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New EPA regulations will force many coal powered energy plants to close down

August 20, 2011

  While running for president in 2008 Barack Obama made his position very clear to anyone who was listening exactly how he felt about coal powered energy plants:

  However Barack Obama was frustrated by the Congress which could not pass a cap and trade bill for him to sign and cap and trade seemed dead to those who only pay attention to these issues on a fleeting basis; many of us were concerned with Barack Obama’s response to the news that cap and trade was dead in the Congress. This is what Barack Obama had to say after the election of 2010 basically killed any chance of passing cap and trade:

Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way,” Obama said at a news conference Wednesday, a day after Democrats lost control of the House. “I’m going to be looking for other means to address this problem

  We all know what Barack Obama meant when he stated there was more than one way to skin the cap or trade tax; he meant that he was going to look toward the EPA to implement his radical policy on the environment and bypass the Congress, and that is exactly what is happening because the EPA is set to introduce new regulations which would shut down many coal powered power plants across the nation.

  According to the article linked above, nearly half of Americans receive their energy from coal powered plants and in this one example Edison Electric Institute claims it will be forced to shut down 1/5th of their plants–and this is just one company,we can expect similar results from other coal powered electric companies.

  It goes without saying that as the coal powered plants shut down that there will be less energy available but the demand will still be the same, meaning that energy prices will be rising at a time when Americans can afford it the least. The left is downplaying this truth by claiming that most of the companies which will be shut down are old, inefficient plants which would have been shut down eventually anyway.

  I will give them the benefit of the doubt on this but what they fail to mention is the fact that these new regulations are not static, the are progressive and as the years go on the regulations will get more and more onerous on the energy companies and more plants will be shut down which will result in ever increasing energy prices. And let us not forget that in the video clip I provided above Barack Obama was not talking about shutting down old coal powered plants, he was talking about making his regulations so intrusive that future plants could not be built. That alone tells us what his goal in regards to energy policies entail.

  Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this story is the manner in which the EPA gained the power to regulate greenhouse gasses; in 2007 the Supreme Court granted the EPA the authority to regulate greenhouse gasses. And this was a John Roberts led Supreme Court that handed down this verdict; while Justice Roberts and Justice Alito voted against this measure, the make up of the court hasn’t changed since that time, and this was a 5-4 decision–much like we can expect on most decisions in the future.

  This goes to show exactly how tenuous our hold on freedom is in the country at this present time; while we can expect 5-4 decisions we cannot predict whether the decision will be on the side of liberty or on the side of statism and that is a troubling unknown because we do know what side Barack Obama is on.

20 Comments leave one →
  1. Moxy permalink
    August 20, 2011 8:45 pm

    I’m not a conspiracy nut but isn’t it becoming obvious what the administration wants. Total control or total collapse, by whatever means. We are up against a monster (the progressive movement) that doesn’t fight fair. We play by the rules and then we’re shocked when we find out that our freedoms are slowly being stolen. It is time we understand the enemy and respond with equal viciousness.


    • August 20, 2011 9:34 pm

      You hit the nail on the head; Barack Obama is a statist who believes that the state knows what is best for the people and he is looking to impose his agenda by any means necessary.


    • Serge Popper permalink
      August 22, 2011 10:26 am

      That’s what really bothers me. The media and people in general don’t see that Obama is wildly successful in his presidency. He is winning an has won in everything he has done during his reign. No wonder he partied when the US credit rating was downgraded – that’s what he was working for. No wonder he says nothing when Presidential input is so badly needed – by saying nothing he wins again by delaying us into yet another failure. My question is what can we do about it? No matter how hard I try I cannot awaken people from their political apathy and make them aware of what’s really going on


      • August 22, 2011 6:59 pm

        I wish that I could disagree but sadly I cannot. The only thing that we can do is throw this guy out in 2012, but I am afraid it will already be too late by then.


  2. Otis P. Driftwood permalink
    August 20, 2011 8:52 pm

    They want to shut down the plants at the same time they want us to drive electric cars. I tried to do the math but couldn’t.


    • August 20, 2011 9:36 pm

      They like to leave out the fact that electric cars actually don’t solve any environmental problems because electricity will still needed to be generated to keep them on the road.


  3. August 20, 2011 8:57 pm

    If the House doesn’t cut off funds to the EPA and other agencies immediately, I fear this country is truly lost. Obama will win.


    • August 20, 2011 9:36 pm

      I agree, I hope when the Congress comes back in session they put this on the top of the list!


      • Lou222 permalink
        August 21, 2011 11:47 am

        I think we would all agree that our power bills are high enough. He told us from the get-go that energy prices would skyrocket, apparently enough people didn’t believe him. Hey, but what about those Cubs!!! As long as everything is alright at your house and you have a job, guess that is all that counts, to most. I happen to believe that you need to look just a bit further into the future and not focus on the “flavor of the day” from the MSM. So much gets pushed thru before it comes out in the media and then it is the spin they put on it to make it a good thing. Have we become too trusting and believing of a nation that what the government does for us is in our best interest? I hope not!!! I do not want to be told what kind of car to drive or have someone regulate my electricity in my house, but that is what is being pushed. I don’t need to be told what we should eat and what medicine we need to take. Like I said, turn on the tube, tune into the talking heads and listen, they surely would not lie to us! ( i assume you know I don’t believe what I just said in the last sentence) I happen to get my news from other sources and I am sure that will slowly be phased out, there are those of us that do not go with the flow. Don’t you hope that others wake up before it is too late?


      • August 21, 2011 9:07 pm

        He did promise that energy prices would skyrocket under his plan and it appears as if this is one promise he will keep. He laid it all out for us before the election and I just wish more people had paid attention.


  4. bunkerville permalink
    August 21, 2011 5:36 pm

    I hope soon we can omit the word conspiracy, and accept the reality of the situation.


    • August 22, 2011 7:00 pm

      As do I, calling this a conspiracy is nothing but an attempt to delegitimize what Obama is doing but the facts speak for themselves.


  5. August 22, 2011 6:46 pm

    It’s tough to say whether Obama is doing this because coal is dirty or because he wants the money from taxing it/forcing “green” energy plants to be built.


    • August 22, 2011 7:02 pm

      I happen to think that he wants the money, as do the other leftists in power, and this is just another attempt to “regulate” more money to the federal government while at the same time take away our freedoms and make us more dependent on government for our survival.


      • Kathy Rolke permalink
        August 31, 2011 8:59 am

        I agree with Steve Dennis–this is nothing more than a power play and a money- funneling mechanism to the progressives. They won’t be happy until we are experiencing periodic blackouts and extremely high electric bills. That is exactly what they want.


      • August 31, 2011 9:22 pm

        Exactly! It is amazing how regressive the progressives really are!


  6. demos permalink
    December 8, 2011 5:55 am

    O. Just one more thing I love this country but I don’t like what it has became under the sheete its a mess. You think the goverment want you to live forever. Ben laden is still alive. He’s in the us office. Goahed fuck with iran see what they have in store for the us. Or anybody that will try. Yes I am an american and love the old american wayes. Hope god is in your life in you special ways. And not the god you see on tv cuz there are not the same if the ask for money there the devil money is evil. Skulls and bones. Is real. You want to fuck up america. Do nothing. You want to save what’s left wake up come together for the dream he saw on the moutain top. This is no mistake its rit on plan so. That’s what’s real



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