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Democrat leaders may extend the Bush tax cuts on the rich

August 29, 2010

  The Democrats have always subscribed to the “divide and conquer” strategy for winning elections. They love to divide Americans by race–African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, the list goes on and on–in order to play each “brand” of Americans separately against Republicans with promises to help them in an attempt to prove to these different minority groups that only they understand them. This strategy is probably responsible for most of the lingering racial problems in this country as Democrats refuse to allow all Americans to be just that–Americans. Until Americans drop the qualifying hyphens and view each other as just plain Americans the problem will persist–and that is precisely what the Democrats want. Divide and conquer.

  But there is another “divide and conquer” strategy that the left loves to play, and that is the game of class warfare. Democrats continue to try to drive a wedge of jealousy between Americans based on class and economic success. They love to divide Americans based on economic classes and–much like their divide and conquer strategy on race–this policy is intentionally divisive as they continue to try to arouse anger between Americans instead of trying to pull them together.

  The Democrats have continued to hammer into our heads this notion that the evil rich do not pay their fair share; they love to tell the average Americans that they are going to stick it to those successful Americans who have more than they do as payback for the sin of being successful.

  In order to drive that wedge of jealousy between the different classes of Americans, Barack Obama promised that he was going to repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans. Barack Obama made the asinine assertion that he could help save the economy–as well as pay for his healthcare reform–simply by letting the Bush tax cuts expire, while at the same time distorting the facts about who actually  got those tax cuts in the first place. This was a major plank in his election bid two years ago–and it worked to perfection.

  But every so often the Democrats will admit the truth about taxes and that is exactly what they have done if this story about Democrat leaders being willing to extend the Bush tax cuts on the rich is true–and I think it is.

  If this is true, Democrats are admitting that lower taxes have a better stimulating effect on the economy than does rasing taxes on the rich. This is contrary to everything the Democrats have said about the Bush tax cuts. The Democrat mantra was that there was no reason for the rich to hold onto their own money when the government could spend it better than they could. This was part of how they were going to stimulate the economy–by spending other people’s money.

  If raising taxes–as Barack Obama has done on several occasions since taking office–is a bad thing to do during a bad economy, why is raising taxes not also a bad thing during a good economy? The fact is that rasing taxes is always a bad idea and it always slows growth as people and businesses have less to spend.

  Democrats believe that when the economy is good the tax increases will be absorbed into that economy and nobody will even notice the adverse effects that those tas increases create. But in a slow economy where every move is magnified the effects can’t help but be noticed and Democrats know this and the last thing they can afford before the election is to implement yet another policy that will adversely effect the economy.

  This does not mean that they have seen the light on this issue and it does not mean that Democrats are suddenly going to be fiscally responsible tax cutters. It simply means that they are willing to change their “ideology” when re-election is on the line; in truth the only ideology to which they subscribe is the “doing whatever it take to remain in power” ideology, and if keeping the Bush tax cuts in place will help them achieve that ideology, that is exactly what the Democrats are going to do.

  That is why they are only willing to extend the tax cuts for one year–after they are re-elected they will once again push for a measure that will hurt the economy–raising taxes–only then it will be too late to stop them.

   They know their policies are bad for the economy so they will temporarily suspend what they still ultimately hope to accomplish but we can rest assured that once the election is over–if they remain in power–they will once again jump on the tax rasing bandwagon. They can’t help it, they know it hurts the economy but they still have so much they want to spend our money on.

  Democrat leaders have exposed themselves on this issue. Why else would they be willing to extend the tax cuts that they have railed against for so long if indeed these policies were unfair and hurtful to the economy? The Democrat leaders who are willing to extend the tax cuts have basically admitted to the American people that rasing taxes is never a good idea.

  Extending the Bush tax cuts on the rich should serve to further alienate the far left who really don’t give a damn what effect these tax increases would have on the economy as long as they can say the “stuck it too the rich,” but this should also serve as notice to the more moderate Democrats that raising taxes–even on the rich–does more harm than good. This reversal by the  Democrat leaders should be eye opening to many people for they are admitting something that we have been saying for quite a few years now.

  For all of the “divide and conquer” tactics the Democrats have employed over the years, there is one issue that Americans can be united on; something has to be done to save the economy from total collapse, and Democrats may now be willing to admit that the first step would be to keep taxes low–even on the much maligned and hated rich.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. August 29, 2010 11:16 pm

    One of the main reasons the Dems want to extend these cuts is because the Bush tax cuts also include a long-term capital gains tax cut. Of course we never hear this because like you said in your post Steve it’s all about class warfare and hating those dirty successful rich people that make 200,000 and up. But they also realize that raising the capital gains tax when our economy is so weak is like hammering a nail into the economic coffin. We all know that the less capital a company has to reinvest in their own company for expansion or research the less likely they will hire people. These buffoons are nothing but a bunch amateurs and need to go. Great post Steve.


  2. August 31, 2010 6:22 am

    Our side will have fun with that in November, lol


  3. Dick Gassen permalink
    September 8, 2010 1:37 pm

    I didn’t need to get past the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph to see that I had landed on a right-wing loony-tune website. Let’s see, the Righties always wear the white hats and the Lefties always wear the black hats. Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • September 8, 2010 6:45 pm

      Thank you for the compliment and let me return the compliment by stating how perceptive you are.


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