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Obama’s Science Czar Advocated Giving Trees the Right to Sue

July 30, 2009

  Please allow me to repeat the title of this post; “Obama’s science czar advocated giving trees the right to sue.”

  Yes, you read that right. John Holdren, Obama’s science czar, once advocated for giving trees legal standing.

Giving “natural objects” — like trees — standing to sue in a court of law would have a “most salubrious” effect on the environment, Holdren wrote  the 1970s.
“One change in (legal) notions that would have a most salubrious effect on the quality of the environment has been proposed by law professor Christopher D. Stone in his celebrated monograph, ‘Should Trees Have Standing?’” Holdren said in a 1977 book that he co-wrote with Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich.
“In that tightly reasoned essay, Stone points out the obvious advantages of giving natural objects standing, just as such inanimate objects as corporations, trusts, and ships are now held to have legal rights and duties,” Holdren added.

    This was all being written as a means to pass environmental legislation and should be considered scary in light of the cap and trade legislation that will soon be debated in the senate. John Holdren is the man that President Obama defers to on matters of science and this whole global warming hoax falls nicely into that realm for Holdren.

  A man that once said that trees should be able to sue in order to save the environment is now in charge of advising the president on scientific issues.

  The book that Holdren speaks so glowingly about above also calls man’s treatment of trees akin to slavery, the author of the book says that granting inanimate objects rights may seem far fetched but so did granting equal rights to black people at one time:

The fact is, that each time there is a movement to confer rights onto some new ‘entity,’ the proposal is bound to sound odd or frightening or laughable,” Stone wrote.
“This is partly because until the rightless (sic) thing receives its rights, we cannot see it as anything but a thing for the use of ‘us’–those who are holding rights at the time . . . Such is the way the slave South looked upon the black

    This is the type of thinking that John Holdren agrees with? I had labeled Holdren a radical for some of his other views but he is more than just a radical, he is a radical whack-job. The idea that someone who believes that an inanimate object deserves the right to sue in court was actually nominated and approved to the president’s cabinet is just mind blowing to me. Where was all of this evidence before his confirmation hearing? Why is it only coming out now when it is too late?

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6 Comments leave one →
  1. Steve Taylor permalink
    July 31, 2009 5:58 pm

    That is the whole problem with Obamas Czars…there is no “confirmation hearing”. They are appointed and serve at the whim and fancy of the President, and are answerable only to him!

    However, you might find this interesting about them as well:

    “The salaries for each of these Czars, is in the 6 figure range, plus a full complement of office personnel, and expenses. These Czars do not report and are not responsible to anyone except President Obama. They are a shield for the President, if they make a recommendation and it fails, it’s their fault, if it’s accepted and a success, it’s President Obama’s success. The Czars office and position is paid for by tax dollars, these positions were not asked for or approved of by the Congress and only expanded by President Obama. Many of these Czar’s overlook a department already overseen by either a Cabinet position or Congress.”

    So…with all these Czars…who needs Congress? There’s your savings for the healthcare program!


  2. August 1, 2009 4:07 pm

    Great piece, Mr Pink Eyes-

    Linked this one over at my place-

    Keep up the good fight… our side is winning!


    • August 2, 2009 7:26 am

      Thanks for the link!


      • December 17, 2012 5:35 am

        I wish I could say this was a problem of finnudg to public education, but the problem of propaganda and indoctrination in America are so much bigger than the educational system that it is hard to say how much of difference more money would make – not that it would be a bad thing.Watching videos like this up here in Canada make me so incredibly sad. Canadians have their own problems with rhetoric and propaganda (like the U.S., we think we have a benign state and that we live in the best country in the world), but it certainly seems a lot easier for us to have rational discussions about the issues and the stakes involved.Being ignorant is one thing. Being emotional, irrational and gung-ho, all at once – that’s a recipe for disaster. I only hope that there is another side to America that we are not seeing – a stronger, calmer one that questions what it is told by ideologues and talking heads… and persists to find the truth.


  3. Jason Parham permalink
    August 14, 2009 11:04 pm

    A few comments about czars…

    Presidential Czars are undoubtedly illegal and completely unconstitutional. Presidents in the past have had czars (but only as special advisers and not as heads of departments – with an all time record of only 5 at one time, pre-Obama) but that does not justify President Obama breaking the law and ignoring the constitution.

    The way I see it, these czars are individuals. These people are not government appointed employees and have not gone through the legal processes needed to become so- highlighted by Mr. Taylor’s comment that “if they make a recommendation and it fails, it’s their fault” and not the government’s. So under current statutes the United States government is immune on many fronts from being sued, but not individuals. I say that everyone who is mad as hell that this President is ignoring the institutions set in place to keep his administration in check needs to sue his czars and get them out of “office”. They are impersonating government officials, making illegal decisions about federal tax payer money, stealing from the federal treasury by being “employed” and payed without approval from the CBO or Congress, and bypassing the system of Checks and Balances. As far as I am concerned Obama should be impeached for harboring fugitives and knowingly giving them the opportunities to conduct illegal activities.

    I’m mad as hell and I am not going to let this rouge administration destroy piece by piece ever bit of this country. I’m going to fight and let everyone know exactly what you weasels in Congress are doing. That’s a promise.


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