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Intelligence Reports Confirm That Nancy Pelosi Knew About Waterboarding in 2002

May 7, 2009

  As I have written about twice before, here and here, Nancy Pelosi was briefed on the harsh interrogation methods that the United States was using and she knew about them as early as 2002. She has been denying that she had  knowledge about waterboarding since it was learned that she was briefed in 2002 but we now know according to documents released by the CIA that she did know that waterboarding could be used in interrogations. And we also know that she did nothing to stop it.

  She claims that she was told that waterboarding could be used but that at the time of her briefing waterboarding wasn’t yet used. It turns out that this is correct, the CIA had not yet waterboarded anyone when she was briefed. That does not get her off the hook however.

  The newly released CIA documents show that Nancy Pelosi was briefed on all of the techniques that were approved for use and were deemed legal, among those techniques was waterboarding.

  So we now know that Nancy Pelosi knew that waterboarding was ruled a legal and acceptable means of interrogation as early as 2002 and that she didn’t have a problem with it then. If she had an issue with waterboarding the time to bring it up would have been in 2002 before anyone was waterboarded, but she did not have a problem with it then or she would have done something about it.

   It wasn’t until it became clear that the Democrats could gain politically that she and other Democrats feigned disgust, surprise, and indignation at the notion that the CIA used waterboarding as a means to interrogate terrorists.

  Nancy Pelosi is playing a game of semantics with this issue and she thinks that we are too stupid to see through it. Nancy Pelosi had a chance to do something about waterboarding seven years ago if she thought that this harsh interrogation method was torture yet she did and said nothing. Her silence was her approval. Now that the political tide has turned she has found the so-called morals that she must have been lacking in 2002 and she has decided that America has lost her moral compass because we have been torturing suspects by using methods that she approved of before the political climate changed.

  Nancy Pelosi has been exposed for the fraud that she is, as have the Democrats on this issue. It doesn’t matter whether you believe that waterboarding is torture and it doesn’t matter if you believe that waterboarding was justified. What does matter is that the loudest voices that have recently come out  against waterboarding knew about it all along and they did nothing because they thought at the time that it would hurt them politically.

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14 Comments leave one →
  1. May 7, 2009 10:34 pm

    I’m sure Nancy Pelosi can’t stand to have water thrown in the face of trained killers who hate America. Of course, she has no problem cracking skulls of newborn babies. She should teach a class on priorities.


  2. Deb permalink
    May 8, 2009 7:44 am

    That is the most lame-a$$ semantics I ever heard.Is that all she’s got? I told you she was completely bonkers.


    • May 9, 2009 7:29 am

      I think she is going to be exposed on this. I hope they DO investigate because it will be fun to watch the Dems scurrying around.


    • May 9, 2009 7:32 am

      Why do you think that he is waiting so long? He has always said that he opposed it.


      • May 9, 2009 10:05 am

        He wants to keep his job. I am really hoping that he does what is right and that is what the people want not what government officials think is right.


      • May 10, 2009 11:10 pm

        I think the best way for him to keep his job would be to veto the bill. If he signs it he will lose the support of Republicans that have voted for him in the past. It is going to be interesting to see what he does. Will he do what he claims he believes and veto the bill or will he succumb to the pressure from the more liberal members of his party?


  3. May 8, 2009 12:46 pm

    Pelosi has a problem with WATER…

    You remember the scene in the Wizard of Oz??

    “I’m melting… I’m melting… ”

    Just sayin’…


  4. May 8, 2009 7:41 pm

    Of coarse, Nancy knew about the water-boarding long before the public became aware of it. Most all Demos in 2002-2004 supported our efforts no matter how violent to gather information about the enemy. Their moves now are only political. If the Obama administration had been the ones doing the water-boarding, it would be fine. This is all political and the Demos are hurting the country and increasing the chance of another terrorist attack.


    • May 10, 2009 11:13 pm

      That is exactly right. This has all become political. I think that it probably always was with these people. THey knew back in 2002 that it would have been political suicide to oppose these measures so they supported it. But now that they have successfully turned the people against these measures they feign disgust at the thought of what the CIA had done. They are so transparent.


  5. May 9, 2009 4:46 pm

    Utterly amazing, Mr. P/E-

    Granny Botox was caught lying red-handed, and she’s still lying.

    Apparently the President and Speaker forgot something:
    the CIA KILLS people… it’s in their job description.

    Did Pelosi and Obama think these killers were going to meekly take one for the team… when the team captain is a lying, incompetent, arrogant nebbish with no real-world experience… who told them they need to kiss his ring? -please-

    Pelosi is a Machiavellian, no-talent hack who’s made a lot of enemies.
    Going to be hard to BS her way out of this one.

    Lying piece of crap-


    • May 10, 2009 11:16 pm

      She has been dodging and ducking on this issue but it should be evident to everone by now that she is lying and that she knew of an approved of waterboarding all along.



  1. Hag Pelosi Caught In A Lie « rjjrdq’s America

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