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The federal government is tracking Americans credit card usage without warrants

December 4, 2010

  During his campaign for president, Barack Obama railed against the Bush administration’s policy of warrantless wiretapping, but soon after taking office he adopted and defended President Bush’s wiretapping policy. This change of position seemed to draw little ire from the left as they suddenly seemed willing to support warrantless wiretapping once it was learned that Barack Obama would be the one conducting the warrantless wiretaps, showing us that the left really didn’t give a damn about the right to privacy, but rather, they opposed the person who was committing this intrusion.

  Now we have learned from this article that the Obama regime is not only listening to calls from American citizens without a warrant, but the federal government is also tracking Americans usage of credit cards without obtaining a warrant for probable cause. In fact, government officials are being allowed to write their own subpoenas in order to track credit card use in real time before applying for a warrant after the fact.

  I find the fact that this revelation is receiving virtually no play in the media quite revealing. What would Keith Olberman, Bill Maher, Rachel Maddow, and the others in the media be saying if it was revealed that President Bush was the one authorizing these illegal searches? I think we all know there would be outrage and calls for investigations into the criminal Bush While House, yet these frauds remain silent now that it is one of their own who is invading the privacy of ordinary Americans without a search warrant.

  Where are Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Howard Dean, John Kerry, and all the other Democrats who were so appalled by President Bush’s actions? Why are we not hearing about the criminal Obama regime from these disingenuous glory seeking politicians now that it is Barack Obama who is violating the rights of the American citizens?

  This is more proof–if any more was needed–that these people did not oppose the policies of President Bush, they simply opposed President Bush himself. Barack Obama is allowed a free ride on issues such as this simply because he is a Democrat, we can rest assured that if we learned that President Bush was conducting this procedure there would be calls for impeachment, yet there is nothing of the sort being bandied about now.

  Barack Obama is allowed to act with impunity by the other members of his party, registered Democrats, and the media alike, even on issues such as this where the outcry would have been beard loud and clear if his predecessor were still in the White House. Democrat voters, the Democrat leadership, and the media have exposed themselves by ignoring this story and I believe their silence indicates that they condone this invasion of our privacy.

17 Comments leave one →
  1. December 4, 2010 9:40 pm

    Let me ask you a question, Steve. Having lived outside of the country for so long I don’t have a feel what you all are still feeling after 9/11 and the advent of Homeland Security and all that that implies. Do Americans feel safer as a result of all these covert and overt security measures? Is it enough to justify the increasing loss of freedoms and liberties? I have to tell you I don’t like what is happening. For me, my freedom and liberty are worth a lot more than some theoretical improvement in security. What’s your take?


    • December 5, 2010 9:17 am

      I don’t think Americans feel any safer, and during the presidential campaign we were reminded by all of the Democrat candidates that George Bush’s policies have made us less safe. Many people bought into that and now we have Barack Obama.
      The media seems to drive the hysteria or lack thereof: when it was leaned that Bush was wiretapping the media ran with the story and it became a scandal, yet this story has received no coverage. I have to think the media is covering for Obama her, because he has continued many of the Bush policies.
      I think that right after September 11th people were more willing to go through some of this, but now people are beginning to push back. The TSA groping is a perfect example, the people are getting sick and tired of being treated like the criminals.

      Couple this with the Fort Hood terrorist attack and the fact that the only thing that stopped the Christmas day bomber and the Times Square bomber were the detonation devices and nothing that the government did, and I don’t think people think we are more safe.


  2. December 4, 2010 10:20 pm

    This is the kind of story I like to forward on to Darrell Issa. Unless this falls under the Patriot Act (and I don’t think it does), the JD is breaking the law.


  3. December 5, 2010 12:45 pm

    I just got an email from American Express letting me know I can pay my taxes online using my credit card. You scratch my back…


  4. bunkerville permalink
    December 6, 2010 9:17 am

    I fear the Terrorists are winning, one drip at a time. No need for bombs, just let us destroy ourselves within.


    • December 6, 2010 7:17 pm

      I have not lost any freedoms with this program. Have you?


      • December 6, 2010 7:44 pm

        Gotta be honest Harrison, if they were tracking you, and taking your private information without a judge’s OK, would you even know? My first thought about the Patriot Act was, “what will Hillary do with this?” It was a fore begone conclusion, at least for me, that the Democrats would not get rid of it, but only use it for their own purposes.

        It would not surprise me in the least to find that our government was paying more attention to us than they are the jihadis.


      • December 6, 2010 9:14 pm

        I agree with Matt here, you simply do not know if the government has been tracking your credit card transactions.


  5. December 6, 2010 7:17 pm

    The article did say it’s for people “in a criminal investigation” however the main issue seems to be what Obama and his Liberal allies said and wrote about Bush and FISA and the warrantless wiretapping. These policies might be keeping the nations safer however they certainly are at odds with how journolists and Liberals liked to portray themselves vs. Bush.


    • December 6, 2010 9:16 pm

      That was my main point with this post. This policy does not coincide with the position that Obama took during the campaign. This is exactly the type of policy he ran against when he was running for president.



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