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38 Democrats now oppose letting the Bush tax cuts expire

September 20, 2010

  In what is probably nothing more than pre-election positioning, 38 Democrats have now come out publicly in opposition to letting the Bush tax cuts expire on those people making over $250,000 a year. Regardless of the motive this is welcome news.

   These 38 Democrats favor at least a temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts that would conveniently stop the largest tax increase in American history from moving forward on their watch until after the election is over.

  While the propaganda arm of the Obama regime likes to portray the Tea Party as splitting the Republican party–hurting the Republicans’ chances of taking over at least one branch of the Congress–there is a growing rift within the Democrat party as members of the Congress look to distance themselves from Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

  With the Republicans in unanimous opposition to letting the Bush tax cuts expire, these 38 Democrats who are breaking with party leadership give the anti-repeal crowd in Washington the majority.

  Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi like to claim that America simply cannot afford to leave the Bush tax cuts in place, yet these vulnerable Democrats understand that rasing taxes during an economic downturn will do nothing to help the economy, and will most likely hurt the economy. But what they understand even more than that is the fact that raising taxes during an election year is political suicide, and they are unwilling to toe the regime’s line at the expense of their own jobs.

  This may be nothing more than a last ditch effort by Democrats to save their jobs, but if the Bush tax cuts are extended before the election recess there is always the chance that the Bush tax cuts will be made permanent after the election; we just have to make sure that we send a Republican majority back to the Congress.

  This delaying tactic may be seen by the Democrats as the last possible chance for them to save their jobs, but what it could turn out to be is an opportunity for a new Republican led Congress to extend the Bush tax cuts permanently.

   If Democrats provide us with this opportunity we take it, for these Democrats have not seen the light when it comes to tax cuts; if we send them back they will return to their tax and spend ways. They may be about to deal us a reprieve, but there is only one way to make sure that these tax cuts become permanent, and we all know what that is.

17 Comments leave one →
  1. September 20, 2010 9:33 pm

    Sure, we’ll just borrow some more money so we can give the wealthy more gifts! Who cares if our country is going down the tubes. As long as the rich can get richer, that’s all that matters. Now take another swig of your Cool-Aid.


    • September 20, 2010 9:44 pm

      Welcome back Ben. Perhaps you should read a comment that DerpdeeDurr left on this post. When I asked him what flavor Cool-Aid he was drinking he informed me that that was a racist comment.


    • September 20, 2010 11:22 pm

      How about we borrow nothing and eliminate say 50% of the thousands of bueracratic jobs that have been created since this Obamanation started…how bout we stop extending unenployment benifits endlessly….and then extend the tax cuts, get out of the private sector so they can spend capital and hire people….
      how bout people wake up and realize the “evil” private sector is what drives this economy, not bloated government…
      and lastly remember something the money is not the governments its the taxpayers…so when they say their giving a break they mean their taking LESS of whats ours….then again if you dont pay any taxes then why would you care


    • BCL1 permalink
      September 21, 2010 9:19 am

      I though that the government borrowed money to give poor people more gifts (social security, welfare, military benefits, unemployment, etc.) I am not aware of any government spending that specifically makes rich people more rich. If you name some programs that do this, I would love to see them eliminated along with social security, welfare, and military benefits. Thank you.


      • September 21, 2010 11:13 am

        [I am not aware of any government spending that specifically makes rich people more rich. ]

        How about the war spending? People made billions from military contracts.


  2. LD Jackson permalink
    September 20, 2010 10:02 pm

    I think a lot of these Democrats are reading the handwriting on the wall and they realize they are about to get a major rebuke by the voters on November 2. No doubt, you are right when you say they will go back to their tax and spend ways if they are sent back to Washington.


    • September 20, 2010 10:14 pm

      I hope that the American people do not fall for this because if we send the Democrats back to Washington we can rest assured that they will continue on the path of reckless spending.


      • no_dice permalink
        September 21, 2010 7:45 am

        You do know that since 1973, the only presidents that actually reduced the national debt have been Democrats, right? Reckless spending indeed.


      • thorzyan permalink
        September 21, 2010 12:13 pm

        “You do know that since 1973, the only presidents that actually reduced the national debt have been Democrats, right? Reckless spending indeed.”

        U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 8
        The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

        Like the mythical “Clinton Budget Surplus” which was actually the result of a Republican controlled congress. Here’s a link to help educate yourself on the topic:


      • September 21, 2010 2:56 pm

        [Like the mythical “Clinton Budget Surplus” which was actually the result of a Republican controlled congress. ]

        The author is a liar. He used the non-inflation adjusted numbers to make his case. Republicans always lie to make Democrats look bad and to make Republicans look good.


      • thorzyan permalink
        September 21, 2010 3:18 pm

        {The author is a liar. He used the non-inflation adjusted numbers to make his case. Republicans always lie to make Democrats look bad and to make Republicans look good}

        Yeah, those cited facts & figures from the dept of treasury website must be fake too. I knew Craig had a keen analytical mind for economics, but I had no idea he was a world-class hacker as well.

        Love the typical liberal Ad Hominem tactic Benny! Now how about taking another shot with actual facts & figures that can be supported 1/4 as well as Craigs is.


  3. September 20, 2010 10:12 pm

    I agree with you that the Democrats are a bit nervous and are trying to distance themselves from the radical elements in their party. I just don’t think it will matter Steve. I really believe they’re done this November. They refused to listen to the voice of the people and the people are unlikely to forget about their arrogance.


    • September 20, 2010 10:15 pm

      I hope you are right, and I think that you are, but until the results are in I am taking nothing for granted.


  4. May 17, 2012 7:52 pm

    Modern liberalism isn’t a tragedy, but rather, a farce.



  1. 47 House Democrats oppose letting the Bush tax cuts expire « America's Watchtower

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