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Obama’s Poll Numbers are Lower Than Bush’s Were After 50 Days

March 13, 2009

  One of the things that I have noticed, and this article goes into it, is the way that the media reports on certain polls that come out about the president. For example, when leading economists give the president a failing grade on his economic efforts and it is reported on the media always seems to mention that this is in contrast to the people’s high approval rating of the president. See here. I have seen this several times as I scour the internet, but is it true that the presidents ratings are very high?

  Yes he still enjoys an average 60% approval rating, with Rasmussen having him at 56%,  but it has fallen drastically in the seven short weeks that he has been president. His approval rating after 50 days in office is about average historically and it is actually below President Bush’s approval rating after 50 days. This is significant considering the manner in which President Bush came into office after one of the closest elections in American history. (See the election of 1800 for an interesting and close presidential election.) The fact that Obama’s approval rating is lower after 50 days than the approval rating that Bush had shows me that people are not sold on Obama.

  I am not saying that his approval rating is not high, it is, but it is not as historically high as the media is portraying it. It isn’t even has high as the last president’s was during the same time period. Yet the media cannot report a negative poll without reminding Obama’s loyal subjects that the president’s overall approval rating is high. The media is doing their best to keep Obama propped up but the truth is that his numbers are coming down. The media may not like it and the media is doing their best to slow down the falling numbers but the truth is that Obama’s approval rating is falling.

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5 Comments leave one →
  1. March 13, 2009 8:02 pm


    Just let the man do his fucking job. He needs support not BS like this. If the media spent 1/2 the energy they use tearing him and everything he does down, alot more GOOD news might reach the front.

    I swear you bastards WANT him to fail. And if he fails you’ll be ready to tear and rend.

    Fuck the media.


    • March 13, 2009 8:08 pm

      I DO want him to fail, I do not deny that. In fact I wrote about it here if you care to see my reasons why.


  2. March 14, 2009 1:36 am

    His failure is the only thing that can save this country! And “D”, the media is on his side, not against him. That does not make you look all that intelligent, now does it?


  3. March 14, 2009 11:00 pm

    So having a new president fail after having a huge failure of a president just in office will help?

    God what stupidity.


  4. March 15, 2009 2:17 pm

    The main difference here is that Obama has pushed through more controversial legislation than what Bush had in the same amount of time. I’ll have to check but I think that Obama has done more than Bush in the first 50 days.

    Of course the republicans want Obama to fail. They much prefer socialism for the wealthy as opposed to socialism for the masses.


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