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Did the Department of Homeland Security leak documents in an attempt to bring down Rick Perry?

October 26, 2011

  According to this story the Department of Homeland Security may have found a new threat, and that threat is…..Rick Perry. The story is just breaking and as of this time there are few details but it appears as if a member of the Department of Homeland Security, Mohamed Elibiary, accessed documents which were meant strictly for official use and quickly decided that leaking them to the press constituted official use.

  Yes, he approached us and gave us some reports marked FOUO [For Official Use Only] that he said showed a pattern of Islamophobia at the department. He emphasized that some of the regional fusion centers were shut down a few years ago after the ACLU complained that they were targeting Muslim civil rights groups and said that this was being directed by [Texas Gov.] Rick Perry

  It appears as if Mohamed Elibiary’s intent was to use these documents in an attempt to bring down a political opponent of Barack Obama but:

We looked at the reports and they weren’t as he had billed them to us. They seem to be pretty straightforward, nothing remotely resembling Islamophobia that we saw. I think he was hoping we would bite and not give it too much of a look in light of the other media outfits jumping on the Islamophobia bandwagon

  Unfortunately for Mr. Elibiary and the Obama regime the news outlet actually decided to read the documents before running the story and quickly realized that Elibiary was “misrepresenting” the facts in the case. If this is true we have a case of a government agency under the authority of the president working not on its legitimate function of protecting the citizenry but instead working to ensure that Barack Obama gets reelected by bringing down his political “enemies.” What other possible reasons could there be for a member of the Department of Homeland Security to purposely “misrepresent” the facts in a case involving a man who hopes to unseat Barack Obama and become the next leader of the still free United States of America?

  I have used this line on another issue but it applies here as well if this story is true: This sounds more like the actions of a Lenin or Stalin controlled communist Russia than that of a freedom and liberty loving America. Barack Obama and the regime are coming to the realization that Barack Obama more than likely will not be reelected and because they cannot win at the ballot box they are pulling out all the stops to “eliminate” his political “enemies.”

  Details are still sketchy, but this is an issue that deserves close scrutiny as more details are made public.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. October 26, 2011 10:05 pm

    You know Steve I hate that term “Islamophobia” because it makes it sound like people who have real concerns about Islam and Sharia law are crazy nut cases running around with tin foil hats. This was definitely an attempt to destroy a political opponent and it’s absolutely reprehensible. This administration has no shame.


    • October 27, 2011 6:43 am

      And that is why the left loves to use the term, instead of facing a real problem they ignore it by delegitimizing people who do have a concern about the problem.
      It certainly seems as this was an attempt at a political attack by the DHS and reprehensible is exactly how I would describe it also.


  2. October 26, 2011 10:40 pm

    And the guy’s name just happens to be Mohamed. But I’m sure he just an honest hard working government bureaucrat. Right! This is going to go down as the dirtiest campaign ever, IMO. Barry fancies himself as a dictator. Congress is just in the way.


    • October 27, 2011 6:45 am

      And all of this from the man who promised to bring us all together. Remember the talk about there being no red states and no blue states, just United States? What happened to that?


      • Georgia Peach permalink
        October 27, 2011 2:02 pm

        After 3 years of listening to his arrogant rantings, I have decided that what ever he says he means the opposite.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 27, 2011 3:41 pm

        Well, he IS bringing us together, isn’t he? In a negative sort of way.


      • October 27, 2011 8:52 pm

        GP, you will be right more often than you will be wrong using that approach.


      • October 27, 2011 8:53 pm

        Lou, I guess that means he is following through on his promise to unite the country. I don’t think he meant he would unite us against him though. 🙂


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