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The Department of Injustice orders Florida to stop purging ineligible voters from its voting rolls

June 1, 2012

  As Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder is the highest law enforcement agent in the country and it is his duty to uphold the laws of the nation, yet earlier this week he appeared in front of a council of African American church leaders and tried to whip them into a frenzy by falsely claiming that their “sacred right” to vote is under attack all across the nation as states try to implement voter ID laws. Asking people to prove they are who they claim they are before they are allowed to vote seems more than reasonable but the Attorney General has decided that instead of ensuring the sanctity of the vote he would turn it into an us versus them political issue in an attempt to further divide Americans according to race. Hardly becoming of a sitting Attorney General to say the least.

  But Eric Holder and the Department of Injustice didn’t stop there: Florida is in the midst of purging its voter roll to remove people who are ineligible to vote in the state. Some of the voters in question are felons, some are dead, some are non-citizens, and some are illegal aliens. Earlier today the Department of Injustice sent the state of Florida a letter demanding the state stop purging the voter rolls of ineligible voters.

    The Department of Injustice claims that Florida didn’t follow proper procedure and because of this the state is in violation of federal election law, while Florida claims the state is not in violation of any law and in fact the Department of Injustice has been stonewalling Florida’s attempt at purging the voter rolls for nine months.

  Florida is seriously considering fighting the Department of Injustice:

We are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot,” said Chris Cate, spokesman for Secretary of State Ken Detzner, who was ordered by Gov. Rick Scott to conduct the search for potentially ineligible voters

  One thing appears to be certain here: The department charged with upholding the law doesn’t seem to have any interest in making sure there is no voter fraud in the state of Florida and by this action today, coupled with the alleged stonewalling on this issue, you could easily come to the conclusion that the Department of Injustice is helping ineligible voters to perpetrate voter fraud.

  Why would the Department of Injustice have a problem with the state of Florida purging their voter rolls of ineligible voters? The answer is fairly clear; it is being done for political reasons without a concern at all about ensuring we have a free and fair election in November.

  Florida is going to play a huge role in determining who our next president is because Florida is a swing state–many would say Florida is THE swing state, as goes Florida as goes the nation–and it is likely the outcome of the presidential election in Florida could be determined by a small amount of votes. Because many of the ineligible voters in Florida would likely vote for Barack Obama it behooves the Obama regime to leave as many of these voters on the rolls, hence this obvious politically motivated announcement today.

  When we cannot trust the Justice Department to seek justice we cannot trust our government at all, but this is the situation we now find ourselves in and Florida must fight this decision to the bitter end. We cannot have the future of our country hinging on the votes of a few felons, dead people, and illegal aliens.

36 Comments leave one →
  1. June 1, 2012 7:52 pm

    Holder should be held to answer for not respecting the Tenth Amendment. He is a race baiter stirring up the ignorant who haven’t a clue to begin with.

    How far we have ‘devolved’ with this socialist administration. Holder needs to be thrown out on his ass but as we’ve seen the RINOs are a bunch of wimps who can’t even seem to hold him in contempt – as a result I guess anything goes….WM


    • June 1, 2012 8:05 pm

      Holder is a digrace to the office and has been since he dismissed the Black Panther case, but the Republicans simply don’t have the guts to go after him. It is a disgrace.


    • lou222 permalink
      June 1, 2012 9:39 pm

      William, AG Holder has alot to answer for already, it seems that it just doesn’t matter. The problem is that Florida is NOT an isolated case in voter fraud. If someone has to “win” by voter fraud, it doesn’t say much about that person, does it? Of course it has become the “norm”, so where do we go from here? We use ID’s for so many things in our daily lives, how can this be such a big problem? And, to add racial undertones to it is just plain wrong. I have really formed a “negative opinion” of AG Holder, I will hold off on elaborating any further.


      • June 1, 2012 10:07 pm

        We need ID for so many things, why would voting be any different? Of course we know the answer, don’t we?


  2. June 1, 2012 8:13 pm

    If Holder had his way, he would let the people of Cuba and Haiti vote too. I sure hope Florida stands their ground. This Injustice Department is an OUTRAGE!!!


    • June 1, 2012 8:26 pm

      SHHH, don’t give Holder any ideas! 🙂


    • lou222 permalink
      June 1, 2012 9:46 pm

      I doubt that Jim has let anything out of the bag, they have full time plotters doing that as we speak (or type)!


      • June 1, 2012 10:08 pm

        You’ve got that right Lou, they have been plotting this for quite some time and have left no stone unturned.


  3. stinkprogress permalink
    June 1, 2012 8:45 pm

    Would the people who he speaks to be it Preachers or other require vetting including showing ID just to be in the AG,s presence?
    Im sure it must be for the President everywhere he goes.


  4. LD Jackson permalink
    June 1, 2012 9:07 pm

    Of course they don’t want the voter rolls cleaned out. That might jeopardize some of their base.


    • lou222 permalink
      June 1, 2012 9:44 pm

      Sad state of affairs, isn’t it, Larry? To win under those circumstances is really not a win. It is cheating, plain and simple. Most of us knew better than to cheat years ago in school, there were consequences if we did. Apparently this administraion has not learned that.


