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Hugo Chavez Teases Bush About the Nationalization of American Banks

October 16, 2008

 Yet another post on the socialization of the American economy from me, I’m sorry but when you read a story like this one it is just too hard to ignore. Some people may feel as though I went off the deep end with my criticism of President Bush when I said the following in this post:

The president made it his staple to protect America after 9/11 and he did, but he has done almost as much to undermine America and her form of government in the last two months as he did to protect her the last eight years. While he has protected us from enemies abroad, he has sold us out to the enemies of free market, capitalism from within. The result of this is the rise of Barack Obama, under whom the socialization of America will only be expedited.

 Some people may consider that to be fear mongering or conspiratorial, but I do not think so. Some may also think that I am over-reacting, but that is not the case. And I am not alone in my thinking. Somebody who knows a little bit about socialism also agrees with me. Someone who knows a little bit about nationalizing a once private industry, such as television and oil companies, agrees with me. That man would bu Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez has recently made some statements chiding President Bush for finally realizing that socialism is the government of the future.

 Believe me I feel dirty just writing that Hugo Chavez agrees with me on anything, and I will probably take a bath tonight when I am done posting this, but this man has reiterated what I have been saying.

 This “rescue” plan is nothing but a government takeover and it stinks to high heaven. I can not stomach it, I can not stand it, and I will not accept it. I have been let down by the man that I put so much faith into.

Socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez mocked George W. Bush as a “comrade” on Wednesday, saying the U.S. president was a hard-line leftist for his government’s intervention of major private banks in the U.S. financial crisis.

Chavez, who calls capitalism an evil and ex-Cuban leader Fidel Castro his mentor, ridiculed Bush for his plan for the federal government to take equity in American banks despite the U.S. right-wing’s criticism of Venezuelan nationalizations.
  The United States has done what the president has condemned Hugo Chavez for doing. And we have done it with the okay of the president. We have nationalized a once private industry and do you really think that the government will ever give up the new power that they stole from the American people? I hardly think so.

 Chavez continued:

“Bush is to the left of me now,” Chavez told an audience of international intellectuals debating the benefits of socialism. “Comrade Bush announced he will buy shares in private banks.”

 I understand that Chavez is using hyperbole with that last statement and can’t be taken serious, but really is he that far off? The part that really bothers me the most about the government takeovers that we have seen is that I fear it is only the beginning.

 We all know that Barack Obama is a socialist and the now famous quote to Joe the plumber about “spreading the wealth around” just proves it to those few remaining lost souls out there who don’t believe that Obama is a socialist. The main problem isn’t with the lost souls who don’t realize he is a socialist, but with the fact that it either doesn’t matter to those Obama supporters who realize it, or at heart all his supporters, and Democrats in general are socialists.

 Barack Obama is going to advance a radical left, socialistic agenda and there is nothing that we can do to stop it, especially if he has a 60 vote majority in the senate. I can see this all falling into place and I am extremely disappointed that in the last few remaining days that he has in office President Bush has sold our economy and our banking system into socialism thus walking us further down the path that Barack Obama will lead us. The nationalizing of health-care will be next, and the oil companies may follow. I laughed when Maxine Waters proposed nationalizing the oil companies earlier this year, but it seems plausible now.

 As I have written about many times before, Barack Obama is going to go after free speech with the re-instituting of the fairness doctrine and his campaign has already shown a willingness to shut up opposing viewpoints with his truth squads in Missouri, he has threatened television stations with pulling their FCC licences if he disagrees with what they say about him, and the feds are investigating a sheriff for daring to use Obama’s middle name. All of this before he has gained the presidency, what will he be capable of doing once he is president? Where will his Stalinist ideas stop?

 President Bush’s seizing of the banks and of the economy leads to the natural progression of Barack Obama’s socialistic view of “spreading the wealth around”, the stage has been set, and the next actor in the play is Barack Obama. I think we all know what will happen in the final act.

 Hugo Chavez sees the direction that the United States is headed in and he is laughing and joking. I am not.

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. omgdidisaythat permalink
    October 16, 2008 7:55 pm

    Hugo Chavez is a funny guy.. the guy is probably incontinent now from laughing so much .


  2. Mobius permalink
    October 16, 2008 10:07 pm

    “The president made it his staple to protect America after 9/11 and he did,”

    Sorry, I can’t agree with that. If anyone wanted to attack the USA again, they would have – and the freedoms you lost because of Bush did NOTHING to improve your safety, and everything to improve the power held by the government over the people.

    You don’t deserve the freedoms you have left, because you never protected them in the first place. Bush’s best approach was to do nothing except kill Bin Laden and his gang. I mean NOTHING.

    But of course, it was just an excuse to screw Amerika (with a “k”) and pass the profits to his buddies.

    Nationalizing things is a great idea; health would be a damn good start. Banks are a bad idea. And his “rescue package” simply will not do what they want it to.

    In fact, Obama won’t have everything his own way, and you overstate his socialistic tendencies.

    You need to understand that a free market CAN operate when the government controls health care, and you CAN operate a free market when the government controls production of electricity. In fact, it ends up cheaper – as every single country which has (foolishly) privatized health care and electricity knows only too well.

    It is clear to me that America will be much better off under Obama, and the rest of the world also. I believe you are out of touch with the truth in these matters.


  3. omgdidisaythat permalink
    October 17, 2008 5:08 am

    It is clear to me that America will be much better off under Obama, and the rest of the world also —

    I think most of the world does not see it that way. I certianly think they are both full of shit and America is screwed either way.



  1. RNC to Draft a Resolution Calling President Bush a Socialist « America’s Watchtower

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