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Energy Companies Make Plans to Move to Switzerland to Avoid Obama’s Taxes

March 13, 2009

When a president talks about taxing the rich and taxing businesses there is a price to be paid and this is an example of what begins to happen when you go too far. Oil and energy companies are beginning to make plans to move….. to Switzerland, and the reason is they want to avoid President Obama’s assault on their companies.

“One trend that we see is that particularly Bermuda-based companies are now moving to Switzerland,” said Martin Frey, a partner at law company Baker & McKenzie. “That may only partly be obviously for tax reasons, but also for security reasons and the fact that the Obama administration may go after them.”

  President Obama’s tax and spend, cap and trade policies are going to help the economy after all. The only problem is that his policies are going to help the Swiss economy.

  Remember during the campaign when Barack Obama said that he would bankrupt the coal industry? I do, and here is the link. Comments like that have real consequences and it appears as though some energy companies haven’t forgotten what he said.

  This isn’t sitting well with the United States or with the EU (of which Switzerland in not a member) who want Switzerland to end it’s tax policies which invite the businesses to the country in the first place.

  I have a better suggestion: stop taxing these companies to the point where they have to look at leaving the country. Just a thought…..

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9 Comments leave one →
  1. Martino Cuevas permalink
    March 13, 2009 6:00 am

    It seems these companies weren’t in the US to start with. Did you know Bermuda is a territory of Britain? Did you know that moving to Switzerland will not change the amount of taxes paid to the US?


  2. Kevin permalink
    March 13, 2009 6:22 am

    You are talking about companies that primarily do business in the US but are set up in Bermuda as a tax dodge. They want all the benefits of being a US business with none of the costs. I don’t see that as any different than welfare fraud. They don’t want to pay into the system but they want to be able to take from it.


  3. March 13, 2009 1:30 pm

    Let’s say f0r argument that a company pays no taxes. If they set up shop inside the U.S., wouldn’t that be a benefit to the economy, even without the taxes? Not only that, I don’t think most companies would have a problem with taxes if they were reasonable. After all, that is something that just gets passed on to consumers anyway. Does Obama get that the more job creating companies in the house the better?


    • March 13, 2009 7:55 pm

      You hit on the key word: reasonable. Obama’s tax increases will not be reasonable. You are right, the cost increases will just be passed on to the consumers, plus the companies hire less employees when the profit margin is smaller. It seems to me that the taxes the government loses by lowering taxes on employers would in part be made up by the taxes paid by the additional employees. Plus the fact that more people could be employed if the costs (read taxes) were lower would help the economy.


  4. March 13, 2009 6:49 pm

    Obama thinks everyone is as stupid as the people that voted for him.

    He thinks Alinsky and his Marxist professor mentors had it all figured-out, and now he’s going to lay their grand hi-tax, anti-market schemes on us. Trouble is, there’s a reason his idols drove an AMC Hornet and and hate successful people… they don’t get how the system works, at all.

    Especially about how you can’t force players or markets to do as you wish simply because you now have political power. He also wants the state to be your mother and father. The one you come to for money, ask permission when you want to think or speak, and who handles all your finances for you since you can’t be trusted.


    • March 13, 2009 7:56 pm

      Obama needs to remember that only 52% of the people voted for him in a time where the deck was stacked against the Republicans and the Republicans nominated a weaker candidate than the Dems did in 2004. He doesn’t have a lot of wiggle room here.


      • Robert permalink
        July 22, 2009 5:48 pm

        And what perchentage voted for W the first time?


  5. March 14, 2009 8:00 am

    That hasn’t stopped McCain from going after the coal on the Navajo Reservation. He’s trying to take the “Bennett Freeze” amendant off the books in Congress,so he can force the relocation of the Navajo people, AGAIN! He has already forced 12,000 of them and relocated them in the radioactive contaminated aftermath of his partners in crime, the Peabody mining company, who are operating 24/7. They have bulldozed ancient sites, burial grounds,homes that are decades old. The dust that has been created is filling the Grand Canyon so that it is effecting visablity for the tourist industry. They are violating eco laws with all the mess that they have created. McCain is in a hurry all of the sudden, is it because Obama is gonna stick it to the coal industry? or is it they are running out of coal to mine and they need these poor people relocated to get at the remaining coal the area has to offer? Somethings made them to suddenly get the move on.
    Or is Obama in on this too? I wonder where the Peabody Mining Company(the largest mining company in the US) is based out of, I’m sure it’s overseas. And I don’t trust McCain and his wife either.I wonder where they moved their many millions also. Thats my rant on the subject for some time now.



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