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Vote for Ovide Lamontagne on Right Klik’s “Ten Buck Fridays” poll

September 5, 2010

  The blog Right Klik has been running a feature for several weeks now that is called “Ten Buck Fridays.” For those of you have not heard about it, “Ten Buck Fridays” is a poll that is run Right Klik, and is shared by about 80 conservative blogs, which lists candidates in different races across the country who need our support.

  The readers of these blogs are then asked to contribute ten dollars to whichever candidate wins the latest poll. This can add up to quite a few additional dollars coming into the coffers of true conservative candidates.

  This week Ovide Lamontagne is among the ten candidates included in the “Ten Buck Fridays” poll; I encourage all of my readers here to please go to Right Klik and cast a vote for Ovide Lamontagne. While the well funded Republican candidates continue to run negative campaign ads slamming each other, Ovide Lamontagne has run a positive, grassroots campaign, and he is gaining in the polls as New Hampshirites tire of the two frontrunner’s continued assault on one another. Ovide Lamontagne does not have the money that either Bill Binnie or Kelly Ayotte has but his message is starting to resonate in New Hampshire.

  The timing of this poll is well coordinated, the poll results will be announced on the many blogs on Friday, September 10th–one day after the debate between the major senate candidates. If Ovide Lamontagne has a good showing during the debate, and sees an influx of money for winning the “Ten Buck Friday” poll, he may have just enough time for some ad buys before the primary on September 14th.

  This could be a critical turning point is his campaign, please everyone vote for Ovide Lamontagne in this poll! He needs the money and we need him!

  For all of those who have not read it yet, please check out Ovide’s Oath.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. September 6, 2010 10:53 am

    Thanks for promoting Ten Buck Fridays – Best of luck to Ovide!


  2. September 7, 2010 11:28 am

    I like Ovide.


    Are you kidding me?

    Look how she treats anyone who has a dangerous question to ask, she threatens arrest, watch the video. And she’s inept, read the documented facts at the link.

    And she’s a liar, as noted by Kevin Landrigan on the $300K Planned Parenthood debacle.


  3. September 11, 2010 2:55 am

    Thanks for sharing the TBF poll. Ovide is a great candidate!


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