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Solargate: House panel prepares to subpoena five White House officials over Solyndra

February 15, 2012

  The Obama regime is embroiled in several “green energy initiative” scandals–SunPower, LightSquared, Beacon, Fisker, Tesla, Ener1,  and BrightSource–but none is bigger, or more expensive, that the Solyndra scandal.

  Here is a quick background on the Solyndra scandal: Solyndra was an alternative energy company which the Obama regime awarded $500 million in stimulus money. The Obama regime was anxious to kick off its “green jobs initiative” so the loan was fast tracked and the review was not completed before the money was awarded to Solyndra even though there were major concerns about the companies viability.

  This provided Joe Biden with a nice little backdrop for the Obama regime to announce the “green energy initiative” but the concerns over the company’s viability were soon realized when Solyndra filed for bankruptcy. But the story gets worse because the Obama regime rewrote the stimulus loan terms to ensure that Solyndra investors–who just happen to be Democrat and Obama donors–were prioritized and protected ahead of the taxpayers.

  Fast forward to today: The House has asked the president for permission to talk to five White House officials about the Solyndra scandal, but the White House has been stonewalling the request and has not yet provided permission for the people to talk to the committees investigating this scandal. Mum’s the word.

  Because of the White House’s unwillingness to voluntarily cooperate with the investigation, Fred Upton and Cliff Stearns set a deadline of Friday for the White House to comply willingly or they would vote to subpoena the five people in question.

  This would be the second subpoena issued related to Solyndra; the first subpoena was issued in November and Barack Obama announced that he was rejecting the subpoena and would not comply with it–and he hasn’t. During today’s announcement Upton and Stearns warned the White House to turn over the documents relating to the first subpoena by Tuesday or they would consider contempt of Congress charges.

  The Solyndra scandal and investigation could just be starting to heat up (global warming pun fully intended) but judging from Darrell Issa’s unwillingness to back up his contempt threat in the Fast and Furious scandal, I will not hold my breath waiting for any contempt charges against the White House. I hope I am wrong, but I have lost my faith in the Republicans in the House and I do not have high expectations that this investigation is going to go anywhere.

13 Comments leave one →
  1. bunkerville permalink
    February 15, 2012 10:24 pm

    Sure sounds good to me. Sooner or later we should hit paydirt. Maybe with some luck we will peak out this summer. Good campaign fodder. Maybe just dreamiing here at the Bunker 🙂


    • February 15, 2012 10:33 pm

      I am hoping so too! All of this could be breaking at just the right time, but the way the Republicans are going lately I expect them to screw this up.


  2. February 15, 2012 11:07 pm

    I think the administration is simply going to ignore these, and when confronted, lie. Rinse and repeat as needed. They think that because the MSM is under-covering it, that they can get away with it.


    • February 16, 2012 6:36 am

      And they probably will get away with it, that is the sad part about this whole thing.


  3. Can anyone say 'enough already?' permalink
    February 15, 2012 11:57 pm

    Why is this guy still in the White House? Why hasn’t he been walked out? He’s done nothing about /for the people of the USA. He’s investing ALL US money into bankers, corporate companies and feels he’s above the law. Why is this going on. Is there no one in charge? My good lord. This is embarrassing and obscene.


    • February 16, 2012 6:37 am

      The media is ignoring all of these stories in an attempt to protect Obama and it is working. I would bet if you asked the ordinary person on the street if they heard about either this or Fast and Furious they wouldn’t have a clue about what you were talking about.


  4. Phillip Cleary permalink
    February 16, 2012 2:18 am

    The Republican congress is a big dog on a bigger chain. As we have seen with the gun walking deal they are easily bought off and shut down.


  5. February 16, 2012 11:51 am

    Solindra is just the tip of the scandal .

    With regards to LightSquared. The FCC Chairman and the White House pushed for a quick approval of a national broadband. Donald Gipps, Obama’s former WH personnel Director, now ambassador to South Africa, conveniently invested $500,000 dollars in LightSqare just prior to the announcement of the conditional FCC license approval.

    Unfortunately for Gipps and Obama himself who was invested to the tune of $50,000, it turned out that the system being proposed would interfere with current GPS protocol vital to defense and day to day GPS functions. Obama of course denied that he knew of his investment – par for the course – of course.

    For once cooler heads prevailed and the FCC was forced to deny the license to proceed with the process.

    However, the CEO of LightSquared, Sandiv Ahuja announced in the Washington Times yesterday that he is going to push the case for a re-examination of the project to gain approval from the FCC.

    We might safely assume that should Obama be re-elected by the same gullible simpletons once again, his buddies connected to LightSquared and other pet projects, will somehow gain approval.

    Obama is corrupt. Like a street pimp hustling an unsuspecting and gullible mid western farm girl getting off a bus in the big city for the first time, Obama has worked his magic on a gullible and adoring public.

    The safe conclusion of that analogy would suggest the the American public, like to gullible farm girl, will get screwed in the end while Obama and his fellow political pimps rake in the cash….WM


    • February 16, 2012 9:36 pm

      I fear what Barack Obama will attempt to do if he wins reelection and doesn’t have to worry about running again, and if the Democrats gain control of the House and the Senate…..well, I don’t even want to think about that.


  6. Phillip Cleary permalink
    February 16, 2012 10:11 pm

    The Lap Dog media is already announcing a winner!

    The idea is to get people to think it’s already over.


    • February 16, 2012 10:25 pm

      Yep, the media is trying to supress Republican turnout and this is part of it. But sadly I do think Obama is going to win reelection, I am trying to remain positive but it is getting hard to.



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