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President Obama Pressures Bank of America to Make Changes to Their Board of Directors

May 15, 2009

  The president is urging the Bank of America to make changes in its board of directors. The problem with this is that Bank of America did not get any federal bailout money. The government has no business telling this company how to run its business.

  I do not believe that any company should be given taxpayer dollars, period. I believe that we should let the free market dictate which companies fail and which ones survive. The government has no business interfering in a private business. But considering that these companies are taking taxpayer dollars and there is nothing that we can do about it, I hold the position that if a company receives corporate welfare, otherwise known as bailout money, than the government should be allowed to place some conditions on the companies that receive the money. If you lie down with the dog you are bound to get fleas.

  That being said, I am still leery of the government stepping in and telling companies how they should be run even if they did receive bailout money. I am very leery of a government that can hire and fire employees. And has very recently done exactly that. We are beginning to wade into very dangerous waters here.

  The reason I am leery is because it will not end with companies that receive taxpayer dollars and this is a perfect example. The government, and the president in particular, is feeling emboldened with new power. Power that the government was never supposed to have. And now the president feels that he can dictate to  companies who did not receive taxpayer dollars how the companies should be run as well has who should be fired.

  This president is grabbing more and more power over private businesses, he is going from Commander in Chief to CEO in Chief at an alarming rate. This, not the crisis, is an unprecedented power grab. This president has brought the Chicago style thug politics to a national level.

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10 Comments leave one →
  1. madjillmom permalink
    May 15, 2009 11:32 pm

    I like your stuff. A family man with a no nonsense approach to the crazy stuff out there. I will come back and read you when I can. Come check out my blog, You might like it. Thanks.


  2. May 16, 2009 11:13 am

    I guess he doesn’t realize that the bod is voted in by the shareholders? When is he going to stop coming up with all this scary shit?


  3. May 16, 2009 3:24 pm

    I am reading a book that takes a fresh look at the great depression. It turns out that FDR and Hoover both prolonged the depression with their big government programs. Obama is doing the exact same things as FDR and businesses and the private sector in general is afraid of how they are going to be punished by the government which is how it was during FDR’s time in office.

    I hope we can survive 4 years of Obama and a Democrat controlled congress. Maybe, some of these “swing” voters will wake up.


    • May 16, 2009 6:57 pm

      It makes you wonder if he is doing it on purpose. For him to look at history and try to do the same things that didn’t work back then makes you think that it isn’t out of the question.
      I am still hoping that it is only two years of a Democrat controlled congress.


  4. May 17, 2009 12:36 pm

    Okay. I am having a brain cramp here. I know BOA didn’t take stimulus money but they did get a loan? My question is, “Did the loan come with some strings perhaps?” or is this mobster style tactics by Obama and his ilk?


    • May 17, 2009 7:54 pm

      I am going with mobster style tactics. They didn’t get any frderal money, this is just Obama over-reaching as far as I can tell.


  5. May 19, 2009 9:11 am

    But they did get federal money in the form of a loan. Bank of America told me that themselves. So…again, I am wondering if like the stimulus money their were strings attached. Maybe even unspoken strings.


    • May 19, 2009 8:58 pm

      I would bet anything that any loan that they received from the government would have strings attached. It is Obama’s way of gaining control over all of these industries.


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