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Republicans denied documents on the Joe Sestak scandal

June 24, 2010

  Republicans made the effort to obtain White House documents relating to the Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff  job offers reportedly offered by Barack Obama for these two candidates to drop out of their respective races so that candidates the president approved of would have a clear path to the Democrat nomination. If true, this is a clear violation of the Hatch Act.

  Yesterday– on party lines– they were denied access to these documents by a margin of 15-12. The Democrats’ laughable defense was, the regime investigated itself and found that they committed no wrong-doing so the matter is closed. I am sorry but this just isn’t good enough. Does anyone really believe that the regime could have fairly and in an unbaised manner conduct the investigation into itself?

  The regime is hiding something here, why else would Democrats refuse to release the documents? Republicans still have a small chance at recovering these documents; they need to hope that the Office of Special Counsel– the office that was specifically created to investigate charges that the Hatch Act was violated– decide to take up this case.

  With all of the confusion around this issue, and with the knowledge that the Obama regime did send out feelers to both Sestak and Romanoff about taking jobs that would require them to give up their election bids, it seems as if there is justification for the Office of Special Counsel to hear this case.

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6 Comments leave one →
  1. June 24, 2010 10:44 pm

    They won’t give them up easily. They want that story to go away. The longer they delay, the more the story becomes, “old news.”


  2. June 25, 2010 8:14 pm

    Transparency, my a$$!!


  3. June 26, 2010 1:05 am

    I think I hear the shredders starting up….


  4. June 30, 2010 9:37 am

    I hadn’t heard anything about the “Sestak” issue in awhile, and was wondering what happened….obviously they want it to go away. And yes they are hiding incriminating evidence…..I’m sure of that.

    I agree with Dominique….I’m sure whatever there was has mysteriously disappeared by now.



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