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Asian pollution has halted global warming

July 5, 2011

  Global warming truthers–such as myself–contend that even if the earth is warming it is not the result of man-made activity, but rather is nothing more than the natural heating and cooling cycles which the earth has gone through since the time that man was able to measure temperature. We also contend that the global warming alarmists have an ulterior motive for pushing this agenda upon the people; we believe they are using this “crisis” in an attempt to promote a global socialistic policy including suicidal regulations and fines coupled with the loss of freedoms and liberties in an attempt to redistribute the wealth on a global scale from richer nations to poorer nations.

  The global warming alarmists will stop at nothing to promote this agenda, going so far as to change the moniker for this crisis from “global warming” to “climate change” and then ultimately to “global climate disruption.” Why this change in terms? The answer is obvious, the earth is no longer warming so the moniker no longer carried any weight. So they change the name to fit any erratic environmental behavior which may occur in the future. A one size fits all crisis of sorts.

  Most people look at the fact that the earth is no longer warming as a sign that the alarmists were wrong, or were cooking the books to promote a scam of never before seen proportions, but the alarmists do not want to admit that this is a manufactured crisis used to promote an agenda so they ignore the “inconvenient truth” that the crisis has already been averted.

  What should be hailed as glorious news is seen as an obstruction or a setback to those that look to implement a radical agenda of wealth redistribution. The earth has been in a holding pattern in regards to global temperature–if there is such a thing–for over a decade, but the global warming alarmists do not want to concede the point that this is a natural occurrence, even with this new report that Asian pollution is to blame for the stagnant global temperature. 

  The theory goes like this: With Asia’s growing economies there has been an increase in manufacturing in Asia, this has led to more factories and more pollution. This pollution has gone into the air and is actually helping to cool the earth.

  This is the exact opposite of what the alarmists have been telling us for years. These greenhouse gasses were supposed to be responsible for global warming, but now we are learing that these very same gasses are responsible for stopping global warming. This will not stop the alarmists from promoting their agenda, because as I stated above, there is an ulterior motive fueling their agenda.

 The end justifies the means: With Climategate we learned that the alarmists were cooking the books to “hide the decline” so we already know that the alarmists were aware the earth was not warming and were trying to cover it up, what possible reason could there be for this if there were no ulterior motive?

  If they do acknowledge this report at all, they will claim that is doesn’t matter if these gasses heat the earth or help to cool the earth; they will claim that as long as these gasses affect the earth’s temperature in any way it means that they must be curbed. They can’t have it both ways.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. July 5, 2011 8:39 pm

    These wackos will never give up. Especially as long as the President of greatest nation on earth is one of them. Besides, some very powerful people have a ton of money ridding on “green energy” and then there is the UN’s Agenda 21 with its plan for a socialist world.


    • July 6, 2011 6:14 am

      Yes, these people are never going to let up because they are not concerned with the facts, they are more concerned with creating a global utopia.


  2. Otis P. Driftwood permalink
    July 5, 2011 8:52 pm

    Yeah, the Goreacle Worshipers are having hissy fits over this one. The Irony!!


  3. July 6, 2011 1:41 pm

    Create more Pollution…Smoke Cigars, YEA!


  4. Deb N. permalink
    July 7, 2011 9:54 pm

    I heard an ad about 350 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere being the “magic” number that would put island nations under water… blah blah bladdie bladdie. We all know that it is a bunch of malarkey, but I think the 20 somethings and teens will believe it if their parents don’t set them straight (or they believe it too). Why can’t someone put out an ad to counter this BS? Koch brothers? anyone?


    • July 7, 2011 10:21 pm

      Perhaps Hank Johnson was right when he was worried about Guam tipping over. 🙂
      You are right, it is up to the parents to provide their children with the truth because the schools are trying to indoctrinate them into this radical agenda.


  5. July 8, 2011 12:29 pm

    The Earth’s elliptical orbit is the primary driver of climate change. This article from Science Daily is worth reading.


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