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HOLY SHIT! Both New Hampshire Representatives Voted Against the Bailout Bill

September 29, 2008

WOW! Both moonbat New Hampshire Representatives, Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes, voted against the bailout bill. This is probably the first time the so-called Pelosi twins have ever voted against Nancy Pelosi. Surely it has to be the first time that they both voted against her will on the same bill.

 This is the first time that either of them have voted the way that I wanted them to and for that I would like to say thank you. I would like to but I can’t. Why? Because Nancy Pelosi gave all of the blame credit to house Republicans.

  So there must be an ulterior motive. But what could it be? Oh, I know. This bill was mostly written by New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg (who will be getting an email from me voicing my displeasure) and they didn’t want to vote for a bill that had a New Hampshire Republican senator’s name on it. Apparently they forgot that is was Senator John Sununu who is up for re-election this year and not Judd Gregg. Maybe they figured that by casting a non partisan vote that they were actually casting a partisan vote by denying Senator Gregg the recognition that he would have gotten had he brokered this deal.

 No matter what their reasoning behind voting against this bill I suppose that because the result was what I anted I should give credit where credit is due. Thank you for voting the right way on this bill, I hope you both continue to vote on the right side of the issues from here on out.

 But the only way to be sure that the New Hampshire representatives vote the right way on future bills is to vote these two out of office. They searched in the haystack and found a needle, but that isn’t nearly enough to compensate for all of their other votes being in lock step with the San Fransisco liberal who doesn’t represent New Hampshire values.

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. Noreen Langill permalink
    December 10, 2008 8:49 pm

    To Whom It May Concern,

    Which way do you think money flows? It does not go from the top to the bottom, it goes from the bottom up. You all give the auto manufacturing companies 16 billion dollars to bail them out and who the hay is going to buy those cars? Not those of us who have no jobs or place to live, we don’t have any money. I hear crying about the auto workers that may loose their jobs. I get $17,000 a year if I’m lucky. What they make in one months is more then I get in one year. Now if they managed their money correctly, they would be set for life by now. Wish I had one year of what they make.

    I’m a 55 year old lady and lost my job about eight months ago. I used what little money I was able to save towards a fixer-upper house, to pay my bills after losing my job. Now I’m behind on my rent and will be homeless in about a month or two. I have no unemployment pay and haven’t been able to find a job at all. I’m unable to pay the back bill on my LP Gas and they won’t deliver without payment of the back bill. This means I have no heat, hot water or stove to cook on. I’m running an electric heater to keep above freezing in here. When I’m unable to pay the electric bill, and they shut it off, I then have no heat at all.

    So, why don’t you all give us poor people some money to pay our bills and keep a roof over our heads. The money we pay our rent with goes to our landlord and he buys the car from the auto dealers which goes on up to the auto manufactures. Everybody’s happy.

    Heck, I can’t even find any help here to keep a roof over my head. My husband served in the Viet Nam war and even the veteran groups in this state don’t have any help for the veterans families when they need help. It would only cost our government sixty thousand to get me out of dept and get a fixer-upper house so I wouldn’t be a burden to the state. Guess they would rather give sixteen billion away to someone who is bound to fail in the end then to give sixty thousand to someone to keep a roof over their head and help them to be self efficient. I could grow my own food and can it for the winter months. Wouldn’t need any help from anyone any more. Just thought you should know that it burns me up to think how the big business men get richer in this economy and the poor end up homeless. The worst of it is, no one cares and I’m mad as a hornet. I don’t want a hand out, just a hand to get back on my feet. So, what about us poor people? Why can’t we get some help to survive?

    Noreen (Megenis) Langill
    87 Livermore Road
    Holderness, NH 03245


  2. March 11, 2009 3:34 am

    I wish there was an easier choice for this.


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