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DHS admits that 1000 miles on the Mexican border is not under “effective control”

October 19, 2010

  The Mexican border is just under 2000 miles long and according to this article the Department of Homeland Security is admitting that just under half of that border is under “effective control,”  while over half of the border is not under “effective control.” If this were baseball and we were talking about a hitter’s batting average this would be a phenomenal number. But this is the security of the American people we are talking about here and not just a silly game, and as such the fact that roughly half of the Mexican border is not secured is an abysmal indictment of the federal government and their willingness to secure the southern border.

  This issue is nothing new and it goes well beyond party lines; neither party has been willing to do what it takes to secure the southern border for various reasons. While both parties talk a good game in regards to sealing the southern border, neither party has made a real effort to do so.

  This is more proof–if any were needed–that this issue just isn’t being taken seriously by either party. Politicians are too politically correct to tackle an issue such as this for fear of being called racists and until someone is willing to step up to the plate–to use another baseball analogy–and do something about this, the American people–who are either victims of violent crimes at the hands of  illegal aliens, or are losing their jobs to illegal aliens–are the ones who are going to suffer for the government’s unwillingness to act on such an important issue.

  I find it disgusting–and more than a little disheartening–that politicians have put the feelings of the illegal aliens above the security of the American people. As American ranchers are being murdered on their property, and as decapitated American bodies are being found at the border, and as illegal drugs continue to flow over the Mexican border, I find it deplorable and even criminal that the federal government is still unwilling to take this issue seriously.

  What is it going to take for the government to act on this issue? 

13 Comments leave one →
  1. Dewayne permalink
    October 19, 2010 8:48 pm

    Now that we are about to clean the House, what will it take to get Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder out of office?


  2. October 19, 2010 8:51 pm

    When did we lose our spines? We are Americans for crying out loud. Who cares what the ILLEGAL aliens think. Get the border sealed, protect America from radicals – from whatever area they come from – and do what is right. We are NOT some spineless, wimpy, babies. My gosh!

    If we don’t put some people i the white house with some back bone to stand up to the illegal aliens, criminals and radical terrorists, then we might just forget about America.

    I read, recently, about Muslims blocking main streets in NY in order to pray. We have the border issue that isn’t being resolved because of the Illegals. We have sharia law trying to trump American law in Chicago. Enough already!

    THIS IS AMERICA. When are our REPRESENTATIVES going to REMEMBER that! President included!



    • October 20, 2010 6:05 am

      It really gets the blood boiling doesn’t it? To think that these politicians are too timid to take on this issue should have every American up in arms!


  3. October 20, 2010 12:37 am

    Chuck Schumer said it was secure. But he was one of architects of ’86 amnesty, so go figure.


  4. Deb permalink
    October 20, 2010 6:41 pm

    Steve! You know the “preferred word” is “undocumented”. And you are talking about baseball, after that Sox season! How insensitive! Go Pats!!!!!


    • October 20, 2010 8:26 pm

      Or “new Americans” as Delaware’s governor calls them. Sorry about the baseball analogy, but I didn’t share your pain as I can honestly say the only Sox game I watched this year was the one that I went to with my father–too busy trying to bring down the federal government, I guess I just can’t multi-task! 🙂


  5. October 20, 2010 11:45 pm

    In reference to your last question, I really don’t know what it will take. People are dying, not just as the border, but all over the US. The border continues to deteriorate. The MSM refuses to cover it, and the government refuses to enforce it. As that infamous video from the SEIU states, they want 12,000,000 new Democratic voters. So, I think they simply don’t care. As fro the GOP, they have been too cowardly to address the issue.

    In the end, a lot more of us are going to die.



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