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Are Obama and Michael Bloomberg Secretly Planning a Third Party Candidacy?

February 18, 2008

obama02071.jpg I heard about this rumor on Rush today and had to look into it. According to this article on Human Events, Barack Obama has already held a secret meeting with New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.

 The reason for this meeting is that Barack Obama has realized that in all likelihood he could win the popular vote, and hold the delegate lead heading into the Democrat National Convention, but because he may not have enough delegates to secure the nomination the candidate will be chosen by the super delegates. Because these super delegates are Democrat party insiders, the likely result would be a Hillary Clinton nomination. Obama would lose the nomination to party insiders although he would be the delegate leader. If this scenario plays out, this is where mayor Bloomberg is rumored to step in.

The word on the street is that the Obama campaign and New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg have already met and devised an incredible plan if Clinton wins the nominee. Mayor Bloomberg would give nearly $1 billion to Obama’s campaign after which Obama would bolt from the Democratic Party and run as an Independent candidate with king-maker Bloomberg as his running mate.

 It has long been rumored that mayor Bloomberg was eyeing a third party run at the presidency, so is this so far-fetched? Reports were that he was willing to spend $1 billion dollars on his own campaign for president, this seems like a scenario with a much better chance at having a third party candidate win to me. With Bloomberg funding a third party candidate, and a candidate who if the scenario that would lead to this plays out, would be a more popular candidate with the voters than either Clinton or McCain it could throw this whole election into turmoil. Coupled with the fact that Clinton receiving the nomination over Obama by party insiders would possibly disenfranchise the entire black vote with the Democrat party, who would then turn to the Independent ticket in rebellion, this could end the Democrat party as we know it.

 Hey, it’s a long-shot, and we would have to endure an Obama presidency, but doesn’t the possible end of the Democrat party make you salivate? There is nothing wrong with dreaming.

11 Comments leave one →
  1. February 19, 2008 7:40 am

    It’s an interesting rumor, but I don’t think it would ever happen. Even if Obama loses the Democratic nomination he’s still a party man and wouldn’t risk destroying the Democratic party by splitting the votes. If he were to run on a third party ticket he would virtually assure the Republicans of a victory. There’s no way the money people would let that happen.


  2. mrgreyghost permalink
    February 19, 2008 7:08 pm

    Actually wouldn’t this scenario help McCain? As it could split the Dem vote (Billary would certainly lose almost her their Black base if this scenario were to play out) down the line.


  3. February 19, 2008 9:23 pm

    lol, I don’t hate the mostly spineless Dems enough to want to see the demise of their party. I’m a registered Independent and think we need more parties!


  4. February 19, 2008 9:34 pm

    mrgreyghost, this scenario would probably help McCain the most, I guess I have just resigned myself to the fact that a Democrat will win in November to try to easy the pain I will feel.
    youdontsay, I think we need more parties too, but the Democrats don’t have to be one of them. 🙂


  5. rocket permalink
    February 20, 2008 7:48 pm

    The trouble with this rumour is that it fails to understand the history of Bloomberg. and that is this —he is always the boss .

    a more likely scenario is that the dems gat deadlocked and it goes legal with florida and michigan becuase the clintons wont step aside , and the repubs are at war with mccain . so , up steps Bloomberg , puts up a billion and hammers away on the one real issue –THE ECONOMY.

    by the time the fall comes around , all other issues will fade into existence as America is on its knees over the economy , and Bloomberg makes his case and wins .


  6. February 22, 2008 3:47 pm

    Everyone make sure you Vote in the next election.

    Very Cool Blog.
    Keep up the good work.


  7. Jonah permalink
    February 24, 2008 6:11 pm

    Yes! Yes! Yes!

    I can’t think of a better solution to the tired politics and boring vocal spew….

    Bloomberg is a genius and everyone knows it and Obama is natural leader – get em in there!


  8. Chris Hamner permalink
    February 25, 2008 11:21 pm

    I think that Bloomberg as the nominee for the Independant Party is the best option. Given his record as mayor, and the experience Mike Bloomberg has over any other Independant will bring change this country needs. I look forward to the innaugaration of Mike Bloomberg.


  9. Chris Hamner permalink
    February 25, 2008 11:26 pm

    I think that Bloomberg as the nominee for the Independant Party is the best option. Given his record as mayor, and the experience Mike Bloomberg has over any other Independant will bring change this country needs. I look forward to the innaugaration of Mike Bloomberg.
    Bloomberg will embarras Ralfe Nadder in the Primaries. Given that Ralf Nadder is a ego-centric psychopath, no one will take him seriously. Senators Clinton John McCain are segragationists they will take this country further backwards than how it was when George W. Bush was in office. But with Mike Bloomberg Ron Paul ticket; That is something this country needs more than ever.


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  1. Bloomberg Links for February 21st | Unite For Mike

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