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White House denies that NASA was charged with reaching out to Muslims

July 12, 2010

  Last week the head of NASA– Charles Bolden– conducted an interview with Al-Jazeera in which he stated that one of NASA’s primary missions was a program to reach out to Muslims to make them “feel good” about their contributions to the world of science.

  Today the Obama regime has denied that part of NASA’s duties involved a Muslim outreach program, stating that Charles Bolden “misspoke” when he made that claim. Yet when this story first broke the White House backed up Charles Bolden when the regime stated that NASA must “partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries.” While this is not an admission that NASA should be involved in a Muslim outreach program, it certainly seemed as if the Obama regime had Charles Bolden’s back on this issue.

  But today that all changed with the Obama regime’s claim that Muslim outreach was not part of NASA’s responsibilities. This regime just can’t seem to get its stories straight. It took the Obama regime 10 days to finally come out and deny the claim by Charles Bolden that part of NASA’s duties were reaching out to Muslims to make them “feel good” about the contributions to science, prompting the question: who is telling the truth? If Barack Obama is telling the truth, why did it take the regime 10 days to deny this story?

  It seems obvious to me that Charles Bolden would not have just made this claim up out of thin air, the order must have come from above.

   I find it interesting how many Democrats have made claims about the Obama regime that the president has had to respond to by saying that there was miscommunication involved. From Joe Sestak to Andrew Romanoff and now Charles Bolden there have been numerous occasions where “miscommunication” has seemingly played a role in controversial issues.

  Either the Obama regime cannot properly articulate its positions to people in their own party or they are articulating their positions properly only to backtrack when controversy ensues thereby hanging those involved out to dry in an attempt to clear Barack Obama of any knowledge of the situations.

  I have one last question: which is worse?

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    July 12, 2010 7:41 pm

    At one point in a long career, I worked for a labor union. Among the many things we did, because we were a politically organized outfit with elected officials, we were frequently in the public eye. Even though we were under strict orders to avoid the press like the plague (let the officers take care of that), we also met regularly to review and discuss the union’s actions and positions on a host of issues. Once those meetings were over, there was no more discussion – the elected officials set the union’s policy, and that’s all there was too it.

    Perhaps I should take a couple days off and go to DC and coach these dudes on how it’s done . . .


    • July 12, 2010 8:41 pm

      It certainly couldn’t hurt, these people just can’t seem to get their stories straight.


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