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Maine School Giving Birth Control to 11 year old Students Ordered to Obey the Law

October 26, 2007

 You may remember this story I posted about not too long ago. It is about the King Middle School in Portland Maine that will give out birth control to 11 year old children without parental consent and without ever notifying the child’s parents. Well I now have an update on the story, and it is a positive one.

After King Middle School moves to offer birth control, the District Attorney says schools must report anyone under age 14 who’s having sex.

Portland’s school-based health centers have not been reporting all illegal sexual activity involving minors as required by law, but they will from now on, city officials said Thursday.

“When it’s somebody under age 14, it is a crime and it must be reported,” Anderson said. “The health care provider has no discretion in the matter. It’s up to the district attorney to decide.”

Anderson said she contacted Portland officials after she learned that some employees of the health centers, which are operated by the city’s Public Health Division, believed they could decide whether a child’s sexual activity constituted criminal abuse.

 The district attorney has stepped in and ordered the school to report what is a crime that they were accomplices to. Thank God that the district attorney, Stephanie Anderson, has some morals at least. 

“It’s clear that it’s going on all the time,” Anderson said. “Either the law is going to be enforced or it needs to be changed. I don’t think a law should be routinely violated.”

 That is the true matter of the case here. What good is having a law if it isn’t enforced? There might as well be no laws if that is the case. The fact is that in Maine it is illegal for a person to have sex with a person under 14, even if you are also 14. So the truth is that laws were being broken and it was swept under the table. Parents were having the right to care for and discipline their children the way they see fit taken away from them, and the schools turning into the caregivers for the children. Now the school must follow the law. Novel concept, huh?

 Perhaps the parents spoke loud enough to be heard, or perhaps the district attorney was doing her job on her own. It doesn’t matter all that much. If it was outrage by the people that brought this about, it shows us what can happen if we speak long and loud enough. If the DA was just doing her job, then we know that there are still good people out there willing to fight for us.

 Either way, it looks like a positive outcome will follow from this despicable story that never should have been allowed to happen in the first place.

You can read the article this post was based on here.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Cynthia permalink
    December 23, 2009 2:27 pm

    This bears repeating: The birth control pill, Yaz, has been linked to a number of adverse reactions, including strokes and lawsuits are growing over these issues. Here is some good information:



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