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Mitt Romney chooses Paul Ryan as his running mate

August 11, 2012

  It is now being reported that Mitt Romney has chosen Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan as his running mate and the official announcement will come at an event at 9:00 this morning in Virginia.

  Paul Ryan was not my first choice but he is a good choice, and much better than Tim Pawlenty, being that he is maybe the only person in Washington who understands how desperate the economic situation is becoming. And he is the one person who put forth a legitimate budget plan to address the situation while most Democrats and Republicans were afraid to tackle this tough issue due to political reasons. We have not had a budget passed in four years while politicians in Washington steered clear of Ryan’s plan and pretended it didn’t exist.

  Ironically, his greatest strength is also going to his biggest problem moving forward in the campaign. Do you remember this:

  While Paul Ryan is a good choice, this does play into the strategy Democrats have been planning to use since calling the Occupy movement into action: Democrats are going to portray the Romney/Ryan ticket as the elitist, bourgeoise, greedy capitalist ticket which will attempt to take all of your entitlements away by throwing granny off the cliff while lining the pockets of their rich friends.

  Paul Ryan’s courage to take on the tough economic issue without fear of political fallout is proof that he is a fighter, and a fighter is what Mitt Romney needs at this point, but does Paul Ryan have the same passion on other issues? Will he fight just as hard on the other issues, and how hard will he push back against the attacks which are sure to come his way? Those are the questions I have at this point.

  It remains to be seen how effective the bourgeoise vs proletariat strategy works for the Democrats–are Americans ready to make the tough choices needed to turn around the economy, or will we fall for the Democrats’ age old class warfare strategy? We will know in a few short months, I hope Paul Ryan is up for the task.

  Here is Paul Ryan at his best:

28 Comments leave one →
  1. LD Jackson permalink
    August 11, 2012 7:26 am

    Personally, I think Romney could have done a lot worse than Paul Ryan. I was afraid he would pick Pawlenty, who strikes me as a dead fish. One thing is sure, the debate between Paul Ryan and Joe Biden will be fun to watch. Ryan will clean Biden’s clock.


    • August 11, 2012 7:58 am

      I think he is a good pick as well, I was starting to get worried it was going to be Pawlenty. I can’t wait to see Ryan knock Biden around during the debate.


    • lou222 permalink
      August 11, 2012 1:41 pm

      I have the same feelings as you do. I was so hoping it would not be Pawlenty, as well. It will be fun to sit back and watch that debate, won’t it?


      • August 11, 2012 7:04 pm

        It sure will be fun, I am so glad Romney didn’t try to play it safe. He showed some courage by picking someone whom he knew would draw ire from the left, now we will see if it pays off for him.


  2. August 11, 2012 7:58 am

    This is the comment I’ve been leaving oh Romney’s today:

    Romney just went up a notch in my book. This the type of decission I would expect from a good corporate He picked a man that is smart, knowledgeable, and will be an effective contributor to the executive team. They complement each other in many ways. Romney is a big picture gut and Ryan is a detail guy. Romney is a bit of an elitest and Ryan is not. Ryan has been in Congress since 1999. He has no home or even an apartment in DC. He sleeps on a cot in his office and after the last vote on Thursday each week he heads home where his pick-up truck is parked at the airport waiting for him. men are devoted family men. Romney might have picked someone who would havebeen more helpful in the campaign to get himself elected; but he picked someone who will be a great asset if he is elected. Neither man is as bold as I would like them to be on policy; but, all in all I think we have a pretty good teaam.


    • August 11, 2012 8:07 am

      A very good accessment Jom, I look forward to seeing how this plays out. I can’t wait to hear what the msm has to say about this pick!


    • LD Jackson permalink
      August 11, 2012 8:10 am

      Well said, Jim. I think I am going to use that in a post. With full credit, of course.


      • lou222 permalink
        August 11, 2012 1:45 pm

        I was not happy with Romney and possibly still have a bit of that feeling, but I am warming up to him and I think that was an intelligent decision to pick Ryan. They do compliment each other and the comparison to Joe Biden, well, there is NONE. Let’s hope they come out fighting hard, because that is what it is going to take.


      • August 11, 2012 7:06 pm

        This pick gives me more respect for ROmney than I had before and judging from the reaction on Twitter this morning I think he has fired up the base in a way they weren’t before.


  3. August 11, 2012 1:07 pm

    I was never a big Romney fan, but he is what he is, he’s all we’ve got, and while I am 100% certain that he is infinitely better qualified than Barack Hussein Obama and will turn the direction that this nation is headed around, I wasn’t going to become too terribly enthusiastic until I saw who he picked to be his VPOTUS candidate. Now I am getting some enthusiasm!


    • lou222 permalink
      August 11, 2012 1:46 pm

      They need our backing now, T-Fred, let’s be sure and give it to them…becaus we know what the alternative will be.


    • August 11, 2012 7:06 pm

      Same here Fred, and it seems like he has fired up the base with this choice as well.


  4. August 11, 2012 6:10 pm

    LBJ and his so-called Great Society Programs have worked as planned by LBJ and the Socialist Democrats. It has created a Class of Dependency On Democrats by having dumbed down and Brainwashed the populace with the takeover of Locally Controlled Public Schoos and by the destruction of the black family as well as of all other families, poor or middle class. Whoever can articulate this message will win. It is a message whose time has come. If we continue down this road to destruction that LBJ started, we will soon be a third world banana republic, which is what Obama and other Marxists dream of.

