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Jim Webb warns Obama about taking action at Copenhagen

December 8, 2009

  Democrat senator Jim Webb has sent a letter to the president reminding him that he cannot unilaterally act at Copenhagen. He went on to remind the president that any treaty he agrees to will require a two thirds majority vote by the senate before it becomes law.

  Here is the full text of Senator Webb’s letter to the president:

Dear Mr. President:

I would like to express my concern regarding reports that the Administration may believe it has the unilateral power to commit the government of the United States to certain standards that may be agreed upon at the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The phrase “politically binding” has been used.

Although details have not been made available, recent statements by Special Envoy on Climate Change Todd Stern indicate that negotiators may be intending to commit the United States to a nationwide emission reduction program. As you well know from your time in the Senate, only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country.

I would very much appreciate having this matter clarified in advance of the Copenhagen meetings.


Jim Webb
United States Senator

  It appears to me the senate is cooling (pardon the pun) on the notion of acting on the global warming legislation that has passed the House and on any cap and trade legislation that may come down the road in the future.

  I am sure that Climategate probably has played a large roll in this as have the American people. The people are opposed to cap and trade legislation and it seems as if they have let their opinion be heard in the senate. Senators are afraid to act on this legislation, and rightlfully so, counter to what their constituents are demanding.

  The article that I linked to above has a recent update from Senator Webb and his position on the Supreme Court’s ruling that allowed the EPA to regulate greenhouse gasses that states:

I think we need to go back and look at the Supreme Court decision in which the EPA asserts that it has that authority, because it is a derived power based on legislation, and it is a limited power. I don’t think the administration can agree to anything, for instance, in Copenhagen on an endagerment finding that was based on one piece legislation in a Supreme Court decision

  This is great news and can be taken as a sign that the global warming alarmist agenda may be finally petering out. Climategate has dealt the global warming alarmists a major blow in spite of the lack of coverage and the administration’s position of ignoring the scandal. The senate may be waking up and may finally be listening to the people. Now it is time for the president to listen as well.

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. December 8, 2009 8:06 pm

    I checked out Jim Webb, and although a Dem, sounds like a stand up guy. I could tolerate Democrats if they were more like him.


  2. LD Jackson permalink
    December 8, 2009 9:05 pm

    I don’t know, Mr. Pink Eyes. I have my doubts that these people are going to give up so easily. I have seen very little coverage in the mainstream media about Climategate.

    My fear about Copenhagen is that President Obama and his administration may really be of the opinion that they can act without the approval of the Senate. If they commit to standards and consider them politically binding, I wonder if the Senate will actually take it upon themselves to stand their ground?


    • December 8, 2009 9:11 pm

      There has been little if any coverage in the mainstream media but more and more Americans are getting their news online and that is where the word of this story is spreading. Maybe I am getting too optimistic about this but I think that if they are hearing from the American people maybe they will stand their ground. But then again, they caved on healthcare after they claimed to oppose it so I just can’t fully trust them any more.


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