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Barack Obama refuses to apologize to Mitt Romney and says Romney needs to answer questions about his past even though Obama accepted money from Bain outsourcers

July 13, 2012

   Yesterday the Obama campaign floated the idea that Mitt Romney might be a felon, this was quickly debunked and Mitt Romney called on the regime to apologize for this baseless accusation.

Today not only did Barack Obama not apologize to Mitt Romney but he sort of doubled down on the smear stating Romney has much in his past to answer for:

My understanding is that Mr. Romney attested to the SEC, multiple times, that he  was the chairman, CEO and president of Bain  Capital and I think most Americans figure if you are the chairman, CEO and  president of a company that you are responsible for what that company does

If he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is, you are  ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations, that’s probably a  question that he’s going to have to answer, and I think that’s a legitimate part  of the campaign

  I am going to agree with Barack Obama here; if Mitt Romney has nothing to hide he should just release the records and prove it, end the controversy before it festers. But there are many questions about Barack Obama’s past as well and if he were a leader he would lead by example and release his college records so we can see how a man who admitted he was more interested in smoking pot and snorting coke than studying while in highschool managed to be accepted into three prestigious colleges. Was it because he was listed as a foreign exchange student?

    And let us also examine his admission that he sought out radicals, communists, and Marxists while at these institutions and let us also look at his relationship with the America hating anti-Semite, Jeremiah Wright, whom Barack Obama once called his spiritual mentor while we are at it. This was not done in 2008, perhaps it is time to do so now.

  Once we have vetted Barack Obama on these issue we should also expect him to answer questions about why he, and the DNC, accepted donations from the very people at Bain Capital who were actually responsible for outsourcing American jobs:

Bekenstein has been a managing director of Bain Capital since 1986. In 2008, he signed Barack Obama a $4,600 check. In 2004, he gave a $50,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee. That’s outsourcing money, plain and simple. And Obama was happy to take it.

Or how about Stephen Pagliuca? Last year, he cut a $35,800 check to Barack Obama’s Victory Fund. Then he cut another $30,800 check to the DNC. And another $30,800 check to the DCCC. Jonathan Lavine and Mark Nunnelly have both maxed out to Obama already, as well as to the DNC. Lavin was a bundler for Obama, and raised over $100,000 for him. Michael Krupka gave Obama $4,600 in 2008

   There is just a hint of hypocrisy here isn’t there? It seems to me that Barack Obama also has many questions to answer in regards to Bain Capital as well; he might just have opened up a can of worms which could come back to haunt him and I hope that Mitt Romney does in fact release his records so that Barack Obama will be forced to answer questions about his relationship with Bain Capital as well.

  Barack Obama had one other thing to say that I found interesting:

As president of the United States, it’s pretty clear to me that I’m responsible  for folks who are working in the federal government and you know, Harry Truman  said the buck stops with you

  Yeah, like with Eric Holder and Fast and Furious? When are you going to take responsibility for that fiasco?

14 Comments leave one →
  1. July 13, 2012 9:24 pm

    “If he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations…”

    When has Obama ever taken responsibility for any thing. Fast and Furious, no. Solyndra, no. Nothing.

    Romnry was the CEO and Presidentof record of Bain during the time in question. But, he had taken a leave to take charge of the Olympics, which was a 24/7 job. Surely he can prove this.


    • lou222 permalink
      July 13, 2012 9:32 pm

      I doubt that we ever hear him take responsibility for anything that happens in this Administration.


      • July 13, 2012 10:01 pm

        He hasn’t yet so there is no reason to think he will start any time soon.


    • July 13, 2012 10:01 pm

      Great point Jim, Obama has blamed everything from earthquakes to Atm machines for his failed policies so he has some gall to make that statement. I think this could be a winner for Romney but the problem will be the media coverage.


  2. July 13, 2012 11:52 pm

    Oh, if I could give Mitt Romney his talking points for just one day…


    • July 14, 2012 6:57 am

      I hear you there! Mitt simply doesn’t seem to know how to attack Obama and this could cost him the election.


  3. LD Jackson permalink
    July 14, 2012 5:58 am

    There really is a great opportunity here for Romney to take advantage of. I can’t understand why he doesn’t release his records, prove his point, and then blow Obama out of the water with his own words. The President is talking out of both sides of his mouth and as you have shown, there is ample fodder to use against him.


    • July 14, 2012 7:00 am

      It is frustrating Larry because if there is nothing to this story Romney could quickly put an end to it by releasing his records, he could then turn around and attack Obama. Romney just doesn’t seem to have what it takes and that is something that has worried me for awhile.


  4. bunkerville permalink
    July 14, 2012 7:51 am

    All of this while Obama should be impeached. The felon sits in the wh.


  5. Peter McCullough permalink
    July 14, 2012 12:14 pm

    Obama is a pimp and a whore rolled into one when it comes to donations. Too bad for him that Clinton got to the Chicoms before he did; but there’s always Raul and Fidel. But of course our concern should be with Romney’s running a business and making an honest profit. Doesn’t
    Mitt realize
    his profits should be redistributed to the couch potato class courtesy of Big Brother?


  6. July 15, 2012 2:19 pm

    This should come as no surprise. Narcissists never apologize, as they utterly lack the ability to comprehend that anything they say or do would ever require an apology. To a narcissist, all other living beings are mostly irrelevant with the exception of those who can be used to achieve personal goals. Apologies are never to be given, only to be recieved.



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