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Gunrunner: The ATF helped gun shops avoid taxes in order to hide Operation Fast and Furious

April 24, 2012

  I started reading Katie Pavlich’s book on Operation Fast and Furious earlier today and while most of what I have read won’t come as much surprise to anyone who has closely followed this story it is a marvelous book which really helps to tie all the events together and exposes the depth of the Obama regime’s cover up in this scandal.

  On page 58 of the book Katie Pavlich mentions something that I hadn’t read in any of the reports to date; I cannot provide a link to the page so I will quote it verbatim:

 “Not only did Voth encourage the gun shops to make illegal arms sales, but he and Hope McCallister actually instructed gun shop owners like Andre Howard of Lone Wolf Trading Company on how to file their taxes in such a way that would prevent IRS inquiries, which otherwise might happen because of the spikes in their shops’ incomes.”

    That is quite an interesting revelation to say the least. Several gun shops were “cooperating” with the ATF in Operation Fast and Furious because the ATF is the government agency which issues the licenses to the gun shops to sell weapons and they feared the ATF would pull their licenses if they failed to assist the ATF in this scandal. These gun shops were forced into selling weapons to straw buyers and there wasn’t anything they could do about it for fear of the repercussions even though they knew what was going on wasn’t legitimate.

  Because gun shops such as Lone Wolf Trading Company were now selling weapons to people they otherwise would not sell weapons to the sudden increase in revenue might draw the attention of the IRS who would look deeper into why the gun shops suddenly had this increase in sales. Naturally the ATF couldn’t have this so Hope McCallister actively helped initiate tax fraud and deception in an attempt to keep the deadly scandal secret. (And all this was happening as the Obama regime tried to pin the blame for the Mexican drug violence at the feet of “unscrupulous gun dealers,” somehow neglecting to mention that it was his government forcing the gun dealers into this action.)

  Operation Fast and Furious is directly responsible for the deaths of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata, and hundreds of Mexicans and all those who approved this deadly operation–possibly Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama–are also responsible for what happened under their watch, and now we can include the crimes of tax evasion and fraud to the list of crimes committed in this coverup. Of course tax fraud is nothing new to the Obama regime, just ask Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner about that.

16 Comments leave one →
  1. April 24, 2012 8:23 pm

    This government is totally out of control. I don’t think there is anything Issa’s cpmmittee can really do. We can only get rid of this stench by voting them out of office.


    • April 24, 2012 8:42 pm

      Issa did a hell of a job, but you may be right about him not really being able to do anything. If he could I think he already would have. I hate to see this delayed until after the electioin because if the Dems do take back the House we will never get to the bottom of this.


      • lou222 permalink
        April 24, 2012 9:00 pm

        Did you hear Boehner say that the Democrats have a one in three chance of taking back the House? Now either he is setting something up OR he is really stupid to be doing this. I will have to read more about it before I get a good feel on this, but i don’t think it warranted him going on tv and saying this now.


      • April 25, 2012 6:30 am

        I did hear him say this, but I don’t know what his reasoning was or why he thought it was a good idea to throw that out there. It seemed to be out of the blue.


  2. lou222 permalink
    April 24, 2012 8:30 pm

    It just keeps getting better and better, but will it ever be dealt with? I mean, we find out, but then something much more critical comes up and the media sweeps the first thing under the rug. I am beginning to believe that it would not matter what this Administration does, they will never have to suffer any consequences. So many people have been involved in this cover-up where does one start to prosecute them! So many people have also been hurt by what has happened and they still remain without any satisfaction or closure to this mess. I believe that there are “high-ups” that need to be put in prison.


    • April 24, 2012 8:44 pm

      Sadly, I feel like you do on this. I am beginning to wonder if this whole regime is going to get away with this. Reading Pavlich’s book really highlights the extent of this coverup and it will be a shame if nobody is punished for this.


  3. LD Jackson permalink
    April 24, 2012 9:57 pm

    I am still hoping the Republicans are waiting until it gets closer to the election before they blow the lid off this scandal. It sounds mean and vindictive, but that is exactly what the Democrats would do, if the situation was reversed.


    • April 25, 2012 6:31 am

      That could be part of the motivation Larry and I wouldn’t blame them if that was exactly what they were waiting for, but above all I want justice.


      • lou222 permalink
        April 25, 2012 8:14 am

        The problem I have with waiting, is that there is always someone that will leak what is going down and then the damage control comes out and in the end it is as they say “nothing to see here”. At that point they have lost something major that might have made a difference only to putting it off too long. LD, we know what thd Dems do, but for some reason it doesn’t work with the Republicans. Why is that?


      • LD Jackson permalink
        April 25, 2012 1:10 pm

        I think it doesn’t work for us because the media is so far in the corner of the left. It is quite the uphill battle we are fighting.


      • April 25, 2012 8:46 pm

        Larry makes a great point, we can’t act like Democrats because the media would call us out on it while they give the Dems a pass. We are fighting a two pronged war here.


  4. bunkerville permalink
    April 24, 2012 10:10 pm

    Off topic a bit, but heard Romney’s acceptance of winning tonight and it was very good. His wife is a definite asset. Perhaps we will have to wait until January, but we can still press charges and investigate. So if that is the way it is to be, I will take it.


    • April 25, 2012 6:32 am

      I’ll take it too Bunker, but there is no guarantee Romney will win and waiting isn’t a chance I would like to take.


    • lou222 permalink
      April 25, 2012 8:18 am

      B, I agree it was a good speech. His wife would be a breath of fresh air in the White House, wouldn’t she? I am very tired of seeing the one in there with a sneer on her face most the time. She has worn me out and she is not what I consider a first lady to be. She knows that as well, but as usual it is thrown in our faces and they dare us to say it. Tired of that, too. I am just plain “tired” and need a change, let’s hope we can pull it off.


      • April 25, 2012 8:47 pm

        I just watched the speech a little while ago at Bunker’s place and it was a great speech, and yes Ann Romney would be a breath of fresh air in the White House. It would be nice to have someone in the WHite House who is actually proud of her country.



  1. Gunrunner: Did the Obama regime blackmail the Mexican government to remain silent on Fast and Furious? « America's Watchtower

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