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Ted Kennedy says, Alternative Energy? Not in my Backyard

October 19, 2007

 dontdoit.jpgLiberals have a way of telling people how they should live their lives for the betterment of the common good. However when it comes to these same liberals living the lifestyle they want us to lead that is another story. Speaking of another story, that leads me to this story.

 Liberals, such as Ted Kennedy are constantly talking about alternative energies, about renewable energies. They are telling us we need to invest in these energies as a country to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. We could reduce our dependency on foreign oil by drilling for more domestic oil, but liberals like Ted Kennedy can’t have that.

 We could put up wind-farms off shore, that sounds like a great idea to me. However I don’t live next to the ocean so the building of these farms will have no profound effect on my lifestyle. Do you know who does live on the ocean front where the wind-farms are supposed to be built? Ted Kennedy, who is for alternative, and renewable energy. So you would think he would be happy that an alternative energy source would be built so close to his house, wouldn’t you? He can lead by example. WRONG. Ted Kennedy suffers from the not-in-my-backyard mentality that he opposes when it doesn’t effect him.

Sen. Ted Kennedy and many residents who own coastal property from where they could see the wind turbines on a clear day oppose the project

 Ted Kennedy is a hypocrite. I thought he, and his other liberal friends have been telling Americans that we need to sacrifice in order to relieve America from her burden on foreign oil. This is the perfect opportunity for Ted Kennedy to lead by example and sacrifice a little bit by giving up some of his ocean view for the betterment of the common good. Isn’t that what he has been saying? Why should we listen to him when he tells us to sacrifice when he is unwilling to sacrifice himself? The wind-farms would help America become less dependent on foreign oil but Ted Kennedy is too worried his view might become obstructed.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. trm1 permalink
    October 19, 2007 8:30 pm

    This is old stuff, I almost forgot about it. I agree when you say that liberals are a “do as I say, not as I do” bunch of a-holes. But Repubs can be the same way,,, matter of fact, if I were wealthy and had some nice property I would probably react the same way, but I wouldn’t run down the street telling everyone else what they should do.
    Nucleur is a very clean, viable option, but it scares the average citizen, and threatens the oil and coal money. Who do you think makes all the bad press for Nucleur power? Submarines run for EVER on this stuff! Just like Dupont’s railroad job on the Hemp industry decades ago. oil and coal money does NOT want nuke power…


  2. opit permalink
    October 20, 2007 4:06 pm

    Nuke power has a little problem : fuel is running out and nobody wants the side effects of mining it : cancer,deformities,stillbirths. Then there’s the matter of what do you do with the fuel after it’s used up.
    Nope. I could take issue with the idea of saying ‘liberals’ are hypocrites when you can’t swing a cat without hitting a hypocrite : but the criticism is spot on.


  3. trm1 permalink
    October 20, 2007 6:01 pm

    cheers 🙂


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