    Paul Ryan and Romney need to articulate the FACT that Obama is the fulfillment of the Final Nail in the U.S. Constitution that LBJ started.


    • August 11, 2012 7:09 pm

      So true! The left has been infiltrating our institutions for years trying to indoctrinate our youth and they have been very successful, now is the time to turn things around before it is too late.


  5. August 11, 2012 6:11 pm

    Great pick, but only if the RNC and the Romney Camp do not Squelch Him and Give him a Gag Order. It is time to get off the damned ropes and go on the OFFENSIVE against the Obama Lying-Ass attack Machine being orchestrated by that scoundrel, David Axelrod, who is Obama’s Handler and Propaganda Campaign Speech Writer. It is time to Stop Defending Against Axelro’s Hitler-Like Lies and Propaganda. To defend against the lies is a waste of time and that is the point in the DNC Attack Ads. They do not want to Address Reality. That Reality is this: The USA cannot sustain this Debt and the USA cannot sustain the Giant Federal Bureaucracy which is nothing but a Despotic Federal Bureaucracy Empire that exists for It’s Own Sake and is Leeching the Life Blood Out of the Producers and Earners in the USA to the point that we are about to Collapse Financially. We have already Collapsed Morally under the Stewardship of this Federal Government with it’s Mandates and Legislation that has destroyed the Public Ed System, and the Family, and the Moral Fabric of this Once Great Nation. It is time for a Come Back or we will fall like Rome and the USSR if we allow 4 more years of Obama and the Amassing of Federal Power at the expense of Individual Freedom as he Expands the Bureaucratic Empire. All Empires Become Despotic, and like all Despotic Empires, they will not give up Power Willingly. We have to Take The Country Back. Paul Ryan is Good Step in the Right and Correct and Moral Direction.


    • August 11, 2012 7:11 pm

      That is a good point, hopefully Romney and the RNC will let Ryan hammer away at Obama and the entitlement mentality which has infiltrated the minds of way too many Americans.


  6. August 11, 2012 7:12 pm

    Ryan is not really a small Government guy though he does trim at the margins.

    Biggest issue with him is he’s actually gone out and written a budget which gives the Democrats tons of info from which to smear him.

    They already ran an ad showing Ryan pushing an old woman off a cliff.


    • August 13, 2012 6:07 am

      The reason I thought Mitt wouldn’t pick Ryan was because of the budget proposal. The left already hates Ryan for his budget, but they weren’t voting for ROmney anyway. This helps him shore up his base–which is saying something in itself that a candidate needs to shore up his base–and maybe those in the middle who want action will swing over to his side.


      • August 13, 2012 7:23 am

        The left are already airing a 30 second video of a 71 year old agitator at a Paul Ryan speech who was planted to start a stir and was arrested. I left this reply to one of my conservative buddies who has already went for the Democrat Bait that they threw out just like Chumming for Sharks: Suzie Kue, you are wrong on this one. What Paul Ryan has said is no more than the truth, and that truth is that the existing Medicare System cannot be sustained. The plan will not affect anybody currently on the system or anybody who is 55 or older. The rest of the hype that this 71 year old democrat heckler was saying is nothing but Pure Democrat-Communist Propaganda being Spewed by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Obama, and the rest of his Propaganda Machine. The system has to be revamped for the future. The Democrats have been robbing the Social Security System since the days of LBJ when the Democrats Nationalized Welfare and the School System at the same time.


  7. bunkerville permalink
    August 12, 2012 10:11 pm

    I just wish they would not start out talking about Medicare, the third rail, but they have. Either way, we live by the sword, so we die.


    • August 13, 2012 6:04 am

      Maybe it is good to get this out of the way first and besides this gives them an opportunity to turn the tables on Obama for actually cutting Medicare in Obamacare.


      • August 13, 2012 7:35 am

        Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney would be WISE not to appear on any of the Corporate Network Tabloid or Feigned News Outlets including FAUX News. All the MSM, including FAUX News, are about these days is Gotcha Gossip Programs aimed at Insuring the Lying Ass Obama Machine Wins again. Do not let anybody trip you up into believing that any MEDIA in the USA today is Legitimate News and Information.., It is all gossip, innuendo, lies and Propaganda meant to Deceive and Misguide and sadly, the rotten system works and that is why we have this Soviet-Style Federal Monstrosity in place now. And this Bureaucratic Fascist Regime has been built by Both Parties as they have all for decades Sold Out the Taxpayers and The U.S. Constitution has been thrown into the Shredder.


      • pmc3 permalink
        August 13, 2012 10:33 am

        The dems were so ready for Ryan’s selection it is almost as though they had the inside track. It is eerie how to a man that the party and media apparatchchiks are greeting this nomination. Ever the pessimist I see the light at the end of the tunnel as an oncoming train. After all the harm this president and his administration have wrought upon all our heads, Obama has more than a 30% standing in any poll it is a testament to a sick citizenry, voters and non-voters alike. Hopefully events prove this wrong.


  8. pmc3 permalink
    August 13, 2012 3:18 pm

    jeromeennis makes a great point. Unfortunately this leaves only Fox which is wishy washy at best with the exception of the semi-illiterate Hannity.



  1. Paul Ryan Videos
  2. Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Ryan edition) | SENTRY JOURNAL

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