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Barack Obama’s Racist “Reverend” Resigns From Campaign

March 16, 2008

obama.jpg Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s racist “reverend” has left the Obama campaign. Jeremiah Wright was part of Obama’s African American Religious Leadership Committee. (His spiritual advisory committee.) 

 Jeremiah Wright preaches to his congregation hatred and bigotry towards whites, his sermons are divisive and offensive. This man is the man that Barack Obama called his spiritual leader and good friend. Obama says he is the only candidate that can bring America back together and heal our souls, yet this is who he looks to for guidance?

 Here is part of Obama’s statement after the good “reverend” left the Obama campaign.

“What I hope is [that] what the American people will trust is what I believe,” he said, that “my values, my ideas, what I’ve spoke about in terms of bringing the country together will override a guilt by association.”

 It should tell you something when Obama uses the term “guilt by association” when talking about the man whom Obama seeks direction from. Obama touts his judgement leading up to the Iraq war to claim that he would never have invaded in the first place. What kind of judgement does it show the American people when Obama is influenced for twenty years by this bigoted “reverend?”

 Barack Obama has run on bringing the country together, uniting us, and healing us. Yet Obama’s minister preaches the opposite. Barack Obama is not fit to be president, this just reaffirms it. Obama’s spiritual leader and good friend is nothing but a race baiting bigot, and Obama looks to this man for guidance.

 How can Obama unite the country when his guidance councilor is so adept at dividing America?

10 Comments leave one →
  1. March 16, 2008 8:42 pm

    Bigoted reverend? How about the reverend sleeping with boys? Or some tap dancing at the airport by your “respected” leaders. Yes, the reverend is as wrong as you can get. But he still gave some sound advice on Iraq hey? You think that those on the right wants to unite America? Check your words and the words of your leaders and ask whether this is the language of leaders who want to unite people? The US has never been as divided as in the last few years. And guess what – you picked those leaders… I guess that makes you “guilty by associations”.


  2. Christian Prophet permalink
    March 16, 2008 8:47 pm

    It’s not about the minister. Barack Obama is lost if a spotlight is shined on his THEOLOGY. See:


  3. March 16, 2008 9:50 pm

    Personally I think obama, his rev and all the asshats that think this way should be done the favor of deportation…. I mean if America is so bad….

    how’d ya like that angry african?


  4. March 17, 2008 12:09 am

    angryafrican is pathetic. It’s not about the racist preacher, it’s about Obama telling us he is a man of character. For twenty years he knew this man was a steaming pile of hatred and yet he couldn’t find the courage to call him on it or the character to walk out of that church. Obama’s resume is so thin that we have to learn about the man through his actions in his life. We could understand the average Joe sticking around in that Church soaking in the victim mentality – but a prospective leader of the free world?

    It’s about Obama and the choices he made – so either he’s a coward or a racist, which is it?


  5. Paul V permalink
    March 17, 2008 1:30 am

    I Voted For Hilary Clinton
    But camparing Jeremiah Wright to John McCain Minister ,,You
    Can not compare,,, John McCain,, the minister he know just gave him Money,,he does not Go to his church,,, He did not Baptise john McCain kids,,, he is not on John McCain Campaign,, Just gave John McCain money,,, to compare him with Jeremiah Wright is something the Media, and the Obama Camapaign,, doing,,Barack Obama Has a Racist man who worked on his Campaign,, Jeremiah Wright, ,, who helped Barack with the title of his book,,, who baptise his kids, Barack Obama Miinister, gave Louis Farrahkan life time achievement award, ,,, Barack Obama who went to this Racist mans church,,, for 20 years,

    Whats even sad is Barack Obama, followers don’t even Care, He can run over a person right now ,,, and people will still follow him,,, but one thing is for certain Barack no matter what, just lost this election,,, even if he wins the primary,,, from Hilary,,, Barack can not win a big state, Hilary followers will not back Barack Obama,,, just like if Hilary wins the primary,,, Barack Obama followers will not back Hilary ,,,,,
    Obama is definitely Muslim, but he is a closet Racist, who employed a racist,, of all Racist, ,,,,, he is done
    Watch Obama weblink


  6. r.mary permalink
    March 17, 2008 12:36 pm

    I find Obama’s response to the Reverend story insulting to our intelligence. Remember, Obama also stated he did not know Rezko. Also stated that he pressed the wrong button on a vote that now would prove controversial to his campaign. Obama also stated that he did not know that people were living in deplorable conditions as a result of Rezko’s actions. It is time to put an end to his rhetoric and stop dividing the country. Obama is just not ready to lead the United States of America.


  7. March 17, 2008 3:50 pm

    Christian Prophet,

    I read it. And nothing of that blog is based on anything even closely to the truth. It is just spewing with hatred of a man who believes in God. Why do you hate so much for someone who uses the first name “Christian” in you blogname? Not very Christian of you to spew hatred like that. Your blog is not even trying to make a quote of what he is saying or not saying. It is just trying to create hatred. Don’t we have enough hatred in this world to not work for more? Are we as Christians not meant to somehow try and be better than those who are not? Better in the sense of moral highground. But with blogs like that you drag the Christian name through the mud. My God’s name through the mud.

    And TRM, deport to where? To Africa? Why? They have no place in Africa? Should every single person who then does not agree with some view be deported to the place where their forefather came from? Then I guess that will leave the country with no one but the original people – native Americans. Where should we deport you to?

    Paul V, make up your mind. he can’t be both a radical Christian and a Muslim. He wuold really be about change if he is the only man who became Muslim by accepting Jesus as his saviour. Make up your mind. But just don’t argue like an ass.


  8. Deb permalink
    March 18, 2008 6:49 am

    We’ll just see what happens in his speech today. I don’t think that Obama necessarily agrees with everything Jwright says. Who knows? maybe it was Michelle. He loved her enough to marry her, and she does seem like the angrier of the two. But implying that America brought 9/11 on itself, and saying that America ‘invented” AIDS to kill off black people? To me it sounds like the “reverend” is “the man” trying to hold his own people down. Obama is winning! LET IT GO.


  9. SEEN IT ALL permalink
    March 20, 2008 8:19 am

    I sumit to you that IF that were a European american minister spewing out hate and lies over national tv. the blacks of this country would be up in arms! My how things have changed since the …sixty’s!!!


  10. WOW08 permalink
    May 16, 2008 8:32 pm

    angryafrican…….o yes, Obama will do everything ,for power and money , no metter were they are coming from, from Hamas or Franakhan, or people like Rezko, He will do anything for money ,sell one GOD to buy diffrent GOD, Allah…for power, and His EAGLE. Stop defending Him, and tellin US that He is a great MAN, because, HE is not, and more ugly things are coming soo, and very ugly!!!


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