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Operation Choke Point: The DOJ is threatening banks with audits

September 19, 2014

 I have written a few articles on Operation Choke Point but to date this story has not gotten much play in the mainstream media, so in case you have not heard about it here is what the official goal of the project is:

Operation Choke Point functions as a partnership between the Department of Justice (DOJ) and various other federal agencies which deal with bank regulations, specifically the Treasury and the SEC. The objective of the project is to choke-off fraudulent businesses from accessing financial services, in an effort to protect consumers.

    That sounds all very well and good, who would be opposed to consumer protection? The problem is there is a second, more secretive goal, and that is choking off legitimate businesses by cutting off their access to funds. (Centered around gun dealers.)

    operation choke pointThere have been stories about banks closing the accounts of gun dealers with whom they have done business with for years because the Federal Government has re-categorized them as “high risk” and gun dealers have accused the Obama regime of trying to put them out of business.

  In previous posts on this issue I have accused the Obama regime of trying to shakedown and intimidate banks from doing business with businesses the regime does not agree with and if this story is true we might just have the proof.

“Operation Choke Point is one of the most dangerous programs I have experienced in my 45 years of service as a bank regulator, bank attorney and consultant, and bank board member. Operating without legal authority and guided by a political agenda, unelected officials at the DOJ are discouraging banks from providing basic banking services…to lawful businesses simply because they don’t like them,” said William M. Isaac, former chairman of the FDIC.

Virginia Republican Rep. Robert Goodlatte revealed that one of the more egregious examples sent in to the committee was a meeting between the DOJ and a bank regarding the continued provision of financial services to a payday loan company.

The DOJ official reportedly told the banker, “I don’t like this product, and I don’t believe it should have a place in our financial system. And if you don’t agree, there will be an immediate, unplanned audit of your entire bank.”

  It is becoming pretty clear that the Obama regime has an enemies list and does not have a problem using government agencies to attack those with whom the President disagrees. In the case quoted above the Department of Injustice was talking about payday lenders but you can rest assured this is likely happening with gun dealers as well.

  The Obama regime has used the IRS to target conservative groups and now it appears as if they are using the Department of Injustice to threaten banks to do what they say or face the consequences–regardless of the fact that we are talking about legitimate businesses which have not run afoul of the law other than operating in a field the regime does not approve of.

  And apparently they are making good on this promise threat because the article linked to above states that the Department of Injustice has already issued subpoenas to 50 banks for failing to fall in line with a regime hellbent on picking winners and losers.

15 Comments leave one →
  1. September 19, 2014 7:10 pm

    This Nazi regime has nothing to fear from oversight should the congress decide to take notice.These government agencies are becomiing appendages of Obama’s will. Beware the SS in wingtips rather than jackboots.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. September 19, 2014 7:25 pm

    I don’t mean to nitpick, but that article you link to was from 7/18/14. In early August, the NSSF posted a note in the Retailers section of their website stating that gun dealers are no longer on the Operation Choke Point watch list. In that post they also link to a Washington Times article stating the same thing. The WT quotes the FDIC as saying something to the effect that it was all a big misunderstanding….yeah, right…anyway, I’m not saying it’s not still happening, but “officially” it shouldn’t be happening anymore. That said, I don’t trust this administration as far as I could throw them, but I’m hoping it’s true.

    Liked by 3 people

    • September 20, 2014 7:02 am

      I didn’t realize the story was a couple of months old. I am surprised I missed this when it came out but better late than never I suppose. Like you I do not trust the government but I am hoping what you said is true.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. cmblake6 permalink
    September 19, 2014 11:26 pm

    Reblogged this on Cmblake6's Weblog and commented:
    Steve’s got this shit down!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. September 20, 2014 12:08 pm

    The only ‘choke point’ they don’t want is around their own necks.
    Like the Fed being audited, by those who they already own.
    Even the ‘coinage’ of the terminology ‘choke point’ brings to mind Fascism: ’12 Steps to Fascism’

    Liked by 1 person

  5. September 20, 2014 7:14 pm

    This fits with my post today. I have family and friends who are “Sheltered in place” thanks to this Gestapo regarding the State police shooter in Northeastern PA. My friend has not been permitted to go home since early Friday afternoon and has pets there. This is Saturday 7:20 and another “order” to Shelter in place remains for another night. The news claims “Asked”, but people are told they will be arrested When the heck did this Shelter in Place start?? Growing up, we would have taken care of it. Period. Once they get our guns, Katie bar the door. Sorry to vent!

    Liked by 1 person

    • September 20, 2014 8:27 pm

      No problem venting! Let it out! We saw a trail Martial Law run after the marathon bombing and nobody seemed to care, now it looks like we are seeing it again. I think we can expect more of this until people begin to question what is going on.

      Liked by 1 person


  1. “BACK-DOOR” GUN CONTROL | Josiahe’s Blog
  2. Operation Choke Point: The DOJ is threatening banks with audits
  3. Links and Comments, Sept. 20, 2014 | Rockport Conservatives

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