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Gunrunner: At least two felons were allowed to buy firearms under Fast and Furious

August 11, 2011

  At times it can be hard trying to keep up with all of the developments in the deadly Gunrunner scandal, and I missed this story when it first appeared about three weeks ago, but it is an important story so it deserves to be covered even if I am a little late. I first learned of this story through an email tip from a reader of America’s Watchtower, which is an indictment of the media’s lack of coverage if ever there was one.

  In how many articles written about this scandal have we read that these “straw” purchasers were people who legally bought the guns before illegally selling them to the Mexican drug cartels? Seemingly every article explains these purchases in this manner, but in at least two cases the federal government allowed the sale of weapons to convicted felons. These were not legal sales, they were illegal sales, because it goes practically without saying that federal law prohibits the sale of firearms to convicted felons. At least I thought it went without saying; it appears as if the Obama regime didn’t know this little fact because certainly the Obama regime would never knowingly violate federal law, would they?

according to court records reviewed by Fox News, two of the 20 defendants indicted in the Fast and Furious investigation have felony convictions and criminal backgrounds that experts say, at the very least, should have delayed them buying a single firearm. Instead, the duo bought dozens of guns on multiple occasions while federal officials watched on closed-circuit cameras
  In fact these two felons alone were allowed to purchase over 360 weapons, even this article understates the problem with the assertion that these people were allowed to by “dozens” of firearms. The article linked to above states that at least 70 of these weapons ended up in the hands of the drug cartels, but it doesn’t state where the other 290  weapons ended up–that is anyone’s guess.
  There are two obvious questions here: the first is, who authorized this violation of federal law; and the second is, where the hell are the rest of these weapons now?
You cannot sanction the violation of federal law by enabling or co-enabling prohibited persons, which includes felony convictions, from purchasing firearms,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., a former federal prosecutor and a member of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee
   Rep. Gowdy is exactly right; Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is entrusted with the responsibility of upholding federal law, but in this case the federal law was not only not upheld, it was willingly and knowingly violated. At the very least Eric Holder is guilty of criminal negligence, and at worst he is guilty of condoning the violation of federal law. Whatever the case may be it really doesn’t matter because Eric Holder and the DOJ did not live up to the responsibility they were entrusted with.
  Rep. Gowdy agrees:
It is unconscionable and goes beyond just being a terribly ill-conceived investigation to bordering, if not crossing, into criminal activity
  Another question which begs to be asked is this; were these two convicted felons buying these weapons as “straw” purchasers who sold all of the weapons they bought to Mexican drug cartels, or were they simply selling whatever weapons they were allowed to purchase to the highest bidder, with the Mexican drug lords only being a part of their clientele? With 290 of the weapons left unaccounted for one has to wonder if they were sold to other felons within the United States.
  Nobody has the authority to violate federal law and yet that is exactly what the federal government knowingly allowed to happen in this case and somebody has to be held accountable. As the head of the department which is supposed to defend federal law, Eric Holder has some explaining to do.
  We only know of these two felons because a small percentage of the weapons they were allowed to purchase ended up in th hands of Mexican drug lords, how many other felons did Eric Holder’s DOJ allow to purchase weapons that we do not know about because they were distributed to felons across the United States to be used in crimes which were not related to the violence at the Mexican border?
  This scandal is growing larger every day, and with every new story it is becoming more clear that Eric Holder was engaged in criminal activity; if Eric Holder was not guilty of criminal activity before this story, he certainly is guilty of criminal activity now that we know felons were allowed to violate federal law by purchasing firearms with the knowledge of the federal government.
12 Comments leave one →
  1. August 11, 2011 9:18 pm

    Yeah, but they busted these guys. The sting worked,right.? Not exactly. They didn’t get the guns back and they don’t know where the gun are. Oh, but hey, they offer these guys a deal if they tell to whom they sold the guns. Let’s see, hmmm there was Jose Cuervo, Pancho Villa and, Speedy Gonzalez. Yeah, that will help. Don’t you get tired of Stupid? I think I’ll write a post about Stupid tomorrow.


  2. August 11, 2011 11:54 pm

    You would think that one of the presidential candidates would have brought this up. After all, they will have their own Justice Department to deal with. Even the so-called “leaders” are ignoring this story. In my opinion, this story alone puts Obama out of office. That is, if America was aware of the story.


    • August 12, 2011 5:21 pm

      I kept waiting for one of them to mention it during the debate, but sadly they did not. It would have been the perfect chance to get this story out there, although I suppose there were not many Obama supporters watching the debate.


  3. August 12, 2011 1:28 am

    What really bothers me about this who deal is this huge story is barely being talked about anywhere. How deep the the rabbit hole really run. No pressure from the MSM on this issue. Americans died because of it, high ranking officials were involved, laws were violated, and tax payer dollars funded it all. Maybe I’m missing something here.


    • August 12, 2011 5:25 pm

      Nope, you arent missing anything. It is amazing that a story of this magnitude could possibly be ignored by the MSM but this shows us how far they will go to protect Obama.


  4. August 12, 2011 12:59 pm

    The debate last night was depressing. Other than Gingrich-which I have no great affinity for-it as pablum. These are the stories that need to be asked. Bet not one of them could have responded with any insight.


  5. August 12, 2011 5:55 pm

    Somehow, sadly, this news doesn’t surprise me. Progressives use average citizens to get what they want and that is what they were doing in this case in order to advance their attack on the 2nd Amendment.

    It is disheartening that this wasn’t covered in the debate last night.


    • August 12, 2011 7:29 pm

      It isn’t surprising but it is bothersome nonetheless, it shows how far this regime will go in order to trample our second amendment rights. I sure wish somebody had managed to sneak this into the debate.



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