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Gunrunner: Fast and Furious weapon linked to an assassination attempt on a Tijuana police chief

August 8, 2012

  In addition to the deaths of Brian Terry, Jamie Zapata, and at least three hundred Mexican civilians with the use of weapons sold to the drug cartels by the United States government during the ill-fated Fast and Furious operation there was the little reported fact that the brother of a Mexican prosecutor,  Patricia Gonzalez, was also murdered with a weapon linked to the deadly scandal. This news was quickly covered up:

Tonya English, emailed her supervisors David Voth and Hope MacCallister asking  them to “not release any information” on the Fast and Furious connection to that  murder

  Because the House voted to hold Eric Holder in civil contempt of Congress they are able to move forward with a lawsuit against the president’s assertion of executive privilege in regards to the scandal. They are now planning to sue in federal court for the release of the long sought after documents, and during this process we have now learned of yet another major crime attempted with a Fast and Furious linked weapon.

    Mexican drug lords attempted to assassinate the police chief of Tijuana and a weapon linked to Fast and Furious was recovered when the attempt was foiled:

The gun — which “was seized in Tijuana in connection with a drug cartel’s  conspiracy to kill the police chief of Tijuana, Baja California, who later  became the Juárez police chief” — is tied to Fast and Furious.

“The firearm was found Feb. 25, 2010, during an arrest of a criminal cell  associated with Teodoro ‘El Teo’ García Simental and Raydel ‘El Muletas’ López  Uriarte, allies of the Sinaloa cartel,” Diana Washington Valdez wrote on Monday  for the El Paso Times. “Tijuana police said they arrested four suspects in March  2010 in connection with a failed attempt to take out Julián Leyzaola, and that  the suspects allegedly confessed to conspiring to assassinate the police chief  on orders from Tijuana cartel leaders

  With this news and the news of the murdered brother of a Mexican prosecutor one has to wonder why Mexico isn’t turning this into an international incident, after all they have claimed they were not working with the United States government on Fast and Furious. This leads us to speculate: Barack Obama has recently made a number of immigration law changes–from closing several border patrol stations, to loosening immigration laws, to implementing the DREAM Act–and one has to wonder if there is a deal between the United States and Mexico to keep this from becoming an international incident.

  I have no proof of what I just stated, but that doesn’t matter because the burden of proof is not on me for I am the one who made the allegation. The burden of proof is on Barack Obama and Eric Holder to prove me wrong, if they do not they must be guilty for that is what Harry Reid has taught us over the last week.

  And if that isn’t the reason, there is still a rumor out there that Barack Obama is blackmailing Mexico with the threat to cancel a $500 million initiative to combat drug violence in that country.

40 Comments leave one →
  1. August 8, 2012 8:46 pm

    It is starnge that hasn’t made an issue out of Fast and Furious. There has to be a reason and your speculations are as good as any. Hopefully this civil suit will bear fruit. I so want Eric Holder to pay for his crimes.


    • August 9, 2012 5:59 am

      It is all beginning to come together isn’t it? I wouldn’t be surprised if I was close to the truth. I am glad to hear that the House is still going after those documents and I hope that someday we learn the truth.


  2. bunkerville permalink
    August 8, 2012 9:18 pm

    It makes sense to me. Who know how many deals he made with how many countries. Obama first, American comes last on the list.


    • August 9, 2012 6:00 am

      Exactly, I don’t think there is much he wouldn’t do if it meant covering his own ass.


  3. lou222 permalink
    August 8, 2012 9:27 pm

    All of it is just plain dirty dealing. I think Obama has gotten in over his head on this one and there is blackmail going on, but on who’s part would be hard to say. We know that Mexicos government is corrupt and we are learning how corrupt our government has become. Should be interesting to see how the media spins this one. So, while AG Holder is blocking any information that might be relevant on F&F, another person has been murdered, he has alot to answer for on this one, as well.


    • August 9, 2012 6:02 am

      I think Obama is in over his head period. He was not ready to be president and I think he proves it more and more everyday. He and Holder do have alot to answer for on Fast and Furious and I hope that someday they will pay the price for their roles in this scandal.


  4. Fallon permalink
    August 8, 2012 10:10 pm

    The US govt. did not sell those guns to the cartels. STIMULUS FUNDS, cash!, were funneled via FBI to cartel ‘agents’ with instructions to purchase certain types if firearms.

    IOWs, we payed them to come take freebies, and we ignored many drug shipments as a bonus.


    • August 9, 2012 6:04 am

      You are right, the government may have allowed the criminals to purchase the weapons but the American people are the ones who paid for them.


  5. MaddMedic permalink
    August 8, 2012 11:04 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word….


  6. Georgia Peach permalink
    August 9, 2012 12:00 am

    According to this article Fast and Furious guns have been found at least 200 crime scenes.


    • August 9, 2012 6:06 am

      And there are still weapons out there, so this isn’t even over yet.


    • lou222 permalink
      August 9, 2012 8:18 am

      But, GP, it seems that what they can’t cover up, they justify somehow, My question is HOW do they get away with this time and time again? Surely the media is getting tired of not only covering for them, but losing integrity, besides losing readers/followers.


