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Nancy Pelosi may not run for Speaker of the House if she is re-elected

October 19, 2010

  Mike McIntyre–a moderate Democrat from North Carolina–is facing a tough re-election campaign and has been trying to distance himself from Nancy Pelosi by claiming that if he is re-elected he will not vote for  Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House in the next session of the Congress. This is not a new position among Democrats who are in the midst of tough re-election bids; many of them are trying to distance themselves from the Speaker of the House, who while she probably will win re-election in one of the most liberal districts in the country, remains unpopular in the nation as a whole.

  But Mike McIntyre let us in on a little secret while campaigning against Nancy Pelosi: if re-elected she may not run for Speaker of the House again.

From what we’re hearing, she’s probably not going to run for Speaker again,” McIntyre told WWAY-TV in North Carolina. “And if she does, I’m confident she’s going to have opposition, and I look forward to supporting that opposition.”

  Nancy Pelosi has refused to comment on whether or not she intends to run for Speaker of the House again, but there are a growing number of Democrats who promise that if they are re-elected they will not support Nancy Pelosi again if she does indeed run for another term as Speaker of the House.

  If the polls hold true and Republicans manage to gain control over the House this decision will not be one that she has to make, but I find it interesting nonetheless that she is apparently mulling over the possibility of not running for the position if Democrats do manage to hold onto the House.

  The House of Representatives is supposed to be the branch of government that is  closest to the average people of America, yet the Nancy Pelosi run House refused to listen to the American people when they forced healthcare reform through the Congress against the will of the very people they are supposed to be representing. As the leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi is directly responsible for ignoring the will of the people in order to hand Barack Obama a victory that the vast majority of the American people opposed. She put the will of the president ahead of the will of the people and this was a dereliction of her sworn duty and she should never be forgiven for this.

  In a perfect world Nancy Pelosi would not win another term in the House but the fact is–as I stated above–she hails from what is probably the most liberal district in the country and she is probably going to be re-elected. So if the Democrats somehow manage to hold on to the House, the next best scenario to a Nancy Pelosi defeat in her re-election bid would be for her to lose her bid to hold onto the position of Speaker of the House.

  Many Democrats who are facing tough re-election bids are promising not to support her if she decides to run for Speaker of the House again, but the question is can they be trusted once they win re-election? This seems like nothing more than an election ploy and I am not sure they can be trusted once they win re-election because the party leaders will begin to exert pressure on them to make sure they do not embarrass their embattled leader, and I am not sure they will be able–or willing–to resist.

  There is only one sure way to ensure that Nancy Pelosi does not run for another term as Speaker and that is to elect a Republican majority in two weeks.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Deb permalink
    October 20, 2010 6:43 pm

    a face only George Soros could love…..



  1. Nancy Pelosi may retire if Democrats lose control of the House « America's Watchtower

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