the email read.

Since the CD was cracked, FBI IT specialists indicated it was unlikely the CD could be copied.

The notes from this meeting are also missing.

  So the FBI would have us believe there was only one copy of the CD and the notes are also missing so the information is conveniently gone forever. And of course there is no file on the computer used to created the CD which would contain the information.

 But there were no scandals during Barack Obama’s time as President so I guess this has to be chalked up to–using the new terminology of the FBI–extreme carelessness, because of course it could not possibly be gross negligence.

  Or was it something else like say, oh I don’t know, the willful destruction of evidence?

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

7 Comments leave one →
  1. May 5, 2019 3:36 pm

    Ya sure … why “only” problems when asked for the Truth & honesty? and being held “accountable?”
    🐍 & 👺 at work
    And to that “mindset” there’s this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MaddMedic permalink
    May 5, 2019 7:45 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word… and commented:
    They probably did not want to end up like Vince Foster…..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. May 7, 2019 4:57 pm

    It’s funny what things are called depending on what side you’re on, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

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