      • cmblake6 permalink
        August 9, 2012 9:40 am



      • Anonymous permalink
        August 9, 2012 2:27 pm

        What we have here is not only a teflon president but a teflon afministration. This whole bunch is protected by a constitution they abhor and pick apart for their own convenience. They are protected by a DOJ with Holder as their bagman, a corrupt press and electronic media, and most despicably by a majority of citizens who are either ignorant, indifferent, undereducated and unable to exercise critical judgements.Coupled with an opposition party whose job it is to oppose and out the destruction the traitor in chief is unleashing, but instead tip toes through the tulips, is leading the way to the inevitable crash.The ballot box, that very thing generations of our forefathers shed their blood for is what is going to legitimize the evil planned for us all.


      • Georgia Peach permalink
        August 9, 2012 6:36 pm

        lou, a interesting report that discusses the MSM in reporting the Big 0:

        Click to access ObamaMiraclePDF%20%283%29.pdf


      • August 9, 2012 7:03 pm

        People have caught on to the MSM and that is why they are losing viewers, but that doesn’t stop them, in fact they seem to be doubling down.


      • lou222 permalink
        August 9, 2012 7:06 pm

        We thought Bill Clinton was bad, we are in for a couple months of the likes we have never seen before. We have corruption that should be dealt with swiftly and we have a Republican party that doesn’t want to over step their bounds or offend anyone…we have wimps in there. You are correct on saying we have “evil planned for us all”, that is one good way of putting it. GP, will go to that website and read it, we know the media is responsible for all the lies that are not being held accountable for what they are. I hope they one day understand the damage they have been a party to with taking this once magnificent country down. I know they say that good always wins out over evil, but doubt who said that has run across what we are dealing with now. We have some in the administration that have no souls, that is what will be our downfall, people that will do anything to achieve their outcome.


      • August 9, 2012 7:06 pm

        Anonymous is right, this regime is very well shielded and that is how they are getting awau with this. At least for now, I think the American people are waking up an maybe we will hold him accountable in November.


  7. cmblake6 permalink
    August 9, 2012 9:42 am

    Reblogged this on Cmblake6's Weblog and commented:
    Not only the article, but the comments ask some pretty damn serious questions.


    • lou222 permalink
      August 10, 2012 9:32 am

      We are always trying to mull over what is going on, guess we do tend to have alot of questions, don’t we?


      • cmblake6 permalink
        August 10, 2012 9:36 am

        Yeah. Isn’t it wonderful how the gummint keeps us on our toes?


      • August 10, 2012 8:37 pm

        So much comes at us that it is hard to keep up with it all, and somehow I think that is how they want it.


      • lou222 permalink
        August 10, 2012 9:03 pm

        CM, it is just a side show, maybe we will focus on it, perhaps?


    • August 11, 2012 8:00 am

      Thank you, thank you!


  8. lou222 permalink
    August 9, 2012 8:37 pm

    GP, that article was a long read, but a good one. The most telling setence was when Jonathan Alter said Obama was “honest”, he lost me with that comment. What is scarey, is that there are those that BELIEVE that.


    • Georgia Peach permalink
      August 9, 2012 10:11 pm

      Thankfully there is the Blogisphere, otherwise there would no honest reporting at all. Apparently the MSM is bought and paid for because what they are not reporting is very telling.


      • lou222 permalink
        August 10, 2012 9:36 am

        I think more and more people are starting to read between the lines. Some day I hope the media sees what they have done, but not sure they would ever admit to any wrong doing. Yes, thank goodness we have places like this to vent and compare notes, as they say. The media should be ashamed of what they have become, at one time they were well respected, now they are “media whores” at best for corruption.


      • August 10, 2012 8:38 pm

        You’ve got that right GP! If it weren’t for the internet there would be nobody keeping an eye on what is going on.


      • August 10, 2012 8:40 pm

        I think you are right Lou, more and more people are getting their news from the internet and people are abandoning the MSM because they do not trust them to report the unbiased truth. This is good for the people but bad for the politicians and the MSM.


  9. lou222 permalink
    August 10, 2012 4:49 pm

    This was an article I found today, seems that the 2nd amendment works, What would the outcome have been had this man not been free to protect his property? Who would these stolen guns have fallen into the hands of? This is what our current administration wants, to disarm private citizens. Then, will we be subject to anything goes when the thieves and robbers come calling? Will we be like the UK, have to run out the backdoor? All you have to do is look at Chicago! On the website, there is a daily article on how many people are dead and wounded in Chicago every night…this is a “guns free” city…we have the right to protect ourselves. Taking guns away will only protect the thugs, not private citizens.


    • lou222 permalink
      August 10, 2012 4:50 pm

      Was it something I said???


      • Georgia Peach permalink
        August 10, 2012 6:16 pm

        I found the article refreshing, especially since it was in Georgia.


      • August 10, 2012 8:41 pm

        Because you had a couple of links in the same comment it got sent to my spam folder, but it is up there now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    • August 10, 2012 8:45 pm

      A great story Lou, it is always great to hear stories like this where someone is able to stop a crime because they are exercising their second amendment rights. Isn’t it amazing the the liberals either don’t understand or just completely ignore the fact that most gun crimes are committed in places with the most strict gun laws?


      • lou222 permalink
        August 10, 2012 9:02 pm

        Oh, I think they already know, but they are on a one way track to taking our rights away, they just ignore the trivial stuff. I thought it was something worth passing on. And, above, there was no inconvenience, just thought I might have something not appropriate, but it did post.


      • August 11, 2012 8:03 am

        They sure are taking our rights away, just chipping away at them one little piece at a time.
        My spam filter catches all comments with more than one link so everyday I go into my spam folder and approve the ones which are not spam, more often than not they are spam but every once in awhile something gets caught that shouldn’t.



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