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Barack Obama admits the Libyan war is open-ended

May 14, 2011

    One story that is going all but unreported is the continuing war in Libya that Barack Obama has involved the United States in. When he–or should I say the United Nations–authorized the military strikes Barack Obama promised the American people that our involvement would be short and limited. We were told that the mission had a clear goal and once that goal was met the United States would withdraw from the war. But there was only one problem, there was no clear goal.

  After several days of United States’ involvement in Libya’s civil war Barack Obama finally tried to explain to the American people why we were bombing Libya. He claimed that this was a humanitarian mission (they must be “love bombs”) and while ignoring what is happening in Ivory Coast and Syria he claimed that the United States had a moral obligation to stop Ghaddafi from slaughtering his own people.

  But that is not the excuse which the United Nations and the other allied nations told the world–or at least not the only one as we have heard conflicting stories about the reason for war. It is still unclear if Ghaddafi is a target in this war because while Barack Obama claims that he is not bombs seem to be falling suspiciously close to his compound.

So no, there was no clear goal in this war and without a clear goal there is no way that there can be an exit strategy, and now we are learning that the United States’ involvement in Libya is open-ended despite Barack Obama’s assurances that this would be a quick, precise action.

  Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser met with the leaders of the Libyan Transitional National Council and promised them that the bombing would not stop until Ghaddafi surrenders to the opposition. (But I thought removing Ghadaffi was not a goal, I’m confused.) The LTNC is the opposition to Ghadaffi and the rebels who we are supporting in this war but Barack Obama is unwilling to declare that the LTNC is the legitimate government of Libya. Why?

 the White House says questions about who exactly the rebels are and their long-term objectives are keeping the U.S. from recognizing the Council as the legitimate Libyan government.

  We don’t know who they are or what they represent! And yet we are supporting them and assuring them that we will be there for them until the end–whenever that might be. Barack Obama has finally admitted that we have no idea who the people are that we are supporting in Libya, this is an argument that many around the blogoshere have been trying to make and now we have the president admitting as much.

This is truly unbelievable: Barack Obama rushed into war without a clear exit strategy and without a specific, well-defined goal or objective supporting a group which is not readily or easily identified and he doesn’t know what their goals or positions are, he promised us a quick exit and a limited involvement and yet the war drags on and no end is in sight. And nobody–the media, the politicians, or the people of America–are asking questions about why we are there, what our objective is, or when we are going to leave.

  Some of these arguments–rush to war, no exit strategy–sound eerily familiar to those which we heard over the last ten years or so and yet the war drags on and nobody cares…..

23 Comments leave one →
  1. Mark permalink
    May 14, 2011 8:41 am

    No goal? No Strategy? No definable end state? Well, at least it’s not costing anything & we have more money than we know what to do with.


  2. May 14, 2011 9:29 am

    I can only assume that the LTNC are the Libyan equivalent of progressive/liberals.

    The Obama Administration has started so many fires the Republicans are at a loss as to which way to jump. Boehner is doing a terrible job in my opinion. Strangely, it seems to be the Republicans who are on the defensive instead of the Democrats.


    • May 14, 2011 8:02 pm

      I agree, I am disappointed with both Boehner and the Republicans in general. They seem unwilling to challenge this president. We have the chance to win back the White House and the Senate and the Republicans are throwing it away because they are too timid.


  3. May 14, 2011 9:45 am

    I was under the impression that this war was going to last days, not weeks. My biggest question is where are all the antiwar protestors?


    • May 14, 2011 8:03 pm

      A great question indeed. I guess they figure that this war is justified because a leftist started it.


  4. May 14, 2011 12:27 pm

    Obama’s idealistic principles drew us into the situation and his lack of foreign policy experience and knowledge can’t get us out.


  5. May 14, 2011 6:39 pm

    even NATO says that there are elements of al-Qaeda and Hezbollah among the “rebels.” And Obama is providing material support? That’s a war crime in my book. Republicans are complicit in their silence.


  6. May 14, 2011 6:46 pm

    War? What war? That requires a declaration by Congress.

    Open-ended? How would we know whether it’s open-ended or not? NATO’s in charge, not us. They’ll tell us when we can go home.


    • May 14, 2011 8:05 pm

      It seems as if many Americans do not realize we are in a war with Libya and that is a shame for it shows us how engaged Americans really are.


  7. May 15, 2011 10:03 pm

    It is a mess. The War Powers Act will force him to show his hand. If Bush started this the news that NATO killed 180 innocent people in a bombing would have Dems screaming for trials.


    • May 16, 2011 6:25 am

      If I am not mistaken he will have to go to the Congress shortly if he wants to keep bombing Libya, it will be interesting to see what happens shortly. Will he pull out instead of facing the Congress, will he ignore the law, and if he goes to the Congress what type of reaction will he get?


      • December 6, 2012 7:16 am

        OMFG…“There is nothing wrong with our cnuotry” 2008 “The economic fundamentals of the USA are strong” John McCainJimmy Carter is the BEST CASE for this total loser



  1. Latest Obama Barack News | The VanGuard
  2. Barack Obama admits the Libyan war is open-ended « America's … : - Learn the truth , no more lies
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  4. Barack Obama admits the Libyan war is open-ended « America's … | Barack Obama
  5. Sunday Links: TV Theme Edition | Conservative Hideout 2.0
  6. Barack Obama will not seek Congressional approval to continue the war in Libya « America's Watchtower

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