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Testimony reveals that Barack Obama was involved in Rod Blagojevich’s “pay to play” scandal

June 24, 2010

  In a stunning revelation during the Rod Blagojevich trial it has been revealed that Barack Obama did in fact know about Blagojevich’s “pay to play” scheme; this is something that the president denied when interviewed by federal agents.

The president understands that the governor would be willing to make the appointment of Valerie Jarrett as long as he gets what he’s asked for. . . . The governor gets the Cabinet appointment he’s asked for

  This claim was made by Rod Blagojevich’s chief of staff– John Harris–lawyers went on to say:

Testimony elicited by the government from John Harris and wiretaps played in court raise the issue of President Obama’s direct knowledge and communication with emissaries and others regarding the appointment to his Senate seat

  These charges claim that Barack Obama not only knew about what Rod Blagojevich was doing, but also that he was directly involved in the scheme. This brings to the forefront two questions; what did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?

  Technically Barack Obama was not under oath when he denied any knowledge of Rod Blagojevich’s dealings, but it is a crime to lie to federal prosecutors. If you do not think this is true, look no further than the case of Scooter Libby.

  Barack Obama denied having any knowledge of the “pay to play” scheme that was being run by Rod Blagojevich, but under oath John Harris testified otherwise. At one point it looked as if Barack Obama might have to take the stand, but recently it was reported that he would not be called upon to testify; at the very least it looks like Barack Obama’s chief of staff– Rahm Emanuel– will be taking the stand. But these new revelations now require Barack Obama to take the stand.

  With this new testimony it seems evident to me that Barack Obama must take the stand. We need to know the truth because it seems now that Barack Obama was involved in some capacity in this scandal.

  John Harris has stated under oath that Barack Obama knew about the ploy, yet Barack Obama swore to federal investigators just the opposite. Someone is lying, the American people deserve to know who it is.

  If Barack Obama is as innocent as he claims he is, he should have no problem taking the stand to clear his name. If however, he refuses to take the stand the questions about his involvement will only multiply. If Barack Obama does not take the stand we will be left to wonder, what is he hiding?

  Barack Obama owes it to himself and to the American people to testify under oath that he knew nothing about what was going on. If the trial indicates that Barack Obama was lying to federal investigators than the impeachment proceedings should begin, for he has committed a crime.

  This trial is getting more interesting by the day. It seems all but certain that Rod Blagojevich has committed a crime and will be found guilty, and it seems likely that Barack Obama was involved in this crime– to what extent we do not know– but if he was involved in any way he needs to be removed from office for it will have been proven that he is a liar, and that he lied to federal investigators.

  Chicago is known to have some of the most corrupt politicians in the nation; Barack Obama chose to move to Illinois to begin his political career, that alone should tell us all that we need to know about Barack Obama. But then there is the admitted fact in his book that Barack Obama sought to meet and associate with known radicals living in the Chicago area, one can not help but think that he did so because he himself is a radical, why else would he have gone out of his way to associate with them?

  With these revelations in court today Barack Obama has been implicated in the plot. We need to hear from the man himself.

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9 Comments leave one →
  1. June 24, 2010 8:49 pm

    If Obama is subpoenaed, he can’t refuse to testify…..right?


    • June 24, 2010 9:53 pm

      I am not sure, he might be able to claim executive priviledge unless this were an impeachment trial, then he would have no choice.


      • The Georgia Yankee permalink
        June 25, 2010 8:47 am

        I think you’re right; Lord knows how many judges there are in this country. A good percentage of them would love the publicity attendant upon forcing a President to testify in their courtroom, and I can imagine the circus we’d have if the nation’s CEO were required to respond personally to every subpoena.

        And then there’s the handful of legitimate cases . . .


  2. chris hamilton permalink
    June 25, 2010 1:21 am

    ” O ” NO!


  3. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    June 25, 2010 8:45 am

    So every time someone makes a claim about the President, it’s incumbent upon him to take the stand?

    Sorry, you guys didn’t didn’t buy it when questions were raised about GWBush’s alleged service in the Alabama National Guard, and I’m not buying it now. Rod Blagojevich would like nothing better than to deflect the focus of his trial and make it about the President.

    Let this trial remain about Blagojevich. If credible evidence implicates Obama (and I don’t consider Harris’ testimony on its own to be credible; I think he has as much interest as his boss in seeing Obama dragged into the trial), it should be pursued separately.


    • June 25, 2010 9:21 pm

      In George Bush’s case the “evindence” was forged documents used ny Dan Rather that were proven to be forged within 24 hours by an amateur blogger, while this goes well beyond that. You may claim that Harris’ testimony isn’t credible, but the fact is that he stated this under oath. He was sworn to tell the truth and if he lies he faces purgery charges. This is much different. His first priority under oath isn’t protecting his boss or dragging Obama into this, his first priority is telling the truth so that he doesn’t end up in jail.


  4. June 26, 2010 1:03 am

    Is it possible for this to lead to impeachment – after we kick all the politicians to the curb who are not serving the people – ?


    • June 27, 2010 10:15 am

      I think that if he lied to the federal investigator than it could be impeachable, I just honestly am not getting my hopes up that we will be able to rid ourselves of this man before his term ends.



  1. Testimony reveals that Barack Obama may have been involved in Rod Blagojevich’s “pay to play” scheme « America's Watchtower

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