      • June 1, 2012 10:11 pm

        They believe a win at any cost is a win and it doesn’t matter how they get that win, bu hook or by crook. It’s not that they haven’t learned this, they just don’t care.


      • lou222 permalink
        June 1, 2012 10:22 pm

        OR, they count the votes enough times to find a few hundred extra in a trunk or in a basement and people ALLOW it to happen. It is unbelievable that can happen and they can do it with a straight face. Have they no shame????


      • June 2, 2012 6:28 am

        They don’t have any shame because they know we can’t really do anything about it and the end justifies the means in their minds.


    • June 1, 2012 10:10 pm

      Yep, and it might just cost them the election if ineligible voters aren’t allowed to vote.


  5. June 1, 2012 11:44 pm

    Love that “Department of Injustice”! Eric Holder is a political hack, who is just obeying his masters orders, like some dog on a leash! For years the Democratic Party has survived on corruption in the huge metro centers to maintain power, power they would lose without tombstoning and voter fraud. Holder is just upholding what is an established tradition in big city democratic politics nothing less.


    • June 2, 2012 6:32 am

      Thanks Ron, I like that one as well. Sadly between the Black Panthers voter intimidation case being dropped and Fast and Furious the name is all too fitting.


  6. June 2, 2012 2:19 am

    My recollection is that the last time Florida did this, I think under Governor Bush, it also managed to purge a few hundred thousand eligible voters whose names were similar to felons’ names. It just happened that the majority of the eligible voters who were purged were black, and thus presumptive Dem voters. This may be why the DOJ is apprehensive about the current efforts. Just like the sudden push to require people who have been voting for years without a photo ID, to get one. Why not just grandfather those people and require photo IDs of everyone registering now and going forward?

    And require those requesting absentee ballots to prove their identity as well.

    And are there any cases of people showing up at the polls claiming to be who they aren’t? It seems to me that out of all the screeching about voter fraud, it all has to do with registration fraud or stuffing the ballot box – neither of which has to do with the kind of voter fraud the wild-eyed radicals are screaming is at epidemic proportions.

    Take good care, and may God bless us all!



    • June 2, 2012 6:41 am

      Of course nobody wants to see eligible voters get caught in this and I would hope the state is doing overything possible to verify they have the right person.I am not sure if this was done the last time, but in this case the state is notifying the people whom they may purge from the rolls and asking them to respond within a certain timeframe. If they do not respond they might then be purged. This way nobody shows up at the polls unaware they have lost the right to vote, and it would seem as if any eligible voter who got one of these notices would contact the state as soon as possible. I know I would.


  7. June 2, 2012 2:26 am

    In addition, it appears that federal law requires that purging efforts end 90 days before an election. Since Florida has a primary on August 16, that means the purging should have ended May 15.

    Again, I don’t think there’s any opposition to removing really dead people from the rolls. Purging the rolls of the dead only in majority black counties, though, could lead to problems – if a fellow named Smith died and the GOP Secretary of State decides not to take any changes and purge anyone named Smith . . .


    • June 2, 2012 6:42 am

      Florida is claiming the DOJ has been stonewalling the voter purge for nine months, could it be they were trying to ensure Florida couldn’t finish the purge in time?


  8. June 2, 2012 11:04 am

    I’ve been following this story a little bit. I think the issue is that the files Florida is going off of are not necessarily fully up-to-date. There was a well publicized case of a 91 year old WWII veteran who got a letter saying he wasn’t a U.S. citizen. He was born in Brooklyn.

    Fortunately he had his Army discharge papers and sent them in but I’d imagine there will be many people who might not have the necessary documents laying around.

    I want to see only proper people getting “purged” but I’m not sure how good this process is.


    • June 2, 2012 8:37 pm

      That is a valid issue Harrison and I don’t want to see anyone who is eligible to vote to be taken from the rules, but that isn’t the reason why Eric Holder halted this process.


      • June 3, 2012 9:13 pm

        Oh I know why Holder stepped in. Just saying that what’s going on in Florida might not be totally up to snuff.


      • June 3, 2012 9:26 pm

        You could be right.


  9. bunkerville permalink
    June 2, 2012 5:00 pm

    I have a really bad feeling about this election. Spain has the servers for our election results? They will find a way for Obama to make it. You bet.


    • June 2, 2012 8:40 pm

      I hear you there Bunkerville, I don’t trust these people at all and would not put anything passed them.


  10. John Carey permalink
    June 2, 2012 11:25 pm

    The only reason why you wouldn’t support states that implement voter ID requirements is if you wanted to foster an environment where voting fraud can take place. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with creating that environment. People need to wake up and see this for what it really is.


    • June 3, 2012 7:09 am

      You’ve got that right John, there is a reason certain politicians want to leave an atmoshpere in place where fraud can occur and that is because they would benefit from any fraud which may take place.


  11. June 3, 2012 4:52 pm

    With a presidential election coming up, this is obviously front page news…However I didn’t see it on the front page this morning. If Romney “loses” Florida, he should demand a recount citing this issue right here as justification.



  1. Florida to sue the federal government over voter purge efforts « America's Watchtower
  2. Judge rules that Florida’s voter purge can continue « America's Watchtower

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