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Climategate: The great global warming hoax

November 24, 2009

  I am going to be perfectly honest with you, I am not lying when I say that I am deriving great pleasure, schadenfreude, with the news of the leaked emails that now prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that those scientists who have been touting the impending doom that man-made global warming will cause have been exposed as liars and frauds.

  I am not going to go into the contents of these emails, they are all over the internet if you haven’t read them yet you can find them. But suffice it to say that they are damning indeed. Many of the global warming realists, myself included, have been claiming that scientists who are skeptical of the notion that man is causing the earth to warm are not able to get their side of the story published and now we have proof that the IPCC was manipulating the data and ignoring scientific evidence that was contrary to their agenda.

   This is more than just a few emails; there are over 1,000 emails in all, as well as 72 documents that show a concerted effort by the global warming alarmists to manipulate the data in a grand conspiracy.

Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.

  The reaction across the internet has been swift and pointed even while the mainstream media and global warming alarmist politicians ignore this scandalous information

  The Washington Times is reporting that while the theft of these emails is not condoned the information in these emails should have been accessable under Britain’s Freedom of Information Act but the IPCC refused to release the documents. We now can see the reason why they were tardy in releasing the documents. Under the Bush administration we learned from left wing politicians and the media that whistleblowing was justified and admirable; there was even legislation proposed to protect whistleblowers so today I say thank you for whistleblowers.

  When something as heinous and insidious as this is being committed right under our nose; when the data is being manipulated to fit an agenda; and when that agenda is being taught to young schoolchildren as fact, something has to be done to put a stop to this criminal activity.

  We have a whole generation of people who have grown up being taught that people are causing the earth to warm; they believe this is the truth because they have been indoctrinated to believe it is the truth. They don’t know any better, but now we have been given the proof that we need to teach them the truth. It is a hard truth, we have to tell them that the people who have been teaching them about global warming have been lying to them, or probably more accurately that the people who have been providing the data to the people who have been teaching them have been lying.

  But still the global warming alarmist politicians will push their agenda even in the face of this revelation. Today Barack Obama claimed that progress has been made toward a global climate change agreement. He apparently doesn’t care that the data has been manipulated and neither do the others. They will continue to push cap and trade legislation that will increase taxes and cause even more job losses.

  Senator Inhofe has called for a congressional investigation into climategate and if these politicians have any morals whatsoever they will at least investigate this conspiracy, whether or not they agree with how the information was received, before they pass any cap and trade legislation that will destroy what is left of the United States economy after the healthcare reform bill is passed.

  Climategate has exposed the great global warming hoax, it is now up to the politicians to do what is right, but it is also up to us to do what is right. The media will gloss over this story because they are in bed with the Obama administration and his cap and trade agenda. If we do not stay on top of this story it will go away. That is what the Obama administration, the media, and the alarmists are hoping for. We owe it to our children to expose this scandal for what it is.

  We have been lied to by the IPCC and we must not let this story die. 

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8 Comments leave one →
  1. November 25, 2009 1:02 pm

    If the media doesn’t cover this, or if they choose to debunk it, do you think the 1,000+ pages of information is enough to push this forward and bring the house of global warming crashing down?


    • November 25, 2009 8:50 pm

      I certainly hope so. There is plenty of information out there on the internet and I think that the internet is where most people get their news from. The mainstream media is almost irrelevent now. The word will get out there regardless of the media’s intent to cover this up.


  2. Deb permalink
    November 25, 2009 3:08 pm

    The fact that the story has been near the top for about two days now is the best part! Now, I am only joking, but haven’t polar bears been know to attack (and eat) humans? I just know that Algore would want to pat one, they are so cute and cuddly! I’m sure he can hitch a ride up there with Sarah after her book tour.


  3. bob smith permalink
    November 29, 2009 11:08 am

    Healthcare reform, cap and trade and climate change are all bogus. It will cripple our depressed economy and put us at a 3rd world nation status. We all know or should that there is entirely way too much corruption in the white house and congress. Everyone is patting each others backs. From the 100 million dollars harry reid gave for a vote to special interests groups. We need govermental reform and to prosecute criminal activity. Of course that will not happen and they will continue to ignore the american people. So I guess its time for a revolution. That obama for introducing politics to myself, my family and my friends.


  4. bob smith permalink
    November 29, 2009 11:09 am

    Healthcare reform, cap and trade and climate change are all bogus. It will cripple our depressed economy and put us at a 3rd world nation status. We all know or should that there is entirely way too much corruption in the white house and congress. Everyone is patting each others backs. From the 100 million dollars harry reid gave for a vote to special interests groups. We need govermental reform and to prosecute criminal activity. Of course that will not happen and they will continue to ignore the american people. So I guess its time for a revolution. Thanks obama, for introducing politics to myself, my family and my friends.


    • November 29, 2009 9:01 pm

      Welcome to the world of politics. It is going to be a hard road ahead in order to get real reform in government, I don’t think that we will ever get their. But if Obama helps to wake people up as to what is going on in Washington then we have a good start.



  1. Whistle-blower claims NOAA manipulated data prior to UN global warming conference | America's Watchtower

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