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Darrell Issa calls for a special investigation into the White House on Joe Sestak

March 24, 2010

  Joe Sestak– who is running against Arlen Specter in the Democrat primary in Pennsylvania– has claimed on more than one occasion that he was offered a high ranking position (possibly the Secretary of the Navy) in the Obama administration if he would agree not to run against Arlen Specter in a primary election this fall. If Sestak’s claim is true, the Obama administration has committed a federal crime  “for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate.”

  Meanwhile Arlen Specter is denying that he was  promised by the White House that he would have no Democrat primary opponent if he agreed to switch parties. But at the same time he is admitting that if the White House did in fact offer Joe Sestak a job for his promise not to run against him a federal crime was committed.

   Arlen Specter has demanded that Joe Sestak name names if indeed he has proof that something like this took place. I agree with Arlen Specter here, if Joe Sestak has proof he should tell people who it was that offered him this deal, if he does not than he should shut up.

  I am of the belief that someone in the Obama administration did contact Joe Sestak on this possibility and I am equally sure that this type of thing happens all the time by both parties. I am also sure that most people are not stupid enough to make these types of accusations without proof– although it appears as if Joe Sestak is the exception to the rule. There is no doubt in my mind that Joe Sestak is telling the truth because I can’t think of any reason that he would lie about this, there is nothing for him to gain by lying about this. But I also believe that he has no proof because nobody would be stupid enough to offer him a job on the record.

  Having stated all of this, these are serious accusations that have been levied by Joe Sestak and they need to be investigated. Darrell Issa has sent a letter to the president’s attourney asking him if he was going to investigate Joe Sestak’s claims. Apparently he did not get an adequate response because he is now ready to call  for a special investigation into the White House on the matter if the White House does not address the claims on their own.

Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight committee, told CBS News Wednesday that he will call for a special prosecutor to investigate the White House if it does not address Rep. Joe Sestak’s claim that he was offered a federal job in exchange for dropping out of the Pennsylvania Senate primary.

“If the public doesn’t receive a satisfactory answer, the next step would be to call for a special prosecutor, which is well within the statute,”

  Darrell Issa is exactly right about this, there has to be an investigation into this issue, whether it is an internal investigation or whether a special prosecutor needs to be assigned. The American people deserve to know what happened in this instance.

  There are only three possible truths that I can think of as options to what happened here: either the administration committed a federal crime and Joe Sestak has proof, Joe Sestak is lying, or a federal crime was committed but Joe Sestak has no proof. I honestly believe that the latter option is the real truth. The first option would be an indictment on the Obama administration, while the last two would be an indictment on Joe Sestak. But the fact remains that we need to know exactly what happened here.

  Somebody is not telling the truth and the administration’s silence on this issue tells me that Joe Sestak is telling the truth, but can he prove it? That should be up to a special prosecutor to decide.

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14 Comments leave one →
  1. March 24, 2010 10:17 pm

    Issa again. Man, that guy is fighting for us.


  2. March 25, 2010 3:37 pm

    I’d like to see some evidence of the claims. It would go a long way to show what is really going on here. Other than that, such an act would seem to be consistent with the machine politics that Obama is from.


  3. betsyboss permalink
    March 25, 2010 4:07 pm

    Sestak made a Biden-eque gaffe. Idiot. I live in Sestak’s district and I’m pissed at his sudden silence on the issue. I agree with your last option in this scenario; while this administration is many things, they are not stupid, and I doubt there is any evidence to be found other than Sestak’s word. Nonetheless, Sestak should not cooperate with a cover-up which is what his current sudden silence amounts to as far as I’m concerned. I’m taking a wait and see approach for a few days before I start lighting fire under my neighbors’ asses here to demand that Sestak name names. If he doesn’t talk, he’s screwing his Senate bid – if he does, he’s screwing the WH. Sounds like a win – win to me.


    • March 25, 2010 10:46 pm

      He should either offer proof or he should be indicted for slander. As you said, that would be a win-win either way.


  4. March 25, 2010 8:44 pm

    This should be looked into as it would be a clear violation of law. I suspect one of the Chicago mob made the offer and the White House will do everything to protect them. Joe Sestak, in my opinion is telling the truth.


    • March 25, 2010 10:47 pm

      I think Sestak is telling the truth also, but I don’t think that he can prove it. This is Chigaco politics all the way, they will throw him under the bus if they have to in order to cover up the crime they committed.


  5. April 12, 2010 10:52 am

    Earlier I had read that Congressman Issa had given the administration until April 5th to respond and to produce the whatever correspondence and other communication that was generated with regards to this attempted bribery of Joe Sestak.

    Have you, or anyone else heard of any further developments?


    • April 12, 2010 9:15 pm

      They have not provided any information, but neither has Joe Sestak. I do believe that Sestak was offered a job but I do not believe he has any proof. So I do not think that this is going to go anywhere. But I still hope that somehow it does.


  6. GOPonzy permalink
    November 11, 2010 5:42 pm

    Someone should investigate Issa as well. Talk about slimey.


    • November 11, 2010 8:56 pm

      The Democrat led oversight committee had their chance to investigate Issa and they did not. Maybe there is nothing for them to investigate. I find it hard to believe that the wouldn’t investigate him if there was something for them to investigate.


  7. Ron Crocker permalink
    November 12, 2010 7:48 am

    When he calls for a Special Prosecutor to investigate this Sestak mess, he should also call for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the DOJ. They have refused to prosecute voter intimidation cases, because the accused were black, they refuse to enforce the law on the border and they side with foreign countries against us, American Citizens.



  1. Darrell Issa will likely call for a special investigation into the White House/Joe Sestak scandal « America's Watchtower
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