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The DREAM Act is Back Again

October 24, 2007

 We just can’t get rid of the DREAM act it seems. These people are relentless, they keep coming back time and time again. This version of the DREAM act doesn’t have the provision that would grant in state tuition to illegals at least.

 This version would grant legal status to anyone under 30 whose parents brought them into the country illegally while they were under 15.

In a statement on its (NumbersUSA) Web site, the group said that a 30-year-old illegal alien “could claim that he illegally entered the United States when he was 15, but there is no requirement that the alien prove that he entered the United States at the claimed time by providing particular documents.”

“The proposal would merely require him to ‘demonstrate’ that he is eligible, which in practice could mean simply making a sworn statement to that effect,” the group said. “Thus, it would be an invitation for just about every illegal alien 30 and under to fraudulently claim the amnesty.”

 This is just another amnesty plan, no matter how loudly we speak out against this issue the politicians keep bringing it back.

 We have a president who supports granting amnesty to illegals, this is an issue I strongly disagree with the president on, and we came damn close to having that travesty of an immigration reform bill passed. The people spoke out and the politicians heard us. However they are coming back again with another amnesty bill, they keep changing the wording, but it is the same thing. We need to speak out again and stop this bil..

 The part that worries me the most is that after the 2008 election we face the possibility of having a liberal president with a larger majority in congress. Even if we manage to hold off the amnesty bills for the next year, there will be no stopping it if the scenario I mentioned above comes true.

 Please remember this when you step in to the voting booths next November. Do not let your anti-war vote lead to the unintended consequence of amnesty for illegals.

 So far President Bush has failed to get the amnesty legislation passed, let’s not make it easier on Washington to pass this legislation after the next election.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. in2thefray permalink
    October 24, 2007 3:23 pm

    Dream Act seems like a nightmare. that’s probably overused but not an understatement.


  2. October 24, 2007 8:40 pm

    A nightmare indeed, if you’re an American or a legal resident.


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