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Keith Olbermann Lashes Out And Obama’s Diminishing Support With the Far Left

April 14, 2009

  The far left actually believed that the president was going to end the war regardless of what the commanders on the ground said. The far left also believed that the president would end warrant-less wiretapping and many of the other fail-safes that have been put in place by the Bush administration to monitor terrorist activity. And why wouldn’t they? While a candidate the president hammered the Bush administration’s policies and promised to end them. However, now as president  he looks to continue many of the Bush administration’s policies including warrant-less wiretapping and it is not sitting well with the far left wing of his party which is growing ever more dissatisfied.

   Now that he is no longer a candidate and now that he is the president that Utopian vision has disappeared and reality has set in. The president now realizes that what he said during the campaign does not match reality and he has adjusted his position. He is not going to recklessly and irresponsibly end the policies that have kept us safe. Unfortunately for the president his far left admirers are not privy to the information that he is (especially since he has now invoked state privilege) and now they are turning on him.

  This is what that bastion of intellect and awe inspiring left wing radical Keith Olbermann had to say recently about the president:

During his run for the presidency, Barack Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, argued strongly against the Bush administration’s use of executive authority, including its self-justification, its rationalization of the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens,” Olbermann said on his show last week. “That was then. This is now. … Welcome to change you cannot believe in — or sue over

  And this moron isn’t the only far leftist to come out and attack the savior:

Reading this brief from the Obama DOJ is so striking — and more than a little depressing — given how indistinguishable it is from everything that poured out of the Bush DOJ regarding secrecy powers in order to evade all legal accountability,” he wrote on Salon last week, before calling his fellow civil libertarians to rise up. “It is simply inexcusable for those who spent the last several years screaming when the Bush administration did exactly this to remain silent now or, worse, to search for excuses to justify this behavior,”

  That was a leading critic of the Bush administration, attorney Glenn Greenwald.

  And he is not the only prominent liberal lawyer to criticize the president for continuing the Bush administration’s policies, the man who founded the group ” “Habeas Lawyers for Obama”  has come out and said that the president is walking away from his criticism of the former president and another liberal law professor had this to say:

Obama has said no place should be out of reach of the law. Now, he’s done precisely that,” said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University. “You have this administration routinely stating principles as a precursor to violating those very same principles

  What we have here is a classic case of a candidate saying whatever it took to get elected but once the candidate became the president and he entered the real world he learned that things weren’t as easy as they seemed. There is a difference between campaign rhetoric and reality, especially on an issue as vital as this. Now his supporters need to realize this.

   The problem is that the far left bought this package hook, line, and sinker and now that he can’t fulfill his campaign promises to end Bush era war policies they are disgruntled. While they should have known better it isn’t totally their fault, the president is an empty suit and a blank canvas. He was able to paint a picture on that canvas, and much like art, the interpretation is left up to the viewer. Because this president had no record on which he could be judged the interpretation was left up to the voters. The voters were able to interpret the art into whatever they saw fit. Whatever they wanted to believe.

  When you are the Democrat nominee for president of the United States you can say whatever the hell you want to in order to appease the far left, but once you actually are sworn in and sitting in the oval office it is a different world altogether. Suddenly the world isn’t all rainbows and gumdrops. Suddenly there is an enemy that won’t throw down their arms just because you promise to appease them. Suddenly the threat that you mocked is real and there is no longer an opportunity to appease.

  The president managed to convince the voters that all of President Bush’s policies on the war and foreign relations were wrong and now that he is following Bush’s policies he will have to attempt to spin this back into his favor. So far he is losing that battle.

  People like Keith Olbermann feel duped and are taking out their frustrations on the president. They need to look into the mirror, because they saw in this president what they wanted to see. Keith Olbermann’s view of the world may be idealistic and glorious but it is not based in reality.

  The crux of this dissatisfaction seems to be coming from the president invoking the state secrets privilege, executive privilege, that he derailed the Bush administration for invoking. In a way I don’t blame his supporters for growing angry at the president, they were sold a bill of goods. But really, did they think that all would be right in the world just because their man became president? Did they really think that this administration would keep no secrets from them?

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6 Comments leave one →
  1. April 14, 2009 1:40 pm

    HA!, the “empty suit” has just a little tiny smidgeon of meat in it now. The Pennsylvania Avenue clown is starting to learn a little bit about the real world. This whole “on the job training” bullshit really sucks. We should NOT have to be going through it. I hope he ends up pissing off every leftard loon in the country!

    Keith Olbermann said on his show last week. “That was then. This is now. … Welcome to change you cannot believe in — or sue over.

    Hey dumbfuckwad, that is JUST what WE have been saying for 2 years now!


  2. April 14, 2009 8:03 pm

    You’re right about campaign rhetoric vs. actual leadership. The Dems will snip and snap at each other until there’s blood. The only thing that will stop them is their lust for power, so future campaign speeches will bury their true feelings and dump all the anger on Republicans. Lovely cycle isn’t it?


  3. Deb permalink
    April 17, 2009 5:29 pm

    So what groups are still happy with Obama? His czars, maybe a few RINO’s? Haha. Sorry, but I’m getting a kick out of this. Mmmm…. gumdrops…..



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