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Obama’s safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings, has a reading list

December 9, 2009

Warning: this post contains extremely graphic XXX rated material. If you are offended by such reading, you should stop reading right now.

  I have not written about Kevin Jones’s now infamous reading list up until this point because I couldn’t decide how to go about it, but after reading posts at Political Realities and AUP2, I decided that the time had come for me to address this issue. Obama’s “safe schools” czar, Kevin Jennings has a reading list that he thinks all of our children should read. As you can tell by the warning above I have decided to include passages from this reading list, I think it is the best way to illustrate the radicals that are now running our country so let me warn you once again to proceed with caution. This is XXX rated material.

  The following excerpts I took from Conservative Hideout 2.0, this website includes the names of the books that these excerpts are taken from as well as the page number that they appear on.

  This is your last chance to turn away, or just skip past the italicized quotes.

My sexual exploits with my neighborhood playmates continued. I lived a busy homosexual childhood, somehow managing to avoid venereal disease through all my toddler years. By first grade I was sexually active with many friends. In fact, a small group of us regularly met in the grammar school lavatory to perform fellatio on one another. A typical week’s schedule would be Aaron and Michael on Monday during lunch; Michael and Johnny on Tuesday after school; Fred and Timmy at noon Wednesday; Aaron and Timmy after school on Thursday. None of us ever got caught, but we never worried about it anyway. We all understood that what we were doing was not to be discussed freely with adults but we viewed it as a fun sort of confidential activity. None of us had any guilty feelings about it; we figured everyone did it. Why shouldn’t they?


One day, on the bus to shop class, this ugly fuck of a man sat behind me and put his foot in the crack of my seat. He was skinny, with a patchy, pencil-thin mustache that besotted his oily face. I ignored him for most of the trip. I did notice that he changed buses when I did, but this time he sat beside me. He tried a little small talk, but then he suddenly and very nervously put his hand on my crotch. It never occurred to me to tell him not to. I’m not sure if I agreed to it or not, but he managed to get me to follow him to a nearby rest room at another secondary school “to play.” In the bathroom stall, lit by two scant rows of fluorescent lights, half of them burnt-out or flickering, he tried to kiss me, but I was too nauseated to do that. He sucked my nipples and played with my cock. I had no idea what to do. He then tried to get me to suck his. Somehow I knew this was expected of me, but I just could not put his ugly, foul-smelling penis into my mouth. When he forced it in I gagged so hard I started vomiting. Undaunted, he tried to put his cock in my ass. Thankfully, he came prematurely. He pulled up his trousers and left me in the toilet stall confused, frightened, crying, and praying to God for forgiveness of my horrible sin. I spent a good deal of time locked in the stall, trying to clean up, trying to wipe the smell of that act off with wet toilet paper, but I was doused in the stench of that man and what he had done.

This incident should have soured me on men, but it only made me more confused and needful. One day later, something accidental happened that would change my life. I discovered that at a urinal I could actually see someone else’s penis. I was ecstatic and fearful, but I wanted more. One day, at a local shopping mall, as I was trying to sneak a peek at penises in the rest rooms, a man at the urinal actually turned to me and started playing with himself. He flashed me a gold-toothed smirk and motioned for me to come over. Shocked, I zippered up and ran out, but the seeds had been laid. The whole world of rest-room sex had opened itself up to me.

Soon I was spending a great deal of time hanging out in shopping malls and cruising the rest rooms for sexual encounters. My rest-room exploits started to be a great burden on my mind. The better part of the year was spent making deals with God, asking for a sign, then ignoring and rationalizing everything I perceived to be a sign, praying for forgiveness, and being obsessed with raging hormones and a seemingly endless supply of dicks. I believed that it was all part of a test by God to see if I was a sinner. I was.

I had known before that something was up, and that I was attracted to men, but this toilet thing was a whole new realm of sin and Satan, a new level that I had never before imagined. The following years were spent praying for forgiveness and trying to purge my homosexuality through prayer and Bible study. While my classmates wondered what sex was like, content to masturbate over pinups, I was out there having my cock sucked and my ass fucked. These were grown men I was tricking with. Some were nice, grateful for a young boy to have their way with. Some were harsh and mean. There were a few nasty encounters, brutal and painful experiences, near-rapes, but through it all, I never thought that I had the ability to say no.

I was scared about what I was doing, scared of God’s judgment and of being caught in all those rest rooms and parks, but I really did enjoy those sexual encounters. That feeling of doing it to them and them doing the same for me was just too damn good.


Minal is a young queer from India and has been a sex worker in the S/M scene for a year and a half. He has taken a break from sex work and lives in San Francisco. In this interview Minal talks about his journey into sex work as a way of uplifting his self-esteem around body-image issues, his feeling of empowerment doing sex work in drag…

S: How did you get into sex work?

M: Well, before I get into that I have to tell you how I got into S/M generally, since I used to be a complete vanilla bottom. I’m gay, by the way; I’m exploring being transgendered, and I’ve been doing drag for about ten years, on and off. Drag was never a sexual thing for me, I’ve always had sex “as a guy.” Around March of last year a friend asked me about rape fantasies—she wanted to know what my fantasies were. I realized I hadn’t been fantasizing at all. When I did start thinking about it, my fantasies were all about whipping. I started reading up on S/M, and it was making me interested in sex for the first time. Before, I never knew what the big deal was with sex. I put a personal ad in the paper to do scenes with different people, and I realized that for what I was doing, I could be getting good money. I had a lot of friends in the sex industry who were asking me, “Why aren’t you charging for what you’re doing?”

So that summer I did it for free and learned what I needed to do, and by November I started putting out ads in the Bay Area Reporter. My ads were sort of genderfuck: my picture was taken from the neck down in a corset, fishnets and garter belt. It was a dom-type look. I realized there weren’t that many guys into doing S/M professionally, and the ones that were were really butch—so I stood out a lot. It was great. It was the first time I had really good sex, I was getting paid for it, and I felt totally in control. It was good, but I was wondering how many people I was losing by advertising as a fem dom. I started putting ads online without the fem look and got a lot more response, so I switched to just having a nude picture in the paper as opposed to a girlish one. The responses were more than I could handle, which is a good thing. That’s how I got into sex work, as a way of exploring my sexuality.

S: How has your self-image improved from doing sex work?

M: I feel a lot more confident and secure with myself. I think that has a lot to do with S/M and coming into my own power.


Near the end of summer, just before starting his sophomore year in high school, Dan picked up a weekly Twin Cities newspaper. Scanning the classifieds, he came upon an ad for a “Man-2-Man” massage. Home alone one day, he called the telephone number listed in the ad and set up an appointment to meet a man named Tom. Tom offered to drive to Zimmerman. So, over the phone, Dan directed him to a secluded road in his subdivision. “Stop where the pavement ends,” Dan told him.

A couple of nights later, Dan pulled the broken screen from his bedroom window and slipped out of the house while his parents slept. He hurried to the prearranged rendezvous spot, and there, in the dark of night, he met Tom for the first time, man-to-man. In the back of Tom’s van, the two had sex.

“He gave me a little shoulder rub and the next thing I knew his hands were all over me,” Dan remembers. “It wasn’t a bad thing. I didn’t necessarily know it would turn into sex. But I knew what I was doing.”

Dan continued his liaisons with Tom throughout the summer and into the following school year, having sex—usually masturbation and oral sex—with Tom in his van or his Minneapolis apartment.

Even though Tom was older, almost twice Dan’s age, Dan felt unthreatened by him. Dan admits Tom was a “troll” in every sense of the word—an older closeted gay man seeking sex with a man much younger. But Dan says he was not intimidated by the discrepancy in their ages. “He kind of had me in a corner in that he knew I didn’t have access to anything I wanted.” says Dan. “But everything was consensual.”

“He wasn’t exactly a friend,” Dan says of his relationship with Tom. “He wasn’t exactly a lover. He wasn’t exactly a role model. He wasn’t exactly anything. What I got out of it was sex, and someone who made me feel nice for once. Sex was a totally different way to feel good. It was a very easy way to get away from the pain. I was young. He brought me down to the city, where I wanted to be. And I was very young.”

  There is more, much more, but I think that you get the point. I don’t need to reprint any more. These excerpts are from GLSEN’s, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, reading list. Kevin Jones is the founder of this organization and now he is Barack Obama’s safe schools czar.

  As a person who considers himself a libertarian at heart, I honestly do not care whether a person is a homosexual or not, it is none of my business what two adults do in their households but this goes beyond what two adults do in their households, this is bringing their agenda into unknowing parents households. That is where I have a problem, this is infringing on my rights as a parent. Can anybody honestly read those excerpts and make a legitimate case that it is acceptable reading to first graders, or any grade school child for that matter? This material is pornographic, homosexual or straight it is improper reading for any child.  But these books go even farther than that, they also contain and seemingly condone child rape and sex in public restrooms. (Didn’t that get Larry Craig in a little trouble?) This is outrageous! I can’t even put it into words. This is the type of material that we are trying to protect our children from when they are on the internet and Kevin Jennings wants to bring it into the classroom.

  If you skipped past the excerpts you may want to skip past the next portion of this post as well because there is even more to this story. In 2000 GLSEN celebrated its 10th anniversary by holding a conference with the blessing of the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Safe Schools Program, and the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. During this conference, in which only 14-21 year olds were invited to attend, the organization offered lessons in fisting. If you don’t know what that is you are going to have to google it. The conference was secretly taped and when the contents of the tapes were made public the organization was forced to apologize.

  Here is the statement that Kevin Jennings released in the wake of the controversy:

“Like the Parents Rights Coalition and the Department of Education, GLSEN is also troubled by some of the content that came up during this workshop,” said Kevin Jennings, national executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

He said people who run workshops in the future will get clearer guidelines, though Jennings said the network’s annual conference at Tufts University should not be judged on the 30-student seminar “What They Didn’t Tell You About Queer Sex and Sexuality in Health Class.”

“We need to make our expectations and guidelines to outside facilitators much more clear,” said Jennings. “Because we are surprised and troubled by some of the accounts we’ve heard.”

  Apparently he wasn’t too “troubled by some of  the accounts” because at a conference one year later the organization actually handed out fisting kits to those in attendance. 400 students received these kits.

  This is an example of the type of people that Barack Obama has guiding him, this man is a radical and he has surrounded himself with radicals. The pressure needs to be applied to Kevin Jennings to resign, the pressure needs to be applied to Barack Obama to let him go if he refuses to resign.

  These are the people who are gaining more and more control and influence over our children while the rights of the parents are being eroded. This is not an issue about whether you think that homosexuality is right or wrong, this is an issue about pornography being used to teach children sex education at an age that is much too young. It should be up to the parents to decide at what age their children are ready to learn about sex and also about what they should be taught about it.

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13 Comments leave one →
  1. December 9, 2009 10:47 pm

    Thanks for the link. We just have to get this info out. Though Hannity talked out it on the radio today, and on TV tonight. I’ll add you to my blogroll.


    • December 10, 2009 5:45 am

      No problem, thanks for getting the word out there. People like this have no business in any official capacity in the administration. I will be adding your link as well.


  2. Geof permalink
    December 10, 2009 12:23 am

    Having read this, and some of the other links, I am DEEPLY saddened. I am also EXTREMELY OUTRAGED. As my wife and I are raising our three year old granddaughter, I already fear for what she will encounter during her educational years. This filth definitely needs to be eliminated now. The agenda—and the man’s career. Period. I linked over to the GLSEN webpage–at the bottom is a list of their corporate sponsors. Pepsico, Goldman Sachs, IBM, etc. Maybe, if we can get letters generated towards these corporations, it might pressure them to pull their support of the GLSEN. This could be one avenue to eliminating the threat. Just something to ponder.


  3. December 10, 2009 2:31 am

    I couldn’t read it all-I got the point. This guy should be in jail for trying to push this on children. Obama should be in jail for letting it happen. The next time I use a public restroom I’ll be thinking of this article.


    • December 10, 2009 5:47 am

      It certainly is hard to get through, to think that this is what they want our children reading. It makes me so mad, I can’t even describe it.


  4. LD Jackson permalink
    December 10, 2009 6:30 am

    Thanks for the link, Mr. Pink Eyes and thanks for posting your article. This needs to be read by as many people as possible. I can’t believe the man still has his job.


  5. December 11, 2009 4:59 pm

    Snake Hunters Sez,

    Jefferson, Patton & Reagan; Yes! – But, where O where are today’s Statesmen?



  6. December 11, 2009 10:46 pm

    Thanks for the “shout out” Mr. Pink Eyes – I think these people are actually perverted at a level I can’t even wrap my brain around. In faith circles, we call this debased. Nothing is too gross or to out there for them.

    This on top of the structural changes of how our government works and I almost hate to see what we will wake up to in 2010~


  7. December 11, 2009 10:48 pm

    BTW – just to re-iterate, most of these situations are crimes because they are done with minors! That point needs to be made loud and clear. All who are part of this are part of a criminal activity.

    I guess that means Obama now is by selecting this man. At least, he will be if this vileness continues to happen under Jennings.


    • December 12, 2009 5:57 am

      The most disturbing part of these books is that some of them appear to condone and glorify child rape. That is exactly what it is, RAPE! If Obama knew about these books and still selected Jennings it shows us exactly how radical and out of touch Obama really is.


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