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United Nations calls for disciplinary action against the United States for Koran burning

March 5, 2012

   In the wake of Barack Obama’s assurances that the multiple apologies issued to the Middle East in the wake of the accidental Koran burnings have helped to quell the violence in the region two more people–Afghan citizens–were killed earlier today at a United States base in Afghanistan in a protest against the Koran burnings.

  Meanwhile the United Nations is calling for disciplinary action to be taken against those who are responsible for this “grave mistake.” Simply going through sensitivity training on the proper way to handle religious materials is not enough for the United Nations, they want punishment for those involved:

I agree with those who say that after this apology and after the  investigation disciplinary actions should follow, those who were behind  this grave mistake should be held accountable for it

  The people who were behind this “grave mistake” must be punished? Grave mistake? You would think the United States just firebombed Dresden by this reaction, when in fact it appears as if the “offenders” were simply following protocol for the destruction of property which was being used by the captured enemy to communicate with the outside world to further their cause in the war.

    As for the desecration of the Koran; the reporting on this issue is notable in its absence of reminding everyone that the Muslim inmates themselves desecrated the Koran first by writing notes inside of it in the first place. Where is the outrage in this instance and why aren’t those inmates also facing the same scrutiny from the United Nations for desecrating the Muslim holy book?

  If we have reached the point in Afghanistan where we can no longer effectively prosecute the war without fear of repercussions from the United Nations then perhaps it is time to end the war.

  The United States has brought Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and most of the al Qaeda leadership to justice so why are we still fighting if our troops are going to be brought to trial for actions so trivial as burning a few books which were being used to fight the war against us?

  Our troops have performed brilliantly, they have met every challenge in this unorthodox war and they have either killed or captured virtually every person behind the September 11th attack with one loose end still remaining; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is still rotting in GITMO awaiting justice. It is becoming more clear to me every day that there is nothing else we can accomplish in Afghanistan, the rest is up to them to settle amongst themselves.

  Our troops will come home in honor and we can settle the one piece of business still pending; putting Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial in a military tribunal and executing him once he is found guilty. Then it will truly be “mission accomplished.”

23 Comments leave one →
  1. Phillip Cleary permalink
    March 5, 2012 10:42 pm

    I kind of wonder where the U.N.’s outrage was when Christians were being killed in Iraq and Egypt. Not to mention the firebombings of the churches and the desecration of the bible and vestments of the priests?

    But hey, were just Christians all 2.3 billion of us.


    • March 6, 2012 7:38 am

      There certainly is a double standard isn’t there. And isn’t a man on death row over there because he converted to Christianity?


  2. March 6, 2012 1:02 am

    How about criminal prosecutions for those who murdered American Soldiers. The UN is a useless body that we should no longer fund. Time to take our football and walk away from this.


    • Only the truth permalink
      March 6, 2012 7:21 am

      If America got occupied…..RON PAUL 2012

      The American soldiers ‘didn’t have’ to die in the ‘illegal’ war the USA started. Remember that.

      They didn’t strike on US soil.. you struck on theirs… watch the video.


      • March 6, 2012 7:42 am

        I’ve seen this Ron Paul campaign video before, but thanks for posting it. Perhaps you missed that whole September 11th thing.


    • March 6, 2012 7:40 am

      I agree John, we have done all we can for these people and it is time to come home. I thought the killing of bin Laden offered us that opportunity, and now we should take it.


  3. March 6, 2012 1:09 am

    I’m sure Obama is readying his hair shirt and knotted rawhide whip so that he may begin the self flagellation so treasured by those who are weak kneed apologists for any ass that comes along.

    The truth is that the UN has become irrelevant and corrupt. That sorry refuge for dictators, murderers and every other type of international scumbag have marginalized what might have been a great world body for peace at one time in its sorry existence.

    The idea that anyone would take them seriously is laughable…..WM


    • March 6, 2012 7:44 am

      The UN has outlived its usefullness and it has turned into an organization bent on the global redistribution of wealth. Because the US is (was) a wealthy nation we are continually in their sights, but what is most scary is the fact that our president does in fact take them seriously.


      • lou222 permalink
        March 6, 2012 7:48 pm

        I think someone else needs to take over the upkeep on the UN, move it to another country. I am tired of paying their rent and of having the undesirables coming to MY country with immunity in the area of the UN. What is up with that?


      • March 6, 2012 9:48 pm

        I agree, get the UN out of the US. It is being said that Obama hopes to one day be head of the UN and that might be even be a scarier situation than the one we are now in!


      • lou222 permalink
        March 6, 2012 10:27 pm

        Steve, I am not sure, but can an American BE head of the UN? Of course I am assuming he IS an American, maybe he is and maybe he isn’t. That would be the deciding factor.


      • March 6, 2012 10:38 pm

        As far as I know an American can be head of the UN, but I could be wrong.


      • lou222 permalink
        March 7, 2012 8:26 am

        I, for some reason thought that someone from the USA could not be head of the UN. Maybe TGY will stop by, he usually knows that sort of thing. I am usually a fountain of useless information and for that reason, it sticks in the back of my head as a “no” answer.


      • March 7, 2012 6:07 pm

        If you are right he will probably just say he is from Kenya. 🙂


  4. March 6, 2012 1:54 am

    Well at least we’re not paying to keep the UN in business or doing their dirty work because they are a corrupt organization filled with 3rd World despotic nations who sit on councils and judge the United States.

    Because if those things were true there might be a problem.


  5. stinkprogress permalink
    March 6, 2012 3:54 am

    This story makes my blood boil!
    Amazing how the so called “intellectuals” bend over backwards and give credence to the biggest most murderous bullsh$it radical CULTS on earth, one based entirely on crap whos prophet was a rapist pedophile and a butcher.
    But have no issues whatsoever denigrating christians and their values.
    And remember how the democrats came to the defense of the poor little fed employees who may have to pay a little more for their generous benifits. But remain silent when it is revealed that this white house proposes enormous cuts to the troops health care causing theirbrates to increase ovee 300%.
    This is a war folks and the whitehouse needs our brave men and women to be the first casualty.


    • March 6, 2012 7:47 am

      There certainly is a double standard, why is it that the feds are willing to take on the Catholic church but are so scared to go after the religioin of peace when it is needed? Could it be they aren’t so peaceful after all?


  6. Only the truth permalink
    March 6, 2012 7:49 am

    Interesting video. I’m not from the USA.. but I can tell you. I wouldn’t want to send my son into another country such as this with their power and backing. Of course Obama and Israel have nothing to lose by doing so.

    IF the USA should come out alive.. what was it all for? Iran wants peace. Why doesn’t the USA? Here’s why…

    US Planned Invasion of Seven Countries Back In 2001

    World War 3 IRAN

    United Nations calls for disciplinary action against the United States for Koran burning


  7. March 6, 2012 9:24 am

    “If we have reached the point in Afghanistan where we can no longer effectively prosecute the war without fear of repercussions from the United Nations then perhaps it is time to end the war.”

    It’s long past time to end this war and it’s time to tell the UN to go to hell! If our “aplogizer-in-chief” goes along with punishing our troops, I will never forgive him. I would say he should be impeached; but that will never happen.


    • lou222 permalink
      March 6, 2012 7:50 pm

      New World Order, C on F, New World Order!!!!


    • March 6, 2012 9:49 pm

      I think it is time to end the war and bring our heros home to a warm welcome at last.


  8. bunkerville permalink
    March 6, 2012 4:26 pm

    Just tell the Middle East that we sent the “Big One” to Japan, and now knock it off or one or two will be coming your way. I cannot believe the whole damn place wants to see Allah. I could be wrong- well, anyway, we gave them their wish. Enjoy the virgins.


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