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Video: Mitt Romney touts his Washington connections while running for governor of Massachusetts

March 2, 2012

  After Herman Cain was forced out of the presidential race (by the Romney campaign?) Mitt Romney was able to assume the mantle of being the only Washington outsider, and he has repeatedly stated that it was time to send a Washington outsider to the White House to straighten out the mess made by the insiders. It just so happens that this closely resembles the argument that Barack Obama made while running for president in 2008, wasn’t he also an outsider who would go to Washington and straighten it out? How’d that work out?

  But back in 2002, when he was running as a liberal candidate for governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney actually bragged about the fact that he was able to use his Washington connections to secure millions of dollars in federal money to save the Olympics (did you hear he saved the Olympics? I think he might have mentioned this once or twice.) and promised he would do the same if he became governor of Massachusetts.

  So technically he hasn’t spent time in Washington–as has Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich–but he has connections who have, so he is playing a game of semantics. During the last debate Mitt Romney made the asinine statement that he was right to ask for federal money to save the Olympics but that Rick Santorum was wrong for voting to give the money to him. Talk about playing both sides of the fence, and talking out of both sides of your mouth!

    Mitt Romney likes to tout his two biggest successes–saving the Olympics and Romneycare–but both of these goals were accomplished with millions of dollars in federal money, and now we are supposed to believe as president he will curtail federal government spending when he thought so highly of it as both a private citizen and as a governor? Mitt Romney is a fraud.

  But the video below also exposes a lie that Mitt Romney made during the last debate.

  During the debate Mitt Romney defended taking federal money for the Olympics by stating he only took dollar amounts equivalent to previous years to provide for transportation and security, but in the video he brags about how he was able to secure a huge increase in federal money for the Olympics by petitioning every government agency for much more than transportation and security–including the Department of Education so that he could buy tickets for children.

  Again, Mitt Romney is a fraud!

13 Comments leave one →
  1. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    March 2, 2012 6:13 pm

    LOL – reminds me of 2008, when the GOP candidates were debating, and one said of another something along the lines of “With Mayor Giuliani, every sentence is the same – a subject, a verb, and 9/11”

    Yes, I remember Romney saved the Olympics, and I remember wondering how long tha achievement would propel him into serious consideration for the White House.

    Unfortunately, as a few others have discovered, success in business doesn’t translate well to success in politics. Businessmen listen to their counselors and advisors when they care to, and don’t when they don’t care to. Once they make a decision, they expect it to be carried out, and count on being able to fire whoever doesn’t fall into line.

    Most Presidents, after a week or two on the job, would kill for such a job description. Cain proved unable to deal with the demands of a free press; I wonder if he was planning to fire harry Reid the first time the Senate did something President Cain disapproved of.

    At least Romney has experience in the political arena in a critical position, as governor of one of the 50 states; Gingrich also has experience in one of the highest offices in the land, even if he was elected to that office by his colleagues and not the electorate. President Obama’s experience on the national stage was admittedly sparse, but at this point, of course, he has far more experience in the office than any of his challengers.

    Take good care, and may God bless us all!



    • March 2, 2012 9:40 pm

      Mitt appears as if he will ride the Olympics all the way to the nomination, but that is where it will end. He has no chance of defeating Barack Obama, I don’t care what the pundits say about him being the most electable. It is a sad state that the Republican party is in–at least in this election cycle. They have some good people who simply are not ready to run yet, maybe in 2016, but not yet.
      You make an interesting point about Obama; at this stage he is the most experienced candidate running for the presidency.


  2. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    March 2, 2012 6:15 pm

    Sorry, forgot to sign up for the followup comments feature . . .


    • lou222 permalink
      March 3, 2012 10:48 am

      TGY, have I missed something here with your above comment?


      • The Georgia Yankee permalink
        March 3, 2012 11:03 am

        No, it’s that option when you leave a comment – I get every new post to Steve’s blog, but none of the followup comments unless I also commented, and specifically requested followups.

        So I try to make it a habit, when I post a comment, to click the box that says “Nofity me of followup comments via email” – otherwise, I won’t get them, and I lose the opportunity to keep our sometimes scintillating conversations alive!

        Drying off this morning after some massive storms last night – hope all’s well everywhere else. Take good care, and may God bless us all!



      • March 3, 2012 12:07 pm

        We just got 12″ of snow Wednesday and Thursday, but all is well here.


      • lou222 permalink
        March 3, 2012 3:23 pm

        Ok, thanks, guess I have overlooked that box myself. I know if I don’t keep up, then I do tend to not get some of the comments back to me. I will try remembering that when I post. Some of the posts are best left alone, but others I really want to hear what that person has to say. We have had rain here in central Illinois, along with very high winds ( my miata is low and wide to the ground, so St. Louis and back is not bad), the semi-trucks and SUV’s are having trouble with that. Glad to hear you are just with rain and Steve with snow, we can deal with that. I have done EMA for years, keeping my fingers crossed we do not get the activity this Spring we have had in the past. The plains can get bad with the tornados and straight line winds.


  3. March 2, 2012 8:23 pm

    The Republican Party really sucks. It just sucks a little less than the Democrats.


    • March 2, 2012 9:41 pm

      And I don’t think there is enough distinguishing them from the Democrats at this point to make it worthwhile to vote for them in the general election.


  4. stinkprogress permalink
    March 2, 2012 9:46 pm

    Steve, you beat the msm to the punch with this. Nice, Levin did a segment on this snd confirmed what Ive been thinking all along. If Romney gets the nod were in trouble.


    • March 2, 2012 9:53 pm

      We sure will be in trouble, at this point I think he might be the least electable candidate of all of those still standing. Obama has built his whole reelection campaign to go against a Romney nomination and the GOP seems all too willing to go along.


  5. bunkerville permalink
    March 2, 2012 11:13 pm

    We are simply toast. No one can even follow the Contraceptive issue let alone the big issues, or cares for the most part. Its about liberty and no one has a clue what it will be like after all of it is gone.


    • March 3, 2012 8:19 am

      The media and the Democrats have been allowed to control the debate and they have managed to take the spotlight off the important issues and Obama’s failed policies and the Republicans have fallen for this tactic once again. They will never learn